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Navymich's story


Army.ca Veteran
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I am a Naval Reservist, and have been for almost 15 years now.  I am near the end of a Class C contract that, when complete, will have seen me onboard ship for 4 years continuous.  I am starting to become bored, as there is no further for me to go tradewise.  As well, I think it is time, maybe past time, for me to start thinking about a career vice a job.  With these thoughts in the back of my mind, a new option presented itself to me in the form of AESOP.  A friend of mine was quick to rave about the trade and passed me on to others in the trade who rave about it, my recruiter is an AESOP who raves about it and I also had the opportunity to attend an information session presented by AESOPs who, yes, you guessed it, raved about the trade.

AESOP is a remuster-only trade.  That is, you must have time-in and be qualified in your current trade before applying.  Regular forces personnel apply via the BPSO.  As a reservist conducting a component transfer, we apply, or rather, re-apply, through the recruiting center.  Here is where I hit a SNAFU.  As it is a remuster trade, the recruiting centre shows the number 0 for positions available.  Phone calls were made and emails were sent, “what do we do with this reservist that wants to apply for AESOP?”  The answer a month ago was “process her and we’ll interview her and get things going”.

I went into CFRC yesterday for my CFAT and medical.  Before I began, I was pulled aside by a Career Counselor and informed that I was welcome to do my CFAT and medical, but we were once again back to the fact that their numbers show 0 to be recruited for AESOP and therefore there would be no interview and no continuation of my file.  I wrote the test anyway, and went through the medical process too.  I was happy to hear that I had aced the CFAT and my possibilities were endless.

At this time, I have 2 options: continue to push on the AESOP issue, or pursue another trade.  While at CFRC, it was strongly recommended that I look at AC Op as another option.  I have added that to my file now as my 2nd choice.

I am researching both trades, utilizing contacts and information found on the boards here, and weighing the pros and cons. I know this is a decision that I must make on my own, as to which of these 2 trades to pursue, but any thoughts, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated too, to add to my list.
I know I am not the one with CF experience, but I am writing this on behalf of my hubby. He would write it if he was able to.

He was looking into remustering AESOP about a year or so ago.
He did alot of what you have done as far as research and chatting with others about it, and was able to arrange a famil flight to see what he thought. He still wants to remuster to it, but needs to wait a bit. Maybe, see if you can arrange a flight and maybe even a typical day in the life of an AESOP.

Good luck with your decision!


Springroll, yes I have a couple of famil flights and tours scheduled.  That might help me decide definitely one way or the other dependent on how the flight goes!  LOL

Quagmire, thank you for the links.  I have actually posted in the thread from here, and the aesoplounge one gave me great contacts to use when I first started the initial process.  I hope others can benefit from them as well.

I hope the world sorts itself out for you...its too bad, we need loads of new people.  I hope you are sure enough about AC Op to have it as your second choice, personaly i wouldnt do it but thats just MHO. Sorry i havent been around, been busy here and now i'm going away again...just found out.  Good luck
Just a bit of an update.

I had the awesome opportunity for a flight in a Sea King this past Monday.  What a thrill!  I was nervous at first, but more so for flying, then what I was flying in.  I had absolutely no worries about that, despite all of the bad rep that Sea Kings get.  It was just a short 2 hour trip, but enough for me to get the taste of it.  I got a tour of the Sqn, and had a chance to talk to many there.  What a great group of people, pilots on down.  I am just waiting now to hear back about my tour and flight with an Aurora (hint hint LOL), to be able to experience both sides of the trade.

My interview is scheduled for 5 Jul.  I will be at sea most of the time up until then, so it will give me a good chance to think on what I want.  I do enjoy a good fight, and I am positive that I could push for AESOp, but I know also that the process will more then likely be long and drawn out, and I'm chomping at the bit to get on with something new.  But, saying that, I am also not going to rush into something just because it is there and available.

Thank you to those who took the time for their comments, especially aesop081 who has been my mentor for this whole process.  I'll keep you posted folks!
I have started my process applying for transfer to the AESOP trade, I just don't find my current job challenging...

I have never met an unhappy AESOP, in my current position, I don't enjoy coming to work.  Currently I am in the process of hooking myself up with a famil flight out of Comox!  Hopefully this goes through, perhaps I will be on course with Navymich! 

I wish you all the best on your request, but including myself and Navymich I know of one other 00299 who is attempting to make the jump over to the blue side.  I might have to pull a Nancy Kerrigan to better my chances!!    >:D

Good Luck!
More PB&J sandwich makers in the making >:D Sorry...had to say that ;D
This update has been a long time in the coming.  Alot of people already know what is on the go, but I figure I'll get it in writing here too.

First of all, to all those out there applying for AESOP, I understand files are due tomorrow for Borden.  Best of luck to you.  And there is now one less that you have to step on for a coveted position!!

Yes, I decided to go with my second choice, AC Op.  I made this decision before my interview.  There was a lot of thinking and contemplating on my part for this.  Many close friends helped me out, by being ears and shoulders as I went through pros and cons for both trades.  I did lots of research, and looked at the present and the future with my own life and my career.  It came down to a personal decision mostly, but in all honesty, AC Op is very appealing to me and I look forward to the challenge of it.

I interviewed for AC Op.  The recruiter was a great guy who made me quite relaxed about the whole thing.  He was impressed with my career thus far (hey, it's my personal story, I can toot my own horn if I want :D) and said at the end that he was going to write me up with a high recommendation for a position.

With my interview done, my file could be sent in for my PLAR, but it would go no further until my PT test was done.  As well, my medical file got sent off.  I heard back from CFRC the first week of September.  At that time, they told me that all was good with my medical including my aircrew factor, and my PLAR had come back with BMQ bypass.

Still left was my PT test.  That wasn't an easy thing to prep for and schedule around a heavy sailing routine and summer leave.  But as of 1 Sep, I was posted ashore and finally in a routine.  I scheduled my PT test for 19 Sep and passed.  I called the clerk at CFRC first thing the next morning to confirm that she had gotten the paperwork for the test.  She said yes and that my file was bundled up and ready to be sent off.

From what I was told, there is no specific set boards for AC Op, but instead the files are taken as time and personnel permit.  I will contact them again next week to see if anything has been heard.  The next QL3 course is 4 Jan 07, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to hear in good time.
Congratulations navymich.  You probably made a wise decision.  Who knows how long it might have taken to get AES Op given your situation, being a reservist and everything.  From what I understand there are flying positions for AC Op's as well, on the AWACS. Those spots come with some pretty jammy postings too, Germany for one. That could be pretty cool.

Good luck with everything.  If you decide you don't like it AES Op is always there for a more conventional COTP process in 4 years and by then you'll have an air ops background. 


Congrats on the 500th post.  ;D

Sorry to hear you aren't going to AES Op anymore, but a good decision none the less.  I'm sure you'll have a blast as an AC Op!

I myself am applying for AES Op this year, thanks for the 'best of luck.'



Well, the only thing now then is...do you want ATC or AD/Wpns?

Either way, hope you get the Jan 07 3's.


Awesome news on your progress. (not that I didn't know already though...lol) Best of luck in selection, and I too hope you make the Jan 07 course. Like I've told you before, you'll do great at anything you set your mind to. Go get 'em sailorette. (how sad, I will need a new nick for you soon)  :)
navymich said:
From what I was told, there is no specific set boards for AC Op, but instead the files are taken as time and personnel permit.  I will contact them again next week to see if anything has been heard.  The next QL3 course is 4 Jan 07, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to hear in good time.

Does anyone know how many positions are left for AC Op in the current fiscal year ?
I thought ACI Op desperately needs people, they were advertising that trade on the CF website.
I'm calling CFRC today to check on the status of my file, so I'll ask them for an updated number for spots as well.
I was at the school in Cornwall this summer and there is indeed a shortage (like most trades these days).  In fact, the shortage is starting to impact pilot training.  They have a fantastic training facility btw.

At last count there are some 27 positions to be filled.
I was thinking of re-mustering to ACI-Op while I was waiting for my Sigs course to start. From what I understand its a pretty good trade to get into.
AC Op Sigs Guy... ;)

If you put that on your memo to change trades, god know what ACI Op would end up being...NCI Op and you would end up on a ship??