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NDP whining

I concede I phrased that poorly a_majoor.  What I was getting at was that I would hate to see some half assed public opinion poll or an after the fact referendum be launched and have the troops pulled out prematurely because Canadians still feel "icky" about a shooting war. 
I would like the military to tell the county what they are going to do, then go about the unfettered business of doing it without having to be distracted by hippie bulls_it from a bunch of tools who were too young to protest Viet Nam but need some soldiers to rag on just the same. 
I have a hard time believing that a properly informed public will not support this action.  Now that the Conservatives are pulling the purse strings for the CBC, maybe we can get some actual decent PR out there.
That may be happening, there was a special on CBC last night about the troops in A'stan.  I think there is something on tonight too  (2200 mtn time I think)
a_majoor said:

The government of the day gives us our marching orders, and THEY MUST explain to the taxpayers and citizens what is being done in their name. (They must explain every action they take using taxpayer money, but there are different threads for that). We, the CF should be able to explain in clear, consise terms what we have been ordered to do when asked, because the taxpayers are the ones who pay our bills. If we can't or won't say what is going on, then the taxpayer will quite correctly ask why are they paying for these *****?

However, we are in a difficult situation right now, we were given our orders by the previous government, which did not offer a parliamentry or public debate. Since we are actively engaged, debating the issue is now in the "too little. too late" column. If Smiling Jack would like a debate, how about picking a relevant topic like "what do you propose to do about Radicals in Canada/Iran/Dafur/China/(insert near term security concern)?" I would also like to hear what HE proposes to do about those issues.....

Explaining the reasons for a decision to the public, and asking the public for permission on every decision are completely different.

They should explain the reasons for why the CF is over there, but they don't have to ask for permission. Permission for them to make the decisions was given when the government is elected into power.
Some were along the line the last parliament did not see the need to debate this deployment.
That had been in the works for some time.Where were the Opposition then Bloc Convective and
the NDP.The were way to consered about the corruption of the last government.
The other thing that bothers my is how the NDP are been blame for the Peacekeeper Peacemaker Myth.
This Myth was been fashioned by the Governments in power in this country over the last 30 years And in this time
the NDP have never been in power.Any blame for the state of the Military can be blamed those same Government
in power over the last 20 years or so and the voters that put them there.
As ever, criticism in the absence of solutions is always aggravating.  It is far easier to shoot down other peoples ideas than to put up your own to bear the light of scrutiny. 
The NDP have fashioned themselves Canada's political "consciousness", although I don't remember anyone asking them.  That makes me think of that gad-awful Jimminy Cricket, the falsetto fun governor from Pinocchio.  A constant buzzing in your ear that you really don't need to hear or care to. 
No matter what the NDP say, it always comes across as "look at me, look at me, we matter, we are still here, please love me mommy".
Jonsey said:
Explaining the reasons for a decision to the public, and asking the public for permission on every decision are completely different.

They should explain the reasons for why the CF is over there, but they don't have to ask for permission. Permission for them to make the decisions was given when the government is elected into power.

100% true. Prime Minister Harper has inherited the situation form the previous government, and shoudl take action (public appearances, speeches, editorials to the papers etc.) to lay out the reasonong for our participation in Afghanistan, as well as some expectations as to what we hope to accomplish. Since the mission is already ongoing, there is not much more he can or should do.
Ah, the NDP.  I try not to think about Canada's unfortunate liability too much.  What troubles me is the amount of money we wasted on Jack's education, a supposedly smart man.

Just remember that socialists are morally inconsistent.  They advocate one set of rules for one group and then judicially deny those to another group.

I think once you realize that their views are internally irreconcilable you'll stop thinking about them.
Think of them as an itch....As irritating as it is, if you scratch it, it will develop into a rash....better to just ignore it ;)
a_majoor said:
100% true. Prime Minister Harper has inherited the situation form the previous government, and shoudl take action (public appearances, speeches, editorials to the papers etc.) to lay out the reasonong for our participation in Afghanistan, as well as some expectations as to what we hope to accomplish. Since the mission is already ongoing, there is not much more he can or should do.

If Martin had won I doubt it would have happened.

It's a shame this is so political when like most on this blog people whose lives you know are on the line. 

The NDP did not spit the vote.The Block did they got way more seat to there percentage of the of the voters.They got less than 10%
of the over all vote casted and how many seat? NDP may spilt some of the vote out west . It is in Quebec were there are allmost a 1/3
of the seats in the house are.No party can win a clear majority until they can make a brake thought in Quebec.
Today I sat in my frontroom expecting to quietly watch the family of a great man,a soldier, and as many think of him a hero, say good bye who pops up on Canada's other news station? I could not believe my eyes, Jack Layton had the nerve to hold a live press conference and CTV  newsnet had the guts to cut into a military funeral to show Canadians how much of an idiot this guy really is.
Piper said:
As annoying as the NDP are, I would venture to say that they do provide some service to our political system. They provide a view that is more social-welfare oriented then the Tories, so they do provide a small counter-weight to the right. I am of the opinion that in order to have a fair and effective system, the left must counter-balance the right and vice versa. I hate the NDP and their ilk and their policies are rather....goofy, but they still are an essential part of our political system in that they provide an effective voice for the left in parliament.

And besides, the help split the vote and prevent the Lieberals from keeping power. Of course, once the Libs sort their corrupt selves out, they could be a viable party as well for Canada. Tories centre-right, Libs centre-left and the NDP provides a counter-weight to both.

That is like saying that having a neighbor with a ADHD Pomeranian is a good thing, because it's constant screaming/barking scares away prowlers.  The shear level of annoyance is not worth the 0.01% of good it may do. 
I think the NDP are far more seditious than that.  Given the level of interest that Canadians take in politics, coupled with the CBC being a Lieberal puppet, the citizens just believe whatever the talking head on the screen says, if they here it enough and more than one talking head says it.  For decades the governments have been making the military sit on it's hands and we have made fairly sad contributions to world stability, given the size of our economy and relatively rich status among other nations.  At one point, wasn't Luxembourg making a greater contribution to NATO than we were?  Mind you, their tiny asses could get annexed pretty fast, they should have to buy a little love. 
Plus, when was the last time that the NDP had a good idea?  All they do now is bitch and shoot down other peoples ideas.  And please, no one trot out calling for a study or a referendum as being a good idea.  All that does is put big cash in a few toadies pockets to throw an anchor out and hang up a solution with bureaucratic BS.  Maybe Jack will volunteer to be a socialist embed with an infantry unit in A'stan so he can see first hand what a "mistake" are troops are making by being there.  ::)  [strange how there were no more flak jackets that didn't have day-glo orange covers with "I AM IN CHARGE" embroidered on the back]
There are lots of other parties out there that are useless and non viable.  The NDP just happens to have lingered on longer and has managed to gain a following.  The way people waste their votes, don't be surprised to see Marihuana Party candidates getting seats some day soon.  Bollocks.  Here is a great party that we can support in the next election, and it offers a new solution to all of the existing parties.  Too bad I didn't find these guys before the election.  It's a flawless system:


Remember:  Don't think, just vote.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I THINK something is bothering you today, Zipperhead.

Come on- don't keep it all bottled up inside- you'll only hurt yourself  ;)
SeaKingTacco said:
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I THINK something is bothering you today, Zipperhead.

Come on- don't keep it all bottled up inside- you'll only hurt yourself  ;)

March break makes me ranty. ;D
SeaKingTacco said:
Jackass overload out on the streets?

No, that is every night, all year around here.  Nope, just the spring in the air, summer around the corner.  Just feelin' me oats.  That, and I just got green lighted by my SSGT and (more importantly) my 9er Domestic to go to NYC for a four day weekend for St Patricks.  Yee Haw!
Oh dear god. I clicked on the randomparty.ca link I went to the random vote decider slot machine thingy (my grammar and description skills are unparalleled I know.) and bam Jack Layton head.... another one.... OH SWEET JESUS NDP ON THE SLOTS. I got this cold shiver down my spine. Randomness is no good, it still gives socialists a chance.
Rory said:
Oh dear god. I clicked on the randomparty.ca link I went to the random vote decider slot machine thingy (my grammar and description skills are unparalleled I know.) and bam Jack Layton head.... another one.... OH SWEET JESUS NDP ON THE SLOTS. I got this cold shiver down my spine. Randomness is no good, it still gives socialists a chance.

Maybe that would be a good way to help cure gambling addicts...