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Myopia and Glasses


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Hey everyone. I've recently joined and reading a lot of the helpful topics to help me upon joining the army yet there was one I couldn't find, whether you needed V5 vision without glasses for Infantry or not. I know anything below that, you won't be able to qualify and I don't wear glasses, just have them and will get another prescription just to see how bad they are now. But if you were to show your prescription to the one conduction the vision part of the test and bring your glasses, would you still be able to qualify for Infantry? I can see perfectly with my glasses yet without them, not so much and I've read here and online that Infantry are able to wear plastic glasses "sealed" to your face?

I'm doing an eye exercise each day, every day so when I hand in my app in a couple months, it'll have improved, and getting quite a bit of Vitamin C to hopefully get some to my eyes.

On your next post, please try to have some kind of organization, your post is a mess of words.  Also, I'm pretty sure theres no magic eye work out or vitamin that will improve your eye sight..

V5 means you do not qualify for the CF, minimum is V4.  For Combat Arms and other trades you require atleast V3.  No one online can tell you what vision category you are, just wait out untill your medical. At the CFRC they will give you an eye test, ie you stand x amount of ft from a chart with letters and you read them with and without your glasses.  Keep searching, lots of threads here about the eye exam, medical categorys, etc
Sorry, haha. Was in a bit of a rush. I'm usually more organized than that.

I actually meant V3 rather then V5 for the minimum requirements for infantry so my bad. And in response to there being no magic eye workout to cure all vision, I know that, but currently I'm using: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-improve-eyesight_1/step2/Step-one/ to try and improve my eyesight before I join.

Also, if you bring in your prescription and glasses to the vision test, will they allow you into Infantry, just with their own approved glasses?

Yes you can get into the Infantry with glasses aslong as you fall into the V3 or better.  And for all those Ninjasniper wannabes, theres even Snipers with glasses..

Now go, search and read... like I said before, this topic has been discussed to death.. and more than likey any question you have has already been asked and answered on these boards.
Thank god. I thought you had to get V3 or better without glasses. With them I'm like perfect vision.

Sorry for bringing it back up, I just couldn't find that exact topic anywhere but now that it's been clarified I'll go my own way.

Thanks much.
When you arrived at the CFRC, the recruiter should have given you a folder. And in that folder, there is a booklet. In that booklet, you tells you EXACTLY what you need for your medical. Here I'll take my time to put it word for work for you.

Step 04: Medical Examination

If you wear soft contact lenses ensure that you have removed them for a period of 24 hours prior to your unaided visiul test. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses must be removed at least 72 hours prior to your examination. Also ensure that you bring your glasses to the examination. Please bring a copy of your prescription.

No unnecessary noise exposure for 48 hours prior to your hearing testing.

No smoking or caffeine the morning of your medical.

I highlighted in yellow what you need to do. Please read the booklet before you post something that the recruiters have already given you.

P.S. I'm not "old" on this forum but I to now, seem to get "testy" at some of the posts myself =\
I've read every part of the folder just when reading the topics on people saying they have bad vision and couldn't get V3+ I got uneasy a bit and that part in the booklet flew over my head. Just wanted to clear that up so I don't look like a complete moron. :P