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New Combat Boots

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Wylie B811502
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recceguy said:
DO NOT put your boots in the microwave. You stand a chance of ruining both.


Why would we trust you? You have two posts. One about how you just passed the CFAT, and the other here, on how to break in combat boots. Please forgive us if we're a little sceptical of any advice you may give, regarding the military. At least wait until your sworn in and issued your uniform, before you try to try to pass on pointers about it's wear and care.

If I've missed something in your past, that points to anything military, perhaps filling in your profile might have helped avoid the confusion.

Again...I am sure no one has to be in the military to try this technique, well I've tried that technique to my boots. I am currently studying in police foundation, this course requires me to wear a police uniform (college's own design) and boots and the technique I was trying to teach you guys came from my professor, he is a retired cop ( yes, a former E.T.F member) so for sure this method works. Beside, I forget to tell you guys an important step to do the technique, use a slightly wet towel to cover the boot.
I would think that there'd be a problem with the metal eyelets on the boots.Microwaves don't like having any metal put into them.
So by using a wet towel in the microwave you would be steaming the boots so it would be much safer just to soak them in hot water anyway. BTW I've done it several times the other option is to wear the new boots on really hot days and sweat them into shape but this is more time consuming.
GerryCan said:
I find the best way to break in boots is to use Mink Oil. I hate soaking them and wearing them around for a said period of time.
Takes too long and the end doesn't seem to justify the means.
Cover them with mink oil, do a couple good ruck marches and you're good to go.

As for breaking in the Gore-Tex boots or CWWB or whatever.
1. Take them out of the box.
2. Put them in the trash. ;D

I absolutely despise those things. :threat:

Excellent advice, even if it does come from a member of the RCR! ;)
GerryCan said:
As for breaking in the Gore-Tex boots or CWWB or whatever.
1. Take them out of the box.
2. Put them in the trash. ;D

I absolutely despise those things. :threat:

I know it's old... but still.....


Best way to break them in when you get onto BMQ? I'm scheduled for Sept.10/07 @ St. Jean, but...I have no idea if I'll be issued Mk.IIIs, or WWBs. I'd imagine I'm going to have a very, very short time to attempt anything on them, before I start wearing them daily.
kingsumc said:
Again...I am sure no one has to be in the military to try this technique, well I've tried that technique to my boots. I am currently studying in police foundation, this course requires me to wear a police uniform (college's own design) and boots and the technique I was trying to teach you guys came from my professor, he is a retired cop ( yes, a former E.T.F member) so for sure this method works. Beside, I forget to tell you guys an important step to do the technique, use a slightly wet towel to cover the boot.

My tinfoil hat and the little combat boots gremlins in my closet don't think this would work. 

30 seconds on a microwave?  What type of microwave?  They all have different power.  Should it rotate them like it does my little salmon steaks I take for lunch??

I got used MKIII in basic so they were already broken in. yes they were broken in to other feet but it took me a lot less time then people with brand new boots to break them to my feet so ask the QM if hes got used boots. I had a lot of buddies do the water trick and it works. and once you pass your 3s course get a boot chit and slap some vibrams on those MKIII or better yet buy some Magnums or other aftermarket combat boots.

I have a question... why does one need a trick or tip to break in new boots? why doesn't he/she break them in the good ol' fashion way... wear them :). I may not have experience breaking in the type combat boots in particular you are refering to, however I have broken in many pairs of steel toe work boots of varying design, along with a couple pairs of combat's from my cadet days. Personally when I get blisters I just put a band-aid over em and keep on going, After all what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?
JBoyd said:
I have a question... why does one need a trick or tip to break in new boots? why doesn't he/she break them in the good ol' fashion way... wear them :). I may not have experience breaking in the type combat boots in particular you are refering to, however I have broken in many pairs of steel toe work boots of varying design, along with a couple pairs of combat's from my cadet days. Personally when I get blisters I just put a band-aid over em and keep on going, After all what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?

Uhhh no.

The problem is that many pers are not entitled to certain types of footwear until AFTER they have sucessfully completed BMQ/BOTP.

Then are finding themselves immediately placed on an SQ, CAP etc, and going immediately into the field humping rucks DAILY & OFTEN with brand new boots. It's a far cry from "cadet days", and any way to break them in before having to do damage to your feet ... is only better for the soldier in the long run.
ForsterFB said:

the old mid calf parade boots does anyone know if they're csa approved?

Mid calf parade boots??

I know not of what you speak.

Do you mean the ankle boots (ie Parade Boots)?? If so, not CSA approved ... but they do meet certain CSA specs. They are steel toed, but are NOT safety boots.

Do you mean the old SSF boots (these are the only ones that come to mind when I think parade/mid calf)?? If so ... no, they are not CSA approved and do not meet CSA specs.
ArmyVern said:
Mid calf parade boots??

I know not of what you speak.

Do you mean the ankle boots (ie Parade Boots)?? If so, not CSA approved ... but they do meet certain CSA specs. They are steel toed, but are NOT safety boots.

Do you mean the old SSF boots (these are the only ones that come to mind when I think parade/mid calf)?? If so ... no, they are not CSA approved and do not meet CSA specs.

Garrison boots???

mudgunner49 said:
Garrison boots???


Yeah, but I already answered the same question specific to "garrison boots" in another thread this morning ... which is now locked.
JBoyd said:
I have a question... why does one need a trick or tip to break in new boots? why doesn't he/she break them in the good ol' fashion way... wear them :). I may not have experience breaking in the type combat boots in particular you are refering to, however I have broken in many pairs of steel toe work boots of varying design, along with a couple pairs of combat's from my cadet days. Personally when I get blisters I just put a band-aid over em and keep on going, After all what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?

Band-Aid on a blister?  Not a good solution.  In fact, it could (most likely) make it worse.

The rest of your post has already been adressed for it's faults.
JBoyd said:
After all what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?

No.  An injured soldier is an injured soldier.  Not a stronger soldier.  I know many damn fine soldiers whose careers were ended due to knees and ankles wearing out in the days when 'soldiering on' was the only option in the training regime. 

There are times and places when it is necessary to 'soldier on'.  But I would counsel you that proper preparation is the best way to avoid injuries.  And treating injuries is the best way to get rid of injuries.  And ignoring injuries is the best way to ensure that injuries last much longer than they need.  So, prepare yourself and your boots so as to avoid injuries in the first place.

JBoyd said:
After all what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?

If you come into my UMS, the swift kick to the nuts I will give you for being stupid will not kill you....you'll just wish you were dead.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
If you come into my UMS, the swift kick to the nuts I will give you for being stupid will not kill you....you'll just wish you were dead.
Why kick to the nuts when you can give a cock-punch?  After all, they are more accurate.

Oh, wait, I see: what better way to trial the new boots than to dish out the junk-kicks.

Nevermind, carry on.  ;D
LMAO cant agree with you more, I believe in why wait for the injury to happen when you can prevent it from happening in the first place, save you a lot of days off T-CAT, some units just let you wear your own boots now and just not care ( one thing 3 RCR is good for  ;) ). My favs are Mk III vibram, or 5.11 HRT