While we're waiting for the next photo, let me backtrack a bit and add some clarification to one of the odd vehicles that show up from time to time.
Rayman had posted a series of pics starting at:
There was some discussion about it being milspec, the odd looking "gun" and whether it had actually been used by an army.
Semper Fidelis identified it as possibly a MOWAG Water Cannon and I had confirmed that I had seen it so identified before. Rayman provided us with the correct name of "MOWAG Panzerattrappe".
After a little research, I found the following. "Attrappe" (in German) translates to "dummy" when used in a military context, so the vehicle is a "dummy tank". While the "gun" looks odd and has been referred to (on other sites) as a water cannon (with the vehicle maybe intended for riot control), it possibly serves no other purpose than to look like a gun for training purposes. More info at http://www.warwheels.net/AttrapeMOWAGTrainingVehicleINDEX.html