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New Combat shirts?????????????


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I saw a documentary on our guys in K-Har awhile back and noticed some guys are wearing combat shirts with pockets on the sleeves. Very similar to the American shirts, but in CADPAT AR. Are these a new version of the combat shirt or some mods the guys are doing?

They're not new. They're modified. They took the inside pockets from the lower cargo pockets and had them sewn on the upper sleeves of each arm. This allows us to put special markings and blood types on the outside (on the velcro strips) and gives us access to things we couldn't get to while wearing the vests and armour.


Not to mention that the combats don't come like this.  The troops must cut and paste themselves.
He is serious, I am going over in Aug and if I wanted it done paid a seamstress money to sew 3 of my shirts. We are not allowed to do one shirt it has to remain "Normal" for the flight over and any parades.
Not the point.  Troops should be given the kit they need, as they need it. IMO.

dangerboy said:
He is serious, I am going over in Aug and if I wanted it done paid a seamstress money to sew 3 of my shirts. We are not allowed to do one shirt it has to remain "Normal" for the flight over and any parades.
That's so wrong (not what you said, but the system that says that our shirts must like like "x" to be on parade).  Hey, we moved the rank insignia to the front because the shoulders were covered, so why not the pockets to the sleeves?  Sure, there is that ONE pocket on the jacket, but come on!  Putting on the armour whilst forgetting to move my smokes left me more that perturbed upon finding them crushed.  Oh, not to mention my other "stuff" in my pockets, like note pads, pens, CEOIs, stuff like that.....

(Yes, I am RCR and advocating a rule change here NOT based on a drill square.  DEUs (And scarlets!) are for drill squares, not CADPAT
nuthin' better than wrestling with your flak vest to try and reach your notepad when discussing crap with a mullah. Tryin' to pull your arm inside the vest, or bend it back on itself, or go in through the neckhole.

Finally you just start undoing crap, to get to your pocket, and hope the guy isn't gonna pull a Makarov, or someone hasn't got your torso in their sights.

Stupid. Parade square/Peacekeeper mentality. We couldn't even sew the M203 bandolier pouches onto our Tac vests! ONTO them. Not removing anything, just adding. Illegal modification, charge that man!
Well, it seems like there is some common sense being used here.  Hence while the green machine will stomp all over it.  :D
If I didn't know better, I would think you guys are pulling my legs...you know "ha ha, lets get the militia guy goin"  :o

But you are serious.  Unbelieveable.

Illegal modification?  ::)
Our guys were ordered to make the mod.  Not sure about leaving one standard.  If this is the case then perhaps the manufacturer should be incorporating this into the design.
Quagmire said:
Our guys were ordered to make the mod.  Not sure about leaving one standard.  If this is the case then perhaps the manufacturer should be incorporating this into the design.
we (3 RCR) tried that a while back. We wanted to get pockets on the sleeves permanently, as well (or instead of) as the useless chest ones. Maybe I can get 'er done out here, with this CO.
From RSM TF 03-06

Your combat shirts will be handed into to CQ 1 at a time for the modification of the inside pockets to be put on your arms in theater So that this modification will cost nothing to the soldiers.

however all non theater combats are to remain unchanged. Which means your not supposed to have got it done to any of your shirts before you get off the plane in Kandahar. I know it makes no sense to me, why not just do it now before we go but hey I don;t make the rules I just follow them.
Well, let us hope that when the current issue of uniforms are out of stock, the next generation have velcro slash pockets on the chest (so you can get at them from the side, like the cbt coat) large pockets on the upper arms and pen pockets on the lover sleeves, in the same style as the US Army ACU.
The  pants need to have a velcro'ed loop just above both leg pockets to hold the tourniquets you should keep on there.
HitorMiss said:
From RSM TF 03-06

Your combat shirts will be handed into to CQ 1 at a time for the modification of the inside pockets to be put on your arms in theater So that this modification will cost nothing to the soldiers.

however all non theater combats are to remain unchanged. Which means your not supposed to have got it done to any of your shirts before you get off the plane in Kandahar. I know it makes no sense to me, why not just do it now before we go but hey I don;t make the rules I just follow them.
helluva improvement, anyway
however all non theater combats are to remain unchanged. Which means your not supposed to have got it done to any of your shirts before you get off the plane in Kandahar. I know it makes no sense to me, why not just do it now before we go but hey I don;t make the rules I just follow them.

I'm guessing HitorMiss is referring to himself,  not the RSM. The RSM presumably DOES make the rules (well, he can make the rules for himself anyway).