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New Combat shirts?????????????

Loachman said:
About those chest pockets and incompatibility with vests - don't forget that field troops are in the minority. There's a whole s**tload of HQs, schools, and other odds and sods which have requirements too. Why should they have to put up with mods that only cater to the pointy-end guys?
because their jobs only exist to support the pointy-end guys. The entire system is designed (or is supposed to be) around the concept that everyone is a rifleman first. Especially in today's asymmetric battlefield. There is no front line, and everyone wears the fightin' and dyin' kit. If it works for a bayonet, it works for a fin clerk.
Why should they have to put up with mods that only cater to the pointy-end guys?

Because combat shirts are neither neccesary nor designed for sitting around in a office. That's why they're called COMBAT shirts. If a soldier has kit in his pocket that he cannot get at in the middle of a battle because his pockets are under his armour, he might DIE. What exactly are your "HQ, School, odds and sods" requirements for combat clothing? Can you demonstrate convincingly that you will a) never train with body armour and b) have a pressing need to carry 2 x FN C1 magazines on your chest? Why the hell should anyone even care? No one is in danger of being killed by enemy action at any of these HQs or schools are they? Do you want your own webbing that carries less kit because you don't need to carry as many C7 magazines when you're sitting around your office too?  ???
Ahhhhh Loachman your the type that give the rest of the CSS a bad rep.  Time to turn your self onto recieve for awhile and not post things that are ignorant at best and stupid at worst.
Loachman said:
About those chest pockets and incompatibility with vests - don't forget that field troops are in the minority. There's a whole s**tload of HQs, schools, and other odds and sods which have requirements too. Why should they have to put up with mods that only cater to the pointy-end guys?

because as a CSS guy i still want to be able to fight, and i dont care if some chair cowboy doesnt like it. like the rest of em said, we exist to support the pointy end. why not train as we fight? 

Plain and simple, if HQ is concerned about looking pretty then they can wear their DEUs to work every day.. Combats were, as britney stated made for one thing. combat..
Well, I guess that my sarcasm was a bit too subtle...

Don't worry, I know full well where the priority should lie, as do the vast majority in this particular HQ, having been (and hopefully again before I get too old and creaky) pointy end. I've been heavily involved in fights for decent kit before, with mixed results, and I've seen how long it takes to get even the simplest minor change made, no matter how sensible.

The worse an idea is, however, the more support it gets at higher levels and the quicker it gets pushed through.
I apologize if you were being sarcastic.  That said there are smiles ::) that better convey that thought/emotion et al.
No problem. I never liked smilies though.

Now - do "they" make people move pockets back prior to turning shirts in, or have "they" become sensible about that?
Loachman said:
Well, I guess that my sarcasm was a bit too subtle...

Don't worry, I know full well where the priority should lie, as do the vast majority in this particular HQ, having been (and hopefully again before I get too old and creaky) pointy end. I've been heavily involved in fights for decent kit before, with mixed results, and I've seen how long it takes to get even the simplest minor change made, no matter how sensible.

The worse an idea is, however, the more support it gets at higher levels and the quicker it gets pushed through.


I did think it odd that a guy with 30+ years in service, and ex-rcr would say something like that......  now i know why....  8)
damn thats a nice shirt, if only it came in Cadpat, I would be all over that, especially if it came in cadpat Arid!
well there is one draw back to it, that is why i suggested soemthing similar to it, and that is it has alot of synthetics for moisture wicking add some heat and fire...= melt =bad for the guy wearing it.
Maybe I am out in left field, but I thought he meant it like "is everyone else getting this too?" vice the way it...came across to everyone else.  I dunno.  Just me.
So then, after all this discussion, how can we change the combat shirt? UCR? Has somehting been done?

I too don't like the C1 pockets as they are impraticable and obsolete. My thoughts on the Combat shirt are:
As someone mentioned, I agree that they should be replaced with slant pockets like the ICE jacket.
We should have pocket on both sleeves with velcro patches for IR flags.
Someone also mentioned a Mandarin collar, however I have no experience of pros and cons. I think the concept itself would be better for certain environements such as a dust storm and warmth in colder conditions. I think a system like the new US pattern would work which it can be warn collar up or down.

What can we do? Can we do anythings? Would someone at NDHQ take action?

Just a thought

I too don't like the C1 pockets as they are impraticable and obsolete.
. . . but if we change those pockets, then all the little notebooks would be the wrong size!  :o

Quagmire said:
UCR's have been done.  I guess no one cares or they aren't listening.
See comment above about armour sleeves.
Oh I have read that but haven't seen them in theatre nor any timeline on when they are being pushed through.  If they take as long as the ruck we'll probably have a new uniform anyway.  Besides I thought the US weren't fans of them unless mounted ie turret gunner.
No need to make new pockets (ie size).  Just more of the breast pocket and mount one on each sleeve.  Leave the one on the breast.  10min more in the making of the shirt.