Ex-D, he does have a point.... we don't seem to sail as much as we did when I first came over to the Navy. The budget needs of the CF has changed and there is less to go around. It used to be common to have fleet ops on a "regular" basis, but it seems to be a rare event nowadays.
That being said, when we do sail there are still great places to see and experience. As others have commented, the life is what you make of it. If you want to have a negative outlook like our young west coaster, life will indeed suck. Perhaps because he is so damn disgruntled he only attracts like minded people. There are always whingers and bitchers in every unit, but BS on the percentage he claims. And yes, Sonny, I am from the lower decks. I am always amazed at those who are in the Navy and don't wish to sail. That is what it is all about for christsakes. Do your self and your shipmates a favour and get the hell out of the Reg Force. Your a drag on morale. :crybaby: