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NDP to debate phasing out Canada’s Armed Forces at policy convention

The least believable part of that article is that the NDP paid off their campaign debt... 🤣
That's the only thing keeping us from having a successful no confidence vote. Once they are solvent enough to mount a campaign it's "game on"!
Here's the NATO-xit resolution, also by the rep out of Spadina-Fort York:

WHEREAS: WHEREAS the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and Canadian forces in Afghanistan engaged in propping up a US-puppet government of human rights abusers, drug traffickers and warlords, wasting money and lives to further a western agenda of geo-political power and plunder of resources;

Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NDP actively campaign to get Canada out of NATO, to get NATO out of Afghanistan, to remove the NATO nuclear ring around Russian borders, and to disengage Canadian forces from any support role for the U.S. and its client regimes around the world.

Clearly geniuses running the show in the NDP. Let's see which ones actually pass.
...so “We’re out!” is how we should be?

A self-centered ‘looking out for ourselves’ is hardly the Canada I want to be a part of.
Well, the 'World Socialist Worker' seems to think they're a bunch of war mongers... back in 2019 anyways:

NDP advocates spending tens of billions on Canada’s military​

"While chock full of pseudo-progressive rhetoric about “human rights,” making Canada a “force for peace,” and promoting “gender equality,” the platform champions a pro-war, militarist agenda. It advocates spending tens of billions of dollars on equipping Canada’s military with new battleships, fighter jets and other high-tech weaponry, paving the way to turn workers and young people into cannon fodder for Canadian imperialism in foreign wars and future great-power conflicts."

Never heard of “True North Wire”. Sounds dodgy.

Having said that, I wouldn’t put it past them the Dippers to do this.

No, it's not dodgy. It's a conservative site and it publishes conservative views. Check it out
Lol, so I looked up the author. He managed to get himself turfed from the Post Millennial for demonstrable ties to blogs that promoted racism, as well as some of his pro-Russia propaganda work. Googling the ‘True North’ outlet seems to suggest that it’s at best someone’s agitprop page. In any case, this is the farthest thing from a credible journalist at a credible outlet. While it’s possible someone in the NDP is in fact trying to push such a policy up the chain for consideration, I won’t take anything posted on that website at face value in its own right. If this exists and gets any traction, credible media will pick it up at some point.

Yeah, national observer is a "progressive" outlet, promotes man made climate change and liberal oriented.

Anyway, the site Freebirdmedia is claimed racist by Sothern poverty law centre and from the Canadian side "Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at Ontario Tech University."

Nah, I'll stick with True North - it is more respectable than National Observer
True north is not a "propaganda piece". Now the Toronto Star is a left leaning site and some of their publishing raises eyebrows.
I get news from a variety of sites. For unbiased news, check sites such as Reuters, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, Forbes, Politico etc.

Souces I avoid like the plague are Brietbart, True North, Rebel Media, The Post Millenial, Epoch Times, etc

Sun newspapers are nothing but tabloids IMO.
Oh yeah, about that piece from National Observer - did anyone note inside that article this tidbit

"Post Millennial co-founder Matthew Azrieli didn’t answer specific questions about whether his news outlet supports the views espoused by the Dszurdzsa’s past employers, or how the decision to hire Dzsurdzsa was made. It also didn’t answer questions about Dzsurdzsa’s current beliefs.

Azrieli instead emphasized his Jewish roots and co-founder Ali Taghva’s Iranian heritage, adding that the Post Millennial “celebrates the success of Canada's diversity.”

“I'm not going to be bullied into firing a new father on the basis of claims of guilt by association that are spurious at best and defamatory at worst,” said Azrieli, who didn’t respond when asked to elaborate on what was libellous about National Observer’s communications.

“Shame on you for trying.”

and another para attacking Lindsay Sheperd

"(In April, Dzsurdzsa had a baby with his fiancée, Lindsay Shepherd, who is a self-styled 'free-speech activist' who has criticized left-leaning activists for suggesting there's no difference between white nationalists and white supremacists. Shepherd, who also writes columns for the Post Millennial, has expressed concerns about how white people will be treated 'when we are the minority.')"

IMO National observer is nothing more than a propaganda outfit.
I get news from a variety of sites. For unbiased news, check sites such as Reuters, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, Forbes, Politico etc.

I do too but politico is left leaning
The existing NDP policy re National Defence is not that terrible actually. A little too inward focused for my liking, perhaps, but not too bad. You can see it here at pages 14 and 16 and 17.

The current motion at page 43 of their resolutions for the upcoming convention comes from the EDA of the Spadina-Fort York riding. It's been Liberal for the last two federal elections when the NDP support there dropped dramatically. It does have an NDP MPP provincially (an adjunct professor in social sciences at York U). Their last fed candidate was Diana Yoon an MA student at Yorl U and self described Climate Project Specialist - not sure if she still has a voice within the NDP federal EDA for that riding.
Now the Toronto Star is a left leaning site and some of their publishing raises eyebrows.
A lot of Canadians read it.

As of 2015, it was Canada's highest-circulation newspaper in overall weekly circulation: although a close second to The Globe and Mail in daily circulation on weekdays, it overtakes the Globe in weekly circulation because the Globe does not publish a Sunday edition.

Not to suggest anything wrong with the blogs some people enjoy. Just that I never heard of them.