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Naval Improved Clothing and Equipment (NICE) Project





What about the shirt, any pictures of that?  Or is it staying the same?
If anybody has the contact details (phone # and email address) for the NICE project team, if they could PM them to me, I'd appreciate it greatly.

Project Manager (DSSPM 11)
LCdr Gilles Maranda

ILS Manager (DSSPM 11-2)
CPO2 Dennis Rideout



thanks again for the pictures, the closer up ones do help to give a better idea of the new NCD's.  I have to say tho, as soon as I saw the pants, I did think 'mall security guard' lol.... the cargo pockets can functionally come in handy however.

I've personally become more of a fan of the camou version now...both from a functional and military presence standpoint
Take the most common paint and grease stain colours found aboard ship and digitize them into a pixelated camouflage pattern.

For a Canadian Naval camouflage pattern, you could call it either NAVPAT, or CADPAT-N/M (Navy/Marine).
Bah!  The shirt is the worst part of the whole thing.  I always feel like a postal worker when I wear NCDs.  I am convinced that the bureaucrats in Ottawa are conspiring to make us look as silly as possible!

And now that I think of it, the uniform with jacket on does look alot like a mall security employee.
You could make the ship look like an S&M party cruise by piping dress on the upper deck as tactical vests (or whatever that thing is called), negative shirts and jackets.
Privateer said:
You could make the ship look like an S&M party cruise by piping dress on the upper deck as tactical vests (or whatever that thing is called), negative shirts and jackets.

Actually that "thing" is to replace the "Warbag". Previously the pouch (which carries a life vest) was carried around your waist and you also had an ammo pouch that held your anti-flash gear (and cookies too!). This was worn during action stations and was uncomfortable as hell!. This utility vest is a quantum leap in from that other piece of crap!
I'm just sorry that the following joke will no longer apply:

"Why is the navy the only environment without a Canadian flag on their shoulder?
Because they know how to read."
I'm just glad that since we don't use war bags in subs I won't have to wear that monstrosity of a vest either :rofl:
They do look a heck of a lot more convenient than the current war bags however. I'm quite willing to wear it if it means that I don't have to give up my daily shower. :) Although I can't really say I'd mind some of that sub pay.
Office Linebacker said:
kinda looks like the security guard at polo park mall.

I literally fell out of my chair laughing when i read your post, only because it is so true!  Polo Park security guards are fashioned exactly like that, I wonder if i wore the new NCD's I could pass as one then.  HEHE thanks for the laugh :)
Since the original link that was posted to the NICE project internet site appears to have died, I'm posting the new one.

I realize that this topic has not been opened in the past year.  With all the bloody rain we have been experiencing in Halifax over the past few weeks or so I was once again wondering where the hell the new rain gear is in the distribution flow of things.  I have looked at the NICE official web page and see that some of the items have come to pass, such as the new boots, tee shirts and new NCD, however,  no time lines or updates are given.  Progress is great and appreciated but, damn it all I would really like to see something really useful such as decent rain gear.  I am getting sick of the Canary suit.  How hard can it be to make something in Black for us even if it had to come off the shelf ie Helly Hansen?  Do any of the folks out there in the Supply world locally know the present status?
Apparently the new boots (both cold weather and temperate) just became available.

edit: and they are actually very very comfortable, havn't even broken them in yet and so far awesome. Its weird though, the temperate ones, are solid material and the cold weather ones have mesh sides.
jollyjacktar said:
I realize that this topic has not been opened in the past year.  With all the bloody rain we have been experiencing in Halifax over the past few weeks or so I was once again wondering where the hell the new rain gear is in the distribution flow of things.

I have just recently been emailing with the nice people at NICE ;). The new RCN 2 in 1 Wind Raingear has started distribution to bases. According to the supply folks here is Esquimalt a very small quantity arrived on Mon, 06 Nov 12, but in only one size so no distribution yet. Too bad as we are coming into the monsoon season.

Another tidbit is there is a new hot weather seaboot WITH ZIPPERS on the horizon.

My conversation with the NICE project started when I went to the site and there are very few pictures of the equipment we are getting. You can find the official site at http://www.materiel.forces.gc.ca/en/nice.page.

I was informed that the project is having difficulties getting it's web site updated so I suggested that they use this forum to get info out, but unfortunately there seems to be some kind of legal issue with that :facepalm:.
The word from Base Cothing in Halifax is mid December.  I won't hold my breath as the nice officer that responded to my query during the summer period said that distribution was supposed to have commenced in June but was delayed until September...  It will come when it comes.