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ok guys i just got back from doing my second audiogram, and yet again i didnt do to great....i got H3 instead of gettin H2 to be enrolled....So i did some research and what i have is Sensorineural Hearing Loss...so basically my nerves in the middle ear are dead.....no on my audiogram it showed i got 10/10 at 500.....10/5 at 1000.......10/5 at 2000....and 60/60 at 3000........well that 3000 is where it all screwed me up...basically in order for me to get in i had to get atleast 30/30 in the 3000 category, and i didnt so now i am very disappointed because the last 6 months i have been studying and had my mind on my career that i wanted to do in the canadian army....so i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what i should do, please post your opinions i would like to hear it all.... :salute:
there are trades that accept H3, however H2 is the requirement for enrollment, you need to have H2 to be accepted
Hm, go figure. I wasn't aware of that.

Sorry for the bad luck on the hearing side of things.
can anyone list any trades that require H3, that would be really great......I am still gonna battle this thing when i get my letter of denial....wish me luck guys
bondarenkoa said:
can anyone list any trades that require H3, that would be really great......I am still gonna battle this thing when i get my letter of denial....wish me luck guys

http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/engraph/cfp154_annexEappen1-2_e.pdf  will provide the answers, however looking at them is pointless at this time as you need H2 to enroll, there is no way around that.
bondarenkoa said:
any ideas on what i should say when i go and fight my letter of denial?

i dont know but whatever you say, make sure they answer you real loud
bondarenkoa said:
any ideas on what i should say when i go and fight my letter of denial?

If the CFRC will let you do the hearing test again I would suggest that before you do you go to your doctors and have an ear flush. Other than that there isn't anything you can do, from my understanding this isn't a matter you can fight or win, H2 is the minimum if you cannot achieve that you cannot enroll.
You could, if you wanted to, and it is a bit extreme and may or may not work, but well, you could resensitize your ears by wearing ear protectors (ear plugs or whatever else) for a couple of days. It helps to relax your ears, and trust me when you remove them you'll hear alot more than before. Might be enough to pull you through the test again, who knows.

sounds good...i am gonna get my ears flushed..and go to a second specialist. because i had a bad feeling about the firts one i went too....
Have to say it but if you don't meet the Universality of Service for Common Enrolment Medical Standards (CEMS) you are out of luck.

If somehow you can have a medical procedure to fix your problem they might re consider it. I'm doubtful that you can get your hearing permanently fixed enough to join, but hey I'm not a doctor, I just work in recruiting.

The standards are very basic and usually people have no problem meeting them, however the reason behind them is to ensure all soldiers, airmen (air women) and sailors can do their jobs without any physical ailment effecting their performance as a member of the team. Military life is tough enough without having a disability of any kind, however minor you may believe it to be, to reduce your effectiveness. Yes, you might trick your ears into working better to pass a test but you had better be able to hear clearly under stress in less than ideal conditions when it isn't a test.

Best of luck. 
i still think its a matter of getting my ears flushed and cleaned because i have never had any problems with my ears before, and it was a surprise to everyone when i went for me medical and got my audiogram, i am 21 and i think there is just a mistake they have made, or i just have to focus on the test a little more, because lately i have had stress up to my head, cause i have a baby on the way, my woman is PMS'ing and everyone around me is freaking out...so i believe that i can do this if i take a day and relax a bit :salute:
bondarenkoa said:
i still think its a matter of getting my ears flushed and cleaned because i have never had any problems with my ears before,

Thats probably because you were never tested at those frequencies before. What you can/can't hear on a daily basis is not indicative of audiogram results.

i am 21 and i think there is just a mistake they have made, or i just have to focus on the test a little more, because lately i have had stress up to my head, cause i have a baby on the way, my woman is PMS'ing and everyone around me is freaking out...so i believe that i can do this if i take a day and relax a bit :salute:

boo freakin hoo........

I have to pass the audiogram every single year. I have all those stress factors affecting me in one way or another. I have other personal and career related stresses you cant even begin to imagine. The sounds in the audogram : You either hear them or you dont. Stop blaming stress or other people. get your ears flushed and get re-tested. Stress wasnt the problem.
Maybe I'm just naive about physiology here, but how can she be pregnant and PMS'ing?

I'm just sayin'.
omgLiam said:
Maybe I'm just naive about physiology here, but how can she be pregnant and PMS'ing?

I'm just sayin'.

I believe in this context he is using "PMS'ing" as a euphemism
I have to say, as a female, I find the use of "PMSing" rather derogatory.  Why should women be penalized for acting a few days a month like a man does most of the time.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
I have to say, as a female, I find the use of "PMSing" rather derogatory.  Why should women be penalized for acting a few days a month like a man does most of the time.  ;)

I agree that it is derogatory. Grow up, guys.  ::)
so i got my letter the other day saying that my medical standards did not meet..i was wondering if anyone has any idea on what my next step should be...someone told me i can go and fight it...please help me out guys.. :salute:
ok guys so i am gonna call the recruiting centre to find out where i have to make my calls, for my next step. I am very pissed that i didnt get accepted, because i had a rough life.......i came to canada in 1995...did good finished school,and did everything right.....but met some bad people at one point made some bad decisions, and now i got my shit together, did my aptitude test passed and the medical is basically the one thing that screwed me over.....i am having a baby boy in july....my first i am so happy...but i am just very pissed about these standards that the canadian forces have...something needs to be done here >:(
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