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My Story Of Racism- It Truly Hurt Me

Some of the most racist slimebags in the country have passed through my doors during the last 19 years and to be truthful there are a good number whom have mental problems and don't know better, however for the most part the racist folks are just about the stupidest human beings ever to breathe air.

Hate is about the only concept that is simple enough for them to grasp, so therefore they hold on tight, so just remember next time it happens, just try and shake your head and thank your personal God that you were created to be above that.

[I always found the skinheads of about 10 years ago to be really, really, really stupid, like they didn't even know the history of why they hated just that they thought it made them 'cool'.]

*true story*....on one of the more sought after work gangs we had a little wannabe skinhead and another well behaved inmate whom seemed to get along with the skinhead, which befuddled me. Finally one day the well behaved inmate is standing at the range door saying his goodbyes as he was getting out that day. When "waste of skin"head shows up he must have said something that finally pushed him over the edge. It went something like this......you are about the stupidest person I've ever met, I put up with you because I wanted to learn how to fix small engines but now I just got to tell you, my names Winegardner you clown, you got that,.. WINEGARDNER,...just what religion do you think I am?

The whole dorm just flew into fits of laughter as the moron slowly realized that everyone on the floor had been laughing behind his back for months as he tried to convince his "friend" to come to some of his Neo-Nazi parties when they got out........
Slowmode I have to commend you on your restraint and I think you handled the situation appropriately. Maybe next time wear your uniform. :)
recceguy said:
Not to downplay or dismiss what happened, but there's a good possibilty, from the symptoms you describe, that the guy was bi-polar and off his meds.

Either that or there is some poor village out there without their idiot.....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I always found the skinheads of about 10 years ago to be really, really, really stupid, like they didn't even know the history of why they hated just that they thought it made them 'cool'.

I found it ironic that most of the skinheads who praised Hitler and Nazism would probably be amongst the first ones thrown into the concentration camps. :o
An isolated incident caused by a nut job in of all places the second nut capital of Canada.  The first being Toronto.  Admire how you handled it but move along.
That's not racism, that's ASSism. The guy is an ass and a wan*er and likely treats everboby badly. He is also spoiling for a fight to "prove his manhood". You did the correct thing trying to avoid the fight and take care of your personal safety. I suspect this guy has likely been in trouble before and will again.
Stuff like this doesnt make me proud of my country.
"Stuff like this" is not indicative of your country. People like this are far and few between. Ignorance and cowardice is this persons colors.

an amazing citizen, comes to help me
This is what Canada is about.

Racist or A******.  Take your pick.  While the former doesn't always apply to the latter, the latter always applies to the former.  However it is usually during their displays of public a******ness that should fools are identified.  Or else it identifies them are either off their meds or imbibing a substance in an unmedicinal quantity.

During the late 80's I was posted to Ottawa.  On a July 1, I decided to take the bus downtown to partake of the celebration.  The bus that stopped in front of my apartment building was very crowded and there was only enough room to stand at the front next to the driver, who I recognized as the lady who most often was the driver when I took the bus to work every morning. We exchanged greetings and she offered me a small Canadian flag on a stick.  She had been passing them out to all her passengers and most on the bus had them.  I declined.  My refusal to "wave a flag" seemed to bother a couple of young men standing next to me.  One got particularly vociferous and started ranting about "who do you think you are", "What are you, some kind of f****** foreigner" "If our flag isn't good enough for you, you should go back to your own country".  (I should add that I am a Newfoundlander with a complexion that when subjected to endless days of NDHQ office fluorescent lighting can be charitably described as fish-belly white).  Anyway, I held my tongue and tried to ignore the two young a******* gentlemen.  The driver tried to tell them to shut up or they would be put off.  However, one of them continued with the rant that "brave men had fought and died for that flag so you can come to our country and live in freedom".  The pièce de résistance came when he stated proudly, "we wear that flag on our uniforms so that you have the right to **** on it".  Now I don't mind a******* generally as long as they don't interfere with my life.  There are too many of them around, so I have found they are best left ignored.  That last comment, however, demanded response so I asked them if they were in the military to which one answered, "yeah, we're soldiers".  I asked to see their ID cards to prove it and when they refused (by saying **** off, we don't have to show ID to a civvy), I produced mine and made it an order.  Unfortunately (for the service), both were reserve members.  Fortunately, they didn't stay members long. 

BZ for that.  Racism and discrimination in this great country Canada?  Of course there is.  Its citizens are human which makes us imperfect.  However, you did the right thing IMO...you chose to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Not all white people like black people, not all black people like white people, not all French Canadians like English Canadians, etc etc and I don't think anyone who is realistic can say there will be a day that this is not the case.  Its what we chose to do each day that counts; to be part of the solution...or part of the problem. 

Being Canadian isn't based on what is on the 'outside' but what is on the 'inside' and my little brain tells me you have the 'inside' stuff goin' on.
You handled yourself well & should not dwell on it.

Big picture- there are more Good people than there are Bad.
I have time for the good people - I don't for those other A$$hOes.

All Im saying is that racist/homophobic/sexist things that happen in Canada by Canadians dont make me proud.
I dont think the morons who do these things are indicative of the general Canadian of course.
I just find it sad that these things go on in Canada (or anywhere for that matter). Try being the only black family in your part of Scarbourgh or the only gay kid in small town ontario and then come and tell me there isnt a pretty large segment of the population who will focus on differences and act brave in numbers while being cowards. :(

I am very proud of my country and think Canada is the best country in this world, but its clearly imperfect in any number of ways and the examples here show how, although the responses of people and specifically the author of this thread, who are subjected to this garbage make me proud of my country, I wish no one had to go through this type of nonsense.  :cdn:

Don't know how I'm only managing to see this thread now. I am so sorry that you had to meet the worst that Canada has to offer.

Congrats on you for your reaction. Mine would not have been so nice at all.

Knowing you, I'm quite sure that you know you are much better than this individual will ever be.

I don't know how racist stupidiots go about justifying in their own minds some of the shit they believe and that comes out of their mouths, but I am so sorry you had to be the "beneficiary" of their crap.

I'll send you a note on Crackbook this evening -- I think you may get a kick out of, and to keep in your arsenal for any future encounters with irrational, idiotic, racist, scum sucking, poor excuses for humans.
My wife is Malay/Indian with strong Indian features, back in 2001 when we got married and came to Canada, we were spat at by the older East Indians. It was rare to see a mixed couple. I am happy to say that in the last 2 years there has been an explosion of mixed couples involving East Indians of both sexes with partners of various ethnic groups in Vancouver. In fact I would say the incidents of racism I see have dropped to around 10% of what it was in 2001.
Huss, sorry to hear about this man

It says alot about you the way you dealt with it, many others would not have been so tolerant (Myself included)

Dont let one person get you down, your better than that
Oh so true.... when you stand out in a crowd - you attract the attention of people who aren't as opened minded as you are.  When you are no longer an individual but have become a crowd.... a lot easier to deal with the narrow minded ones who have to revise their views .

geo said:
Oh so true.... when you stand out in a crowd - you attract the attention of people

A few (years) ago I had to deliver a message to the student black association at UQAM.
As the only causacian in a small place, I've never felt so ... visible in my life. It was
a bit strange for me, made me reflect on what people may feel when they're one of a kind in a crowd...
What is beautiful about this country is the fact that i never EVER felt isolated discriminated against as a visible minority, even being the only one in the crowd. This is the one thing that makes me so proud to be part of the great north.

Yrys said:
A few ago I had to deliver a message to the student black association at UQAM.
As the only causacian in a small place, I've never felt so ... visible in my life. It was
a bit strange for me, made me reflect on what people may feel when they're one of a kind in a crowd...

Try living in South Korea (not Seoul) or Taiwan (not Taipei) and being blonde, blue-eyed, and fair-skinned. "Visible" is a good way to put it. I was practically NEON.  :P
Celticgirl said:
Try living in South Korea (not Seoul) or Taiwan (not Taipei) and being blonde, blue-eyed, and fair-skinned. "Visible" is a good way to put it. I was practically NEON.  :P

I had some interesting moments in Syria. They saw brunettes and raven haired ladies daily. They saw blondes on TV all the time. My red hair was a big hit --- it was different. Apparently, I may be worth a couple dozen goats and lambs had I agreed to remain behind to live there.  :o I certainly didn't experience negative comments though. Stood out --- but no comments meant to hurt.