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Need some help......


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Currently, I am a high school student in my final year, who wishes to have a career in the Canadian Forces. My application was sent, Interview, Fitness test, Medical exam, and CFAT have all been completed. Since originally the plan was to graduate first, the Military Career Counsellor I spoke with told me I would be listed for the middle of June and would know about a job within a month of that time.

Well, over the past couple days, some complications have arose. Family issues lets call them. I now find myself possibly leaving to live with other family because it's proven my parents and I simply cannot live together. Since I would be leaving, I would most likely be quitting school.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate some answers here.

Were I leave school, how much would this hinder my opportunities in the military? I do know that much will be unavailible to me, but I plan on enlisting Reg. Force Infantry. Would anything in the infantry be different for me?

Also, if I do go this route, I would still like to finish my school. Would I have enough free time in the army to do so? Whether it's in classes or correspondance or G.E.D. (i think thats what its called) ?

And before you answer, please consider the following. If I leave school and join the army, this is not just my way of dealing with it, or "getting out" or whatever. I sincerely mean it when I say it is not because of anything like that. Choices have been made for me all my life and I feel it's time I began making my own. I have always admired the military and have always wanted to be among their ranks. The army for me is just a new way of life that I have been looking forward to more and more.
Even though it might not have a big effect on pay or getting into the forces I would strongly recommend you finish school. Don't live with your parents if you can't but you're only ~70 days away from getting a diploma, don't give up on that now.

I understand that, while this may make me sound rather impatient, you have no idea how badly I want into the forces and be free of them or anyone else. If it is possible for me to complete my gr.12 in the army after enrollment, I may go that route.
Yes you will eventually have the opportunity to finish it. Not for awhile though. There certainly will not be time during BMQ or any other courses.

Have you talked to a recruiter yet even? I would be surprised if they were able to simply bump you onto an ealier merit list and just send you off. Things in the military take time. Chances are you will be stuck where you are for at least another 6 weeks. Impatient as you may be, you will regret not finishing high school if you leave.

Also, if you think that joining the military is going to get you freedom, hmm. From your parents, yes, but there are going to be a lot of new people telling you how to live.
The difference there is that I'm there by my choice. It's not that I can't handle being told what to do, I never said that. Hell, sometimes I even prefer it. There are just some issues between my parents and I and I really don't feel there is a need to share them over the net.
It doesn't matter whether or not I get my diploma asap or not. I would just like it sometime. I've tried phoning but haven't got an answer yet so I sent an email.

I would be surprised if they were able to simply bump you onto an ealier merit list and just send you off.

Whether they can or not I dont know, the reason I was curiuos was b/c when I was talking to the career counsellor during my interview, he mentioned that b/c I wished to graduate first at that time, I would be put on hold until June came around when I would then be put on the list. If I wanted to then, he said it was possible to be in by may or june even.
I agree with TheCheez, the best thing is to complete high school (especially since you're almost there) and then it's done. You will never have to worry about it again. I left college after completing 1 semester and then went back and finished it about 5 years later. Believe me, it's better to just do it when the opportunity is there! Besides, as cheez said, things in the military take time, and you could still be waiting long after you would have graduated.
I'm in the same boat Zensunni I am finishing my last year of highschool and am joining the reg force when done. My mom does not agree with my chosen profession she thinks that it is a stupid move and a mistake on my part but I tell her that it is my decision and no one is goin to change my mind. So yeah if I were you I would stay in school and graduate it looks better. Or that is what I think anyways. Then if you don't graduate then you would have to do it at a later date which could be a big hassle for no reason. Good Luck keep us posted :salute:
A couple of things here, one's new to me so perhaps one of the recruiting officers (oh hell Kincanucks, who are we kidding) may help. With the new merit listing, I would think that if there were 50 slots for oh say infantry and 60 applicants and all things were equal except 50 have a high school diploma and 10 don't well then education may be the deciding factor. Secondly are you going to be in the military forever? You may hate it after your first B.E and then where are you, no job, no hs diploma. Listen the world is nasty enough without complicating things for yourself, getting A JOB let alone a good paying job without at least a HS diploma is difficult to say the least. In fact besides the military things would look kind of bleak. Tough it out for another 2 months and you will be much happier for it.
Island Ryhno said:
A couple of things here, one's new to me so perhaps one of the recruiting officers (oh heck Kincanucks, who are we kidding) may help. With the new merit listing, I would think that if there were 50 slots for oh say infantry and 60 applicants and all things were equal except 50 have a high school diploma and 10 don't well then education may be the deciding factor. Secondly are you going to be in the military forever? You may hate it after your first B.E and then where are you, no job, no hs diploma. Listen the world is nasty enough without complicating things for yourself, getting A JOB let alone a good paying job without at least a HS diploma is difficult to say the least. In fact besides the military things would look kind of bleak. Tough it out for another 2 months and you will be much happier for it.

Whether or not you have finished high school we be considered during the assessment of the competitiveness of your file for processsing.  So 5 files and 3 with high school and 2 without and there is only room to process 3.  Which ones are going to be the most competitive?  Also when being assessed for assignment of MP score (which is very important for your merit placing) the importance of having a higher education level can not be understated.