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NCM vs Officer enrollment

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ontheedge said:
The way I understood the recruiting process, if a person has a university degree, they are told they can go into officer roles if they want, and many choose that route once they're told.  Perhaps there are some who also go NCM route.

The CFAT may also 'show' that someone has the required scores (aptitudes, as much as a test can show...) for Officer trades/classifications how only had Grade 10 when the wrote it (my case way back in the late 80s), but that doesn't automatically translate into being a competitive applicant.  It is just the first of many hurtles to jump over to being selected, and then trained. 

For us ol' folks over 40 years old, waiting 2 or 3 years is not like waiting from age 22 to 24.  Our geriatric bodies are getting more wear and tear every year; BQM at 40 is one thing, at 44 I think it gets even harder.  47... I dunno, that's starting to get exceptional.

48 years old now, so I get what happens as we go beyond our 20s.  BMQ (it's not BQM) can be a challenge...so can deploying on operations for months at a time.  BMQ is just the tip of the iceberg, really.  If you are worried about BMQ, are you also not concerned about BMOQ and the other Officer training courses? 

Most of us who join the forces do so to make a difference, learn skills, be around good people, and most importantly wear the Forces badge with pride...  Your signature line is kind of ironic, since you are saying we should pick a trade we like, and your signature jokes about not liking what you do...

Thanks for the info on why people join.  I also sort of picked those concepts up over the last 29 years and change.  ;)

Ref my signature line, you know what 'a joke/a jibe' is right?  That is what my signature line is - just something to chuckle at.  I know you don't know me, but if you knew more about what I do, the places I get to go, etc you'd know I have very few legitimate complaints about my job.  For the record - I think I have one of the top 3 NCM trades in the CAF (SAR Tech and Mission Specialist would be a good go!). 

For me, one important thing is leadership training, which I know is focused at the Officer level, maybe NCM too for those showing the interest...

Already covered by Blackadder, but maybe you need to ask yourself how much you really know about these things.  Consider you're on a forum with people who have decades of time in the military.  My suggestion is to ask more questions so you can learn more info, as opposed to stating how things are and how things work.  At this point, you don't even know what you don't know yet.  :2c:
Eye In The Sky said:
Yup!  Had a guy with 2 degrees who just couldn't master the art of moving that death beast around.  :D
Great, you gave me flashbacks to Basic Driver Training. Guy who was wanting to be a lineman was re-coursed for his third attempt. 10 min on the 401 in the Chrysler Reliant station wagon with a standard transmission, the driver instructor had him pull onto the shoulder and kicked him out of the driver's seat. COT to a trade that didn't require 404s followed.
Okay so let’s say I decide to wait it out. Wait for an officer role to open up. What can I do while I’m waiting?  Any courses open to the public or those on competition list?  Does it make me valuable if I get proficient in the use of firearms by eg taking pistol certification courses?
Bon- pas exactement necessaire, par ce que je suis ne a Quebec... mais je ne sais pas si mes deux entrevue jai mentione cela... Merci pour le "tip" quand meme.  ;-)
ontheedge said:
Okay so let’s say I decide to wait it out. Wait for an officer role to open up. What can I do while I’m waiting?  Any courses open to the public or those on competition list?  Does it make me valuable if I get proficient in the use of firearms by eg taking pistol certification courses?

Without knowing much actual details (your education levels/areas, work experience, CFAT results, etc etc) other than the trade you are interested in doesn't hire very many people, I'd still recommend talking with your file manager/MCC, etc at the CFRC to discuss with them what you could do to make your file more competitive.  They know the details here we don't, and IMO would be the best people to advise you on "what can I do while I'm waiting?".

And...good luck!  It can be a frustrating process, unfortunately.
ontheedge said:
Bon- pas exactement necessaire, par ce que je suis ne a Quebec... mais je ne sais pas si mes deux entrevue jai mentione cela... Merci pour le "tip" quand meme.  ;-)

Il y a des Anglophones qui sont nés aux Québec aussi, vous savez.
ontheedge said:
Okay so let’s say I decide to wait it out. Wait for an officer role to open up. What can I do while I’m waiting?  Any courses open to the public or those on competition list?  Does it make me valuable if I get proficient in the use of firearms by eg taking pistol certification courses?

Are you attempting to enrol PRes or Reg Force? Army, or Navy? (or Air force)... and trade?
Hey Eye in the Sky!  Thank you for your upbeat and positive message. Much appreciated. This is PRes. I’ll messge you as I don’t want to give too much detail in case there are relevant lurkers. 