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New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

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Underway: Irving looking for Scots workers too:

...Irving of Nova Scotia, is building a warship dock hall similar to the ones abandoned by BAE Systems and is currently advertising to lure skilled Clydeside shipbuilders to Canada...

MarkOttawa said:
Underway: Irving looking for Scots workers too:


Godstrewth.  Mair Clydesiders! Has everybody wi' a memory retired?

Joe Davidson

Joe Davidson, labour leader (b at Shotts, Scot 1915; d at Motherwell, Scot 23 Sept 1985). Always political, he described himself as an evolutionary socialist "with the proviso that evolution needed a shove at every opportunity.

He came to Canada in 1957 and worked in iron foundries in Hamilton and Dundas, Ontario, before he became a mail sorter in Toronto and a shop steward in the Canadian Postal Employees Association transformed into the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) in 1965. During the 1965 strike, he was active on the Toronto strike committee. He was elected president of the Toronto local 1967, became vice-president of CUPW in 1968 and was president 1974-77. His presidency encompassed 2 national postal strikes and dozens of smaller skirmishes over automation. He became the media's choice as the most hated man in Canada and in 1983 he retired.

Hire a Scot?  Right Bolshie lot they are.  [:D

George Wallace said:
It hit the fan two days ago, on Talk Radio here.  Lots of unemployed Canadian carpenters in Halifax and environs.
Start barricading government offices and the front gate and they might get action.
For fitting and carpentry work? I find that hard to believe, yes they have never done that particular work before, but there is this thing called training and anyone with the available skills can learn the details quickly. Since we are paying a premium already to ensure jobs for Canadians, I don't want companies reneging on that social contract.
Colin P said:
For fitting and carpentry work? I find that hard to believe, yes they have never done that particular work before, but there is this thing called training and anyone with the available skills can learn the details quickly. Since we are paying a premium already to ensure jobs for Canadians, I don't want companies reneging on that social contract.

And I would hope that these jobs are just to fill small holes.  If there's any large scale and or long term function, I'm not for that.
It's only going to get worse when the trade deal with the EU is finalized. There are plenty of clauses for contract and gov't work to go to bidders from outside of the country (conversely, Cdn firms can get work in the EU).  Get used to this sort of thing. If it means we get more ships or more capable ships then sell the whole damn thing out to the Spanish for all I care. 
My opinion, worth exactly what you're paying for it, is that "workers" are not the problem, management is.

It is fairly common, amongst some so-called conservatives, especially, to blame workers and unions and generous social programmes and so on for our rather dismal productivity. That's nonsense, in my opinion.

I think we have, broadly, second rate corporate management in Canada and I think part of that is the fault of politicians going all the way back to "the great Sir John A," who erected protectionist walls that, effectively, weakened Canadian industry by shielding it from the sort of healthy competition that makes enterprises more competitive and productive.

It might well be that what helped turn Davie around, making it much more innovative and productive, was foreign ownership and management and, equally, that what makes Bomardier or Irving relatively unproductive is Canadian ownership and management.

My  :2c:
E.R. Campbell:  :bowing:

Indeed.  Our "capitalists" have essentially succeeded in such, essentially protected, fields as beer (now taken over by foreign firms), liquor and groceries.  Wow.  Ask any non-Canadian to name a manufactured product we export and you will get a big blank (few know Bombardier is Canadian and few knew Blackberry was).  Compare with, say, Sweden, Switzerland etc.

Uhh, I can't name a a product from those countries either.

This is the usual Canadian self immolation.  Canada has the world's third largest aerospace company.  It's required a lot of help, just as have the first largest, second largest, and fourth (and fifth and...).  Blackberry was for a time another success story.  Canada's finaccial services sector and energy and mining sectors are other areas of success. 

We're a pretty successful country overall.  We simply have a high bar to compare ourselves to just to the south.
Interesting.  I was just sort of offered a job with the CSC team working at Irving. 

I had to explain to the gent about my past experiences with Irving, and why I will never put my name on a business card that has the Irving logo on it.  I don't even like buying gas from Irving stations.
jmt18325 said:
Uhh, I can't name a a product from those countries either.


Alfa Laval
Tetra Pak

From Sweden
Off the top of my head.
Chris Pook said:
Alfa Laval
Tetra Pak

From Sweden
Off the top of my head.

Impressive.  I didn't actually think of Volvo.  It's Swedish again after not being so for many years.

I forgot to mention another Canadian success story - insurance.
jmt18325 said:
Impressive.  I didn't actually think of Volvo.  It's Swedish again after not being so for many years.

I forgot to mention another Canadian success story - insurance.

I would hardly call being a modern form of Robber Baron and screwing the common folks a success.  Unless you're a shareholder.
jollyjacktar said:
I would hardly call being a modern form of Robber Baron and screwing the common folks a success.  Unless you're a shareholder.

While I would agree that insurance is basically a giant pyramid scheme, it's something that we've done very well.
Forgive me if I don't join you in celebrating legalized thieves.  However fantastic they might be at rolling their victims.

Next, I fear you'll be wanting me to thumbs up pedophiles or lawyers, or used car salesmen or...
Chris Pook said:
Alfa Laval
Tetra Pak

From Sweden
Off the top of my head.
Not to metion this (although Saab & Bofors is mentioned) ...
Chris Pook said:
Alfa Laval
Tetra Pak

From Sweden
Off the top of my head.
And don't forget Sweden's best known export - Abba! By comparison, Canada gave the world Celine Dion.