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Navy Morale

We always used the Hull Shop for Dept get togethers.  And a few times we were invited to Tiller Flats too for a few wets.
Pat in Halifax said:
I think I know you - I think that was me!!! MAR, NIP, SAG and GAT

AlthoughI sailed in one of those, I was not in the Supply Dept then and thus was never in 12 Mess there.
Hey again,

I had another question that doesn't exactly fit into this thread, but I didn't think it was big enough to merit it's own thread.

Is there big list of the demographics of the Navy such as rank make up? What got me thinking was that I read an article on the executive curl and it stated that 5 000 officers would recieve them. 5 000 out of 13 000 naval personnel? I could be horribly mistaken, but that means that there would be one officer for every 2.6 chiefs/POs/MS/etc?

Obviously not every ratio would be the same as a CPF for instance, but as a small experiment in plugging in the numbers, does that mean officers make up almost 95 of the 230 crew? That seems awful high.

Is that assessment of 5 000 officers in the Navy accurate though? Where would the rest find themselves if it is?
Thats 5K officers, Regular and Reserve (Primary Reserve and Cadet Instructors)`, so the pool is greater than just people assigned to CMS.

For example, joint organziations like the Chief of Military Personnel, Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) and the Vice Chief of Defence Staff all have many members who wear the Navy DEU, but are not part of the Chief of the Maritime Staff establishment.

If you are internal to DND, look for the DHRIM website; there are statistical reports available that are updated daily, with month-end reports archived and available.
No, CPFs do not carry 95 officers or anything close to that.  Keep in mind that the reintroduction of the executive curl effects all CF officers wearing a naval uniform.  Many of these officers (e.g. CIC, Training Development, Pharmacists, etc) never serve in ships (I sometimes question whether some have even seen one, but that's a topic for another thread) and there are still other officers and NCMs  that are not currently part of Maritime Command and so are not counted among the 13,000.  In short, the numbers can be very misleading.
Ahhh okay. Definitely clears a lot up. It seemed way too high to be accurate; God love Navy.ca for quick responses!

Thanks for the replies everyone!