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Naval Boarding Party.

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Canuck_55555 said:
What have they done so far?

A lot of training. Some boardings.

Canuck_55555 said:
Have they seen combat?

Define combat. Have they encountered aggresive people during a boarding? Probably. However, they are not a combat unit.

Canuck_55555 said:
How elite are they (are they like Navy SEAL's)?

Looooooooooool no. They do not belong to Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).
LogOLife said:
Looooooooooool no. They do not belong to Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).

They are trained by folks from the sneaky peakies, of course.

And if I had to clear a ship I'd rather do it with a team of well trained sailors as they know the layout, nooks and crannies at better than even your best trained Army people do.
daftandbarmy said:
They are trained by folks from the sneaky peakies, of course.

And if I had to clear a ship I'd rather do it with a team of well trained sailors as they know the layout, nooks and crannies at better than even your best trained Army people do.

They also get regular practice driving RHIBs in the ocean as opposed to Lake Ontario  8)

Good capability and glad the RCN is finally catching up to everyone else.
Just FYI, we are calling them NTOG these days -  changed Maritime to Navy at some point recently.

You might find more info about them by using NTOG as the search term
Canuck_55555 said:
What have they done so far?

Train; with some operational time embedded in deployed ships

Have they seen combat?

As a unit no, but individuals may have combat experience from past employment

How elite are they (are they like Navy SEAL's)?

They are a step between a ships boarding team and SOFCOM, no where near the l33tness of SEALS or JTF

The internet is limited with information about MTOG. I hope you all can help.
Canuck_55555 said:
The internet is limited with information about MTOG. I hope you all can help.

The top four or five video's are all about NTOG.  Including them on exercise.


As some have stated before they were born out of CANSOFCOM and the RCN getting together to create a higher level boarding party.  There was a gap between JTF2 anti-terrorist type boardings and the RCN's traditional ship boarding party.  NTOG is designed to fill that gap.  As well there were perceived issues with using ships company in boardings on deployment.  They were either getting burned out or were unavailable for their "normal" duties onboard.  NTOG is deployed with a ship and boardings is all they do.
Hey dudes, i am currently primary army reserves (infantry) been serving for 8 years now. I would like to go reg force navy and request an occupational transfer(?) With my chain of command. The marine tactical operator group really appeals to me, anyone know if they still actively training for positions for boarding party units, if so-any advice what steps i should take to put my name in to become a candidate for selection/training etc. (I know i would have to do a standard qualification course for naval stuff first, or whatever it is called now lol. Recently it was merged with DP1 for army after BMQ. Not sure if that is the same with Navy)
PewPewDIEf#%!Pew said:
Hey dudes, i am currently primary army reserves (infantry) been serving for 8 years now. I would like to go reg force navy and request an occupational transfer(?) With my chain of command. The marine tactical operator group really appeals to me, anyone know if they still actively training for positions for boarding party units, if so-any advice what steps i should take to put my name in to become a candidate for selection/training etc. (I know i would have to do a standard qualification course for naval stuff first, or whatever it is called now lol. Recently it was merged with DP1 for army after BMQ. Not sure if that is the same with Navy)

Get trade qualified first then apply.
PewPewDIEf#%!Pew said:
...The marine tactical operator group really appeals to me, anyone know if they still actively training for positions for boarding party units, if so-any advice what steps i should take to put my name in to become a candidate for selection/training etc.

To be honest, if I were you I’d submit your application with something other than ‘PewPewDIEf#%!Pew’, but that might just be me.


Hello, I’m in the final steps of joining the navy and have been browsing around at the different career opportunities. I was reading this, and I see that the Enhanced Naval Boarding Party isn’t CANSOFCOM. So out of curiosity I was wondering how they determine their pay scale? Do the members of the boarding party qualify for such allowances as the “special operations allowance”? Or are they paid based on the their original trade? I’m not sure if this is a dumb question or not so sorry if it is, again I was just curious.

Cheers Kietan!
Kietan said:
Hello, I’m in the final steps of joining the navy and have been browsing around at the different career opportunities. I was reading this, and I see that the Enhanced Naval Boarding Party isn’t CANSOFCOM. So out of curiosity I was wondering how they determine their pay scale? Do the members of the boarding party qualify for such allowances as the “special operations allowance”? Or are they paid based on the their original trade? I’m not sure if this is a dumb question or not so sorry if it is, again I was just curious.

Cheers Kietan!
NTOG is not a special force capability and its members do not get special operator's allowance. NTOG is a niche, conventional maritime capability force generated from naval tradespeople.
I see so their pay would be the same as the rest of their naval counterparts? (Aside from spec pay trades)
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