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Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

3rd Herd said:
Chaffee turret, looks like one of the airmoble experiments.

It is an M24 turret and it was an test vehicle, but AFAIK not for airmobility test´s.

edit: @NavyShooter As said it was "build" by the US.

My guess is Panzer II Luchs, with the 5cm turret, but I'm probably way off base.  Turret does look like an M-24 or M-41 predecessor.

Panzer II Luchs has a shorter chassis... this one has an extra road wheel....
still... German ww2 style design with staggered road wheels
geo said:
still... German ww2 style design with staggered road wheels

Not only german style, but german part´s (Roadwheel´s, suspension, track´s, and such) which where captured and the track give away from which german vehicle series this part´s are.

Well, I gave it my best guess....At least I got some of it's heritage correct....

Hint: The suspension, track´s, roadwheels and such are from an german Sd.Kfz. 8 12ton halftrack.

So, we have German Roadwheels, tracks and suspenion, an American Project with what appears to be a turret from a heavy armoured car maybe?  A tracked version of the Greyhound?

NavyShooter said:
So, we have German Roadwheels, tracks and suspenion, an American Project with what appears to be a turret from a heavy armoured car maybe?  A tracked version of the Greyhound?
Posts above..... Sd kfz 8 drive train and a chaffee M24 turret
Just can't find a what they named the little beastie........... M24c2 ?
geo said:
Posts above..... Sd kfz 8 drive train and a chaffee M24 turret
Just can't find a what they named the little beastie........... M24c2 ?

How about "mutt"?      ;D

In all seriousness, I've never seen that one before.

Well I think this has gone long enough, so I post the answer so we can go on:

AFAIK it was called T26. From SquadronSignal 25 "M-24 Chaffee in action":
"On M24 was fitted with the suspension from a german 12ton prime mover
in a test to determine if this type of suspension would result in any
performance improvement over the standard M24 suspension.
conclusion: no increase in performance, so the project was cancelled"

I would say free turn.

Does anyone else ever feel like that little kid at school who practically jumps out of his seat when the teacher asks the question but then cant give them a proper answer? I feel like that right now. I think i know it but i'm not at all sure.

Its not a little Japanese light tank is it? Model 95-ish ("ish" as in around that number)? I think thats the one i'm thinking of.
If you are looking at the Pic I posted.... IT IS a soviet prewar T26.
if you are talking about the one Ironduke posted, it's a german/US hybrid. Drive train from an old 12 ton halftrack & Chaffee turret...

The tie in is that Ironduke stated the hybrid was, he thought, a T26
and when I looked up the T26.... I got.... what I posted.
You should always take note of the fact how it is written. "My" T26 is an US test vehicle. (For example the test designation under the Chaffee was developed was T24.) But the pic geo posted is an T-26. The "-" is important. Another good example is the US T54 and the soviet T-54. Completely different vehicles.

It looks irrelevant but it is not.

Do you have any other "funnys" that you can post?
Holy photo shop pic of a Leo 1 A5 Batman!

Recce By Death said:
Holy photo shop pic of a Leo 1 A5 Batman!


Yes it is more or less a Leo 1A5. (Can´t say exactly which under version it is. NO or NO2)
But it is not photoshoped. It is a real pic for an norwegian TV commercial for a lottery.

Do you want to post a new pic?
