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New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

Cpl Thompson said:
Ok, New pic time


Alright.... this Kit give me a +5 Defence against Insurgents.... And Dragons!

Boris finally got his chance to represent his platoon at the annual regimental gladiator festivities.
Cpl Thompson said:
Ok, New pic time



Ivan thought he was well protected before he went against the protesters.  However, due to budget cuts prohibiting a helmet and cup, he will never father children and is only just now, after several weeks of rehab, able to stop druelling on command...


What do you mean QRT doesn't stand for Queen's Royal Tobogganers?

You will notice that Cpl Bloggins, of our new High-speed snow insertion team, is not only equiped with a crazy carpet for high-velocity down-hill movement, but is also equiped with a snow-beating stick, for those road warrior moments
Politically correct or not, "Yoga for Couples" never was the platoon's favourite for morning PT.
Apparently the Afghani Camel Spiders were too much for everyone, and not just the visitors...
that was bad but right on the money...
rolling all over the floor.

I'm telling you Sarge, this is one of the firing positions they taught me on my Greek Commando Course.

New intelligence indicates that the "shoulder launched suicide bomber" is indeed a real weapon.


Feedback on the new LBV was varied; some appreciated the extensive storage pouches, while others found it to be bulky and counter to good marksmanship.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Many of the troops didnt like Ahmed's new PT ideas, they didn't think Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to be the best source for new training.
joonrooj said:
Many of the troops didnt like Ahmed's new PT ideas, they didn't think Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to be the best source for new training.

Okay you and Mike get 1st prize on this one IMHO... ;D