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;D Hi I'm starting BMQ in just a few week and I was wondering from other ones that have gone through, about Civi clothes... I hear that you really don't need to take too much. May I ask what you have brought with you to St.Jean such as civi stuff??? I just don't want to bring too much then have too much to carry with me.

Cath :cdn:
For BMQ, I brought two changes of civy clothes, lots of socks, and warm sleepwear like track pants.
For the most part and being a guy, this was good enough but you may want to consider a few

It is possible you may not get your military clothing and St-Jean kit until the second week.  This
may mean you will have to wear civys in the first week.  You may want to verify this with your
CFRC and what may happen in your BMQ, but bring enough changes so you can be comfortable
in the first week.  The floors have their own washer and dyers and you'll have to share it with
your section. 

I found St-Jean barracks to be a little cool at night and used track pants for sleeping.  Another
suggestion is to buy a swiffer and hide it in your civy kit.  They are great for the last-second
sweep of the cubical floor before inspections. 

After the first week, you won't see much of your civy clothes until the forth weekend of BMQ.
You don't want to know man....

I remember smith, and his swifter...

May god have mercy on his soul where ever he is. :salute:
lol, Smith and his swiffer...

At BMQ, you can keep anything you want ( to some extent) in your own personal box in your locker, it is a shoe box to be exact.  I kept swiffers in there for myself, they worked great!
In addition to the shoe box that you keep in your cubicle locker, there is a "civilian lock-up" on the
floor (St.Jean); a room where you place your civilian bags and civy clothes.  You can stash the
swiffer there.  Theres nothing wrong in doing this because everybody brings supplies with
them like soaps, shampoos, razors, socks, clothes, extra towels and crap like that.

The Course Senior will have the keys and you can work out amongst the sections to open it up
before/after breakfast.  The Staff will look in the civilian lock-up room to make sure it is neat
and clean during inspections but they won't care about stashed swiffers or contents of the bags.
(If by chance they go looking into bags then their NOT for swiffers if you know what I mean).
You bring out the swiffer, quickly go over the floors in the cubicles just before inspections, and
then stash it away. 

There is nothing in the course documentation or the rules that say you "cannot use swiffers" but
for sure the Staff will frown upon it and may take it away if they find it somewhere.  This is
just section teamwork, bring it out, swiff the cubicles, stash it away. 

Bert said:
In addition to the shoe box that you keep in your cubicle locker, there is a "civilian lock-up" on the
floor (St.Jean); a room where you place your civilian bags and civy clothes.   You can stash the
swiffer there.   Theres nothing wrong in doing this because everybody brings supplies with
them like soaps, shampoos, razors, socks, clothes, extra towels and crap like that.

The Course Senior will have the keys and you can work out amongst the sections to open it up
before/after breakfast.   The Staff will look in the civilian lock-up room to make sure it is neat
and clean during inspections but they won't care about stashed swiffers or contents of the bags.
(If by chance they go looking into bags then their NOT for swiffers if you know what I mean).
You bring out the swiffer, quickly go over the floors in the cubicles just before inspections, and
then stash it away.    

There is nothing in the course documentation or the rules that say you "cannot use swiffers" but
for sure the Staff will frown upon it and may take it away if they find it somewhere.   This is
just section teamwork, bring it out, swiff the cubicles, stash it away.  

When I did my BMQ, we weren't allowed in the civilian lockup at any time except on weekends that we weren't CB'ed. Something to consider...
You don't want to know man....

I remember smith, and his swifter...

May god have mercy on his soul where ever he is.

oh man... I'm scared now. *cries*  :crybaby:

But not too scared to join. hahah
swiffers were contraban on my basic course. We use to hide them in the ceiling tiles. ;D
I have heard so many stories of things that were hidden in the celing tiles, or things that were found in the celing tiles...
Tribal Jedi

Perhaps course characteristics are different depending on the Staff.  The Alpha
and Bravo platoon at the time were allowed access.  Where you referring to
a St. Jean BMQ? 
Aaron White said:
swiffers were contraban on my basic course. We use to hide them in the ceiling tiles. ;D

Contraban  lol!  Did they at least let you have tissues for those emotional days?  ;)
Bert said:
Tribal Jedi

Perhaps course characteristics are different depending on the Staff.   The Alpha
and Bravo platoon at the time were allowed access.   Where you referring to
a St. Jean BMQ?  

No, actually I did mine in Gagetown (this was during the reg force recruitment blitz and they had to outsource BMQs all over Canada) but some of the people who came up through my QL3 with me also had their civvie lockups restricted. I just wouldn't count on being able to access things in there.

As a sidenote, don't put anything in the ceiling that you don't want them to find. They aren't stupid. They know there is stuff up there.
Roger that, St. Jean from my knowledge is OK with civy lock-ups.  The Mega is made out of concrete so ceiling tiles
are not an option anyway.  Hehehe.
Ahhh..the swiffer...I hid mine in the civvy lockup...usually on most course the staff is just gives the keys to the Course Senior who has the perogative to just leave it open so anyone can go into it. As for Civvy clothes, bring like..2 pairs and leave the rest at home. When you do leave St. Jean, you leave with a lotta stuff...all the kit that gets issued to you..specially if you're Land. I'm regretting my decision to pack a hockey bag full of crap now.

Other Interesting Tidbits...

- they tell you to buy three locks with the same combination at the Canex downstairs. They also tell you to give them the combination to these locks written down. After seeing what happened to a few recruits lockers ( you keep your extra key to your locker in your barracks box which has a combination lock on it...which they have the com. to...) I changed mine. 'Cause I don't want my dress shirts getting tied together in knots....and stuff :P

- Theres stuff the really works well on floors you can buy downstairs at the Canex, it has vinegar in it. Use it night before to take off the boot scuff marks for the morning inspection.

- Take really REALLY good running shoes with arch support if you need it. The shoes they issue you there are shit. Absolute shit. I spent about $100 on my shoes and I don't regret it.

- Take a good quality alarm clock. One that doesn't get broken/and or go off at the wrong time. Nothing pisses people off more than a alarm clock going off at like 3am..trust me..I know   :P

'Cause I don't want my dress shirts getting tied together in knots....and stuff


I'm pretty sure the staff cannot do that?

can they?
The Mystery Master Corporal is obviously alive and well.