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Navymich's story

I sent an email to CFRC yesterday morning and got a response saying that there was no new information on my file.  I figured oh well, I'd check again in another couple of weeks.

THEN, I got another response at the end of the day:
We rec'd selection results this afternoon and you have been selected for AC Op.
CFRG HQ will draft the offer msg and when we receive it I will contact you.
Could take 1-2 weeks

Still playing the waiting game, but a big hurdle crossed now.  Selection results back in exactly 3 weeks after my file was sent off too, not bad in my opinion.
Hey Navymich!

Woo hoo for you!  Did you blink, blink and re-read it to make sure??


Looks good for that Jan course after all eh?  Cornwall may never be the same!

You know it Mud, I kept reading it over and over.  With them 3 hours behind me right now, it came in at almost 1900 my time, so it was completely unexpected too.  Now to see what the offer looks like....
Roger that.  Oh, just got off the phone with HLs, message passed, over.
navymich said:
I sent an email to CFRC yesterday morning and got a response saying that there was no new information on my file.  I figured oh well, I'd check again in another couple of weeks.

THEN, I got another response at the end of the day:
Still playing the waiting game, but a big hurdle crossed now.  Selection results back in exactly 3 weeks after my file was sent off too, not bad in my opinion.

Congratulations Navymich - Good luck getting on the January QL3.

With a little luck maybe I'll join you. Time to call the local CFRC again.
navymich said:
I sent an email to CFRC yesterday morning and got a response saying that there was no new information on my file.  I figured oh well, I'd check again in another couple of weeks.

THEN, I got another response at the end of the day:
Still playing the waiting game, but a big hurdle crossed now.  Selection results back in exactly 3 weeks after my file was sent off too, not bad in my opinion.

Last Friday was 2 weeks of the "could take 1-2 weeks", so I emailed CFRC, but nothing in yet.  I know, these things take time, but I want to get on with my new life!  The good news though is that I graduate from ILQ tomorrow morning, so that is a great qual to be crossing over with.  I head home on Fri and am anxious to talk face-to-face with recruiting so I can get a move on getting things organized at home.

My intentions, for when I get accepted and course loaded are for my son to stay with my mother for the remainder of the school year (isn't she a sweetheart to offer that?  gotta love her).  But I am curious as to what else will be going on.  I know some of this has been covered in other threads, but more generalized.  I would really appreciate anyone who could give specifics about the following:

1.  F&E - From what I understand, you do not get a move of F&E until after course and with your first posting. As well, you only get storage of your F&E if you have no dependents.  However, with my son moving to Ontario to live with my mother (I have no other longterm care for him in BC), I would like to be able to move his belongings (clothes, books, toys, but no furniture) to her place and put all of the rest in storage so that I am not continuing to pay for a PMQ and all involved with it, especially since I will be helping my mother out with her added expenses.  Will I be able to request, and be approved for something like this?  Also, I was given a move to BC through NavRes and am entitled to a return move.  Can I use this to move stuff to my mother's place?  And if so, I would have to move it all, correct, not have some moved and other put in storage?

2.  RFGP (reserve force gratuity) - I have heard 2 ways of what to do with this on accepting a CT.  One is to take the cash.  Sure you lose some to taxes but it gives you instant cash to either pay bills, or to bank so that you have a cushion in case of any delay with your new pay starting.  Or two, put it all in a temp RRSP and roll it over into my new pension.  What did any others out there do?  Or are there any financial gurus who can give me the best advice?

3.  One of the biggest decisions that I have to make is the future of my dogs.  I can't take them with me on course, and my mother isn't able to take them.  It would break my heart to find a new permanent home for them, and give them up completely before knowing what is going to happen after my course, but I may need to do that.  I have friends involved in animal rescue organizations looking into that for me.  My other option is to find someone who would take them temporarily for me with the best location being in Ontario so I could visit.  I have a border collie and a black lab, and I would prefer to keep them together.  If you are interested in providing temporary or permanent home(s), or if you have any other suggestions, please PM me for/with more details.

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions.
Wow it's all very exciting...I hope your msg comes soon. Thanks for the PM...sorry I was so dense..ha ha :salute:
Hey, that's great.  Congats and welcome to the blue side. :cheers:

Sorry, no advice about F&E, money or dogs.
Two big hints should help you out with the reason behind this post.  First, the big  ;D that is on my face right now and the new avatar!


Just the basic stuff on it:  A/Cpl (IPC 4), AC Op.  I release from the reserves on 13 Dec and enroll in the regs on 14 Dec, no break in service.  QL3 in Cornwall 8 Jan.  Between my actual transfer date and my course start date, they have posted me to my current unit, which is nice.

I'll post more once I find out some more details.  And when I am a little more coherent.  I knew this was in the works, but wasn't believing anything until I saw the hardcopy of the msg.  Needless to say, I am floating right now!!  What a way to start the weekend!!

Now I'm off to clothing stores!

CONGRATS, Hun!  :-*

I know it's been a bit of a bumpy road to get to this point, so I truly know how big that smile of yours is now! I am smiling equally as big for you! (Thanks for calling to share the big news with me!) ;D

All the best of luck in this new adventure of yours. You'll do great! Now I have another reason to get off my arse, and get my butt out to Ontario for a visit.

Kel.  :)
Uh OH!!! Message is in....Supply is about to get busy!!  ;D

Congrats Mich!!
Congratulations!  I think that the Space Station noted a big WOOHOO eminating from Earth about the time your message came through :D

Congrats to you! this is a great way to start your weekend for sure. All the best. ;D
Congrats Mich.....maybe one day it will be your voice i hear doing a pair check or talking us down on the PAR