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Need training buddy


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I'm not in shape, I can say that knowing it..  and I'm looking for someone who is not in shape as well in Vancouver area (I live in Coquitlam, Austin Rd and Blue Mountain) to train.. 

It's hard to find the motivation when you are alone..  All I want to do is do some cardio exercises (running??) but I can't run for a long time yet so I need someone in the same situation, I don't want to slow you down if you can run for a long time..  Well, PM me...  ;D

BTW, I don't bite.........................often!!  :dontpanic:

Hey Frank,
I used to be in your situation too.
I couldn't run for very long, and nobody wanted to run with me, so what I did was take along a portable radio.
Nothing is more soothing or motivating than your favourite music.

Here's some advice, when you start off, don't start off running straight distances.
What I mean is, you can maybe run for five minutes, walk for 1.
Or run for 2 and walk for 2, whatever suits your needs.
You probably know all about stretching before n' after running and keeping yourself hydrated, so I'll skip that.
Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. Make sure they're not too tight, (And I can say this from experience, you'll get lots of blisters... and your feet will feel numb by the end of the 3km mark,) and not too big, or they'll be slipping off.
Also, (I don't mean to be a knowitall...) but make sure you don't tie your shoes TOO tight, when you run your feet swell and like said above, you get blisters and your feet will get that numb pins-and-needles feeling.

Anyway, I hope you find someone to run with, it's always more motivating and fun if you have a buddy to talk to.
Happy training,
Lex  ;D
hey frank i know what you mean man its hard to find a running buddy!!
good advice for the radio. hey if i lived there i'd  run with you however i'm in montreal ( lasalle for n-e one near here)
and i aint got nobody either  my motivation i use is 1-how bad do you wanna get in!!
2-for me is my son!!  find some thing that will get you off your ass and run.
Maybe sign up for a run club / group /clinic: check out running stores (Running Room has a million clinics for all levels of ability).
You could get a dog.  A large dog.

Dogs always like to get out and run.  As a kid I always had to take the dog for a walk.  But, in those days I didn't have to worry about bringing along a pooper scooper.

Best of luck.  Start slow and work up a little more distance every time you go out.

I_am_John_Galt said:
Maybe sign up for a run club / group /clinic: check out running stores (Running Room has a million clinics for all levels of ability).

That's great advice.  Your local YMCA or gym will probably also have running clinics.
Thanks for all the replies..  I've got another question..  What is better between the 2 to run?? (I know, I should buy something else)

combat boots that fit my foot but weight more or a running shoe that is a little too small for me??
It seems like my feet are still growing even at 26 years old..  damn!!

I guess the combat would be better, but by you who wear them every day, you have probably a lot of tips as well...

Get a really good pair of Running Shoes.

They are, after all, your feet and knees and back.

You need good cushioned running shoes.  Running in Combat Boots is 'Verbotin' in the CF.

You'll appreciate it later when you are much older.


I would like to..  but I have to pay my rent first..  I won't be able to get another pair until maybe november..  So I need the next best thing!!  :-\
George Wallace said:
They are, after all, your feet and knees and back.
Truer words never spoken.
If your running shoes don't fit properly or don't have enough cusion, you'll start to get shin splints ect. What do most people do when that happens? Limp. They favour one leg over the other. That pulls and strains more muscles.

I come from a family of avid runners, we've all learned from mistakes here and having the wrong pair of running shoes was mine...
If you can't get running shoes till november, you could do something else for the time being.
Swimming laps, I find, is really good, (if you push yourself.) Unlike running, you don't sweat cause it all runs off into the water. It's also very good for working the lungs. If you want, you can try something I learned swimming called pyramiding. When you're doing front crawl, you'll usually stroke 3 times before breathing. Instead of doing this, stroke once, then breathe, stroke twice, then breathe, stroke 3 times, then breathe, and keep doing that until you reach a number where you're literally asphyxiated.   :P

If I could think of anything else to tell you, I would, but unfortunately I just rolled out of my bed and crawled down to the computer.
If I think of anything else, I'll post it or PM you.

Lex :)
You can also get shin splint like things in your feet...don't ask me how I got em but I did...then again I had on work boots walking and running around a construction site for a 10 hour shifts, but again goes to show how the right foot gear is defiantly a priority...

If you can't run, rollerblade, don't wanna rollerblade, ride a bike...there's a bunch of activities you can do to help improve your run without actually running...

Good luck :)
Thanks guy, I think I will get a membership at the swimming pool..  I remember that it was quite a good exercise when I used to do it (aaaaahh!!  so long ago  ::) ).

Thanks for the tips!!