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N.B. School Silences Canada National Anthem

RangerRay said:
Some more information on the principal.  It appears that he's no stranger to radical left-wing politics...

<a href="http://ezralevant.com/2009/01/anthembanning-principal-a-fail.html">Link</a>

I just read your article.  In my view this is really scarry stuff.  If you stack the education system with guys like this what is society going to look like a generation from now.  I think thats what they are all doing.  Their rediculous politics are not popular enough for mainstrean society so they plant themselves in educational institutions and start a long term grass roots movements.  Thats already happening at universities.  Aside from academics, social activism is what gets pushed on us all the time.

The other thing about your link that really threw me off is the whole bit about banning the postal workers daily hymm or whatever its called.

It seems to me that in Canada we are tolerant of everyones religions except for our own.  Any religion that stems from Britain or France is condemned and certainly not tolerated, yet every other religion is celebrated here.

Its like I said before, alot of these PC weenies do not tolerate Canadian culture, just everyone elses.
I really enjoyed this part on how he describes himself.

I am: an ally for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gendered persons; anti- racist; pro-feminist and a pacifist at heart. My political influences and inspiration are drawn from: Ernesto (Che) Guevera, Noam Chomsky, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Audrey Lorde, Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz), Aung San Suu Kyi and Dr. David Suzuki among others.

Yes, the circus side show is in town and he is the principal at your school. Gotta love he is inspired by Malcom X and Che :rofl:

Holy shyte, over!


FormerHorseGuard said:
Just my  two cents, I do not care if you  do not like how I think, I am Canadian.  Give me O'Canada and a timbit in the morning and I am happy

Amen..  but with a double double.. please.
Now how about some perspective?

For all those who are finding this such a terrible decision, how many schools in your town (right now) sing O Canada every morning?  If they don't, when did you last bring this issue to the attention of your local school board?

We did not become a less free or less democratic country because one more school stopped singing the national anthem.

Michael O`Leary said:
Now how about some perspective?

For all those who are finding this such a terrible decision, how many schools in your town (right now) sing O Canada every morning?  If they don't, when did you last bring this issue to the attention of your local school board?

We did not become a less free or less democratic country because one more school stopped singing the national anthem.

Im glad you asked that because although I concede I was not a national anthem nazi before this incident, I most certainly am now.  Now that this sort of thing has been brought to my attention, I have taken it upon myself to query all the schools in my area.  And if I find one that isnt playing the anthem im going to ask why and kick up a huge stink over it as well.  So far, all the ones I have checked do play it.

On another note, the reason this is such a burning issue is because of the reason that the routine was changed.  If say for example, the routine was always to play it at national assemblies all along just because thats how they have done it forever, I dont think anyone would be worrying about it too much.  The fact that their established routine had changed because two people didnt like it is what pisses us all off and with good reason.  The issue is the over accomodation afforded to everyone but members of mainstream society.
Its not so much the schools who don't practice the anthem, but the ones who do, then ban it for idiotic reasons.

In my school days in Saskatchewan, we sang God Save the Queen, then O Canada, then said collectively, recited the Lord's Prayer. Didn't hurt me or my generation any.

Schools in Ontario must play the National Athem at the beginning or end of the school day
Michael O`Leary said:
Now how about some perspective?

For all those who are finding this such a terrible decision, how many schools in your town (right now) sing O Canada every morning?  If they don't, when did you last bring this issue to the attention of your local school board?

We did not become a less free or less democratic country because one more school stopped singing the national anthem.

Just asked my 12 year old and RkPS DOES play the anthem every morning.

Also, I remember singing O Canada every morning in school as well as the Lord's Prayer until we hit grade 7. 
riggermade said:
Schools in Ontario must play the National Athem at the beginning or end of the school day

That might be why all the schools in my area are found to be playing it.  I should have checked into that first and saved myself the trouble!!
My initial reaction was "STFU". Now that I've given it some thought, this might have exactly the opposite reaction to what he intended. Judging from the majority of the comments in the blogsphere, most folks think he's only succeeded in placing his foot firmly in his mouth.

Then again, I'm still thinking "STFU".
Rex Murphy in the Globe & Mail, at his usual best, on this one.....

Inclusive:adjective describing the act of halting, shutting down or banning any halfway normal practice or event enjoyed by a whole lot of people over a very long time because one or two people, now, don't like it. e.g., The company stopped sending out "Merry Christmas" cards because it wanted to be inclusive.  Funny thing how in our time, words are being hauled up from their roots, beaten about their little lexical noggins and turned into their exact opposites.


The question this sad little story epitomizes is: Why do the sensibilities of a few who find something objectionable seem so frequently to overrule the sensibilities of the great many who find the same thing joyful or meaningful? Why is being offended by O Canada more worthy, as a sentiment, than taking joy or pride in O Canada?....
I agree with the statement that was quoted from Rex Murphy. We now know the ban started over a year ago and is just hitting the MSM now. I can't help but think this school Principal was hoping this would blow over and be forgotten about. His school board, the Minster of Education and maybe himself are all cringing now at the attention this decision is getting.

A reader with one of the online newspapers posted his work email address. From reading the comments, his email is either full or been suspended because  some people are saying new messages are being rejected.

I agree with putting this into perspective. IF the school had a consulted parents and the majority of them decided to limit the anthem, I do not think there would be such a loud cry about this. IF the principal had of consulted with the school board about considering this idea, he may have been warned against it.
N.B. school ordered to resume playing O Canada, CTV.ca News

This week the students at Belleisle Elementary School in New Brunswick
will sing the national anthem, something they haven't done before classes
in over a year.

The principal at Belleisle, Erik Millett, made the decision to eliminate
O Canada from the school's morning routine after some complaints from
some parents. It was a quiet decision in the fall of 2007.

But last week the story made headlines as other parents lobbied the school
board to re-instate the anthem during daily announcements. The issue was
even raised in the House of Commons.

School district superintendent Zoe Watson decided Sunday to reinstate the
singing. "It is very clear from the communication I have received that people
want to see the national anthem played daily at this school," Watson told CTV
News. "I will act in the best interest of the Belleisle Elementary School community
and reinstate the playing of the national anthem during daily announcements --
effective immediately".

Susan Boyd, whose daughter Julie attends Belleisle Elementary, is pleased with
the decision, but her fight isn't over. A petition is circulating and people in the
community would like the province to introduce legislation on the playing of the
anthem in schools. New Brunswick Education Minister Kelly Lamrock has said
he will do everything in his power to make morning singings of O Canada mandatory.
I have a lot of pride, Canadian Pride. It's a shame that the High School I attend only plays it every Monday at the beginning of the week.

And my classmates complain that they have to stand and listen to it ONCE a week, I on the other hand, get to listen to the National Anthem 6 times if I'm lucky and I haven't complained ONCE (I come from a military family, so I've been raised on not complaining about listening to the anthem. I wish they kept The Maple Leaf Forever as the anthem, I like it more than the current anthem).
Remember the days when the Television and Radio Stations used to play the National Anthem at the beginning of their day and when they signed off at night.........which many don't do anymore, being more or less 24 hour stations.
George Wallace said:
Remember the days when the Television and Radio Stations used to play the National Anthem at the beginning of their day and when they signed off at night.........which many don't do anymore, being more or less 24 hour stations.

Do they not all still do it once a day anyway?  CBC Radio kept doing so at about 0500 even after they started broadcasting 24 hours.  (Perhaps they've stopped too; it's been a long time since I was listening to the radio at 0500!)
N. McKay said:
Do they not all still do it once a day anyway?  CBC Radio kept doing so at about 0500 even after they started broadcasting 24 hours.  (Perhaps they've stopped too; it's been a long time since I was listening to the radio at 0500!)
They still do it when they cease "CBC Overnight" and begin with their daily programming.
What fantastic news!! 

Though I still hope someone squares Mr Millett in the junk.