Just a small correction, here, Navy_Pete: In last ditch effort just as it got out of Creditor protection under the Bankruptcy Act with new (foreign, BTW) owners, Davie managed to get a chance at putting together a bid for the non-combat part of the NSS (same as the one Seaspan got), and after getting a short extension of deadline, did put in a bid.
However, they did not "lose", they were declared non-compliant because during the protection period, the collective agreement had expired and they did not have a chance to have a new one in place. A collective agreement covering the first five (I believe, or at least four) years from the day the bid went in was a requirement and Davie didn't have one.
I don't call that losing since the technical part of their bid was not even reviewed or considered.
P.S. I used to practice law at the Montreal law firm who handled that for Davie, though not at the time, but I still have good contacts.