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My Application Adventure

beyondsblue said:
You should just be yourself. Tell the truth the whole time and if you wanna exaggerate your experiences (perferable just a tiny bit), make it believable. I mean, they won't check EVERY single thing you told them. So if you want to make a better impression on the interviewers, take the risk. But if they found out that you are lying, you are screwed.
Oh, just wondering, how many people are going to interview you? Is it like a board thingy or one to one?

I agree, just be yourself...

beyondsblue, it is often just one person, or you could be unlucky and have 2 interviewers as I did. Really not fun, but I got through it.
Big Foot, you are a RMC cadet, right? Are there a lot of visible minorities in the university? What's the female to male ratio, approximately?
Big Foot said:
ROTP Applicant, I feel it is selfish that you declined RMC just because you didn't get the trade you wanted. I had wanted MPO but instead got artillery but I still accepted it. There is the process of MOC change for a reason.

Wow!!! It's too bad that your feel that I was selfish. I did not accept MARE for two main reasons. Number One: I did not want to go into the Forces unless I'm doing something that I like. Also, just think about it, would you do your best at a job that you don't even enjoy? Number Two: I did not accept MARE because I wouldn't enjoy the trade or the element which means I am taking the opportunity of becoming a MARE from someone that would actually want the position (which in my books is the opposite of being selfish). Moreover, in terms of MOC Change/Occupation Transfers, the chances of an Occupation Transfer are very slim, and I did not want to take the risk of being unable to do an OT.  
Aside from the interview, i will also be doing my medical on the same date.  This brings a problem to me.  For the medical, i presume that i will have to strip down some for the medic to "check my pecker" :-[ and what not. So i'll have to wear something i can take off easily. But for my interview, i dont want to be wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. What do people usually wear.

Also, what is done for the medical aside from the standard eye test, hearing test, and tap on the knee?
So i'll have to wear something i can take off easily. But for my interview, i dont want to be wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. What do people usually wear.
Wear a suit and tie to the interview. This is a job application, so take it seriously. You will strip down to your boxers in your medical, they won't check the family jewels. I had interview and medical the same day, but it is not a problem to go in there with a suit as you are given privacy and time to change.
I had my Medical and Interview this morning, it went pretty good.
Medical was fine, i'm just a little concerned with my eyesight. Here's a transcript of what happened, lol:
Medic: ok, please take off your glasses for me. read whats i project onto the wall.
Me: ...can't see...
Medic: ok, now
Me: ...can't see...
Medic: ok, now
Me: ...can't s---OH! "M"
(the M was so big it took up the whole square!) >:(

Other than that, everything was alrite. The hearing test was interesting. She placed me in a little chamber and gave me head phones. The sounds were quite comical as they reminded me of mosquitos wizzing by.

I was a little nervous at the beginning of the interview but things turned out alright. The interviewer asked lots of questions about my education, work experience, extracurricular, sports, fitness, cadets, etc.
He asked me what each MOC did, what and where does training take place, etc...(really long process as i picked 5 MOC's: Armd Officer, Engrs Officer, Inf Officer, EME, and Arty)
Some pretty interesting questions were hypothetical problems. For example: During Basic, i am placed incharge of a section and given a small party tasking. One member of the section does not do his job, causing the tasking to be incomplete. The evaluator tells me that this will hinder my chance of passing. What do i say?
These kinds of questions would be where i think people might have problems. Being in cadets and having gone to camp where we have done similar small party taskings, i think it gave me a bit of an edge over others. Cadets is such a great thing! ;D
ROTP Applicant, I feel it is selfish that you declined RMC just because you didn't get the trade you wanted.

I'm inclined to agree with ROTP applicant.
If I had wanted to be a pilot there's no way I'd go in as a MARE, especially considering and MOC transfer is about as difficult as it is to get into the forces in the first place.
The only advice I can give anyone on their way in, from someone on their way out is that you should not settle for something just because it's offered if you don't want to do it.
well Li dont worry you have a lot to offer. i am sure you will be fine. i have seen a lot of guys in the military that wear glasses.

oh and i herd you did well on you phase 1 for NSCE good job.
OMG!!! I made it!!!! I'm going to RMC!!!! armoured officer with Sci/Eng degree!!!
:salute: :cdn: :salute:!!!!

I'm doing a prep year that starts in august so i might be able to do PARA with cadets then go there!
so your doing the prep year? man i could not imagine doing another 5 years of school.

congrats though, i hope you do well, wait what am i saying. as long as you keep your mouth closed you will do just fine ;)
rifle_team_captain_13 said:
OMG!!! I made it!!!! I'm going to RMC!!!! armoured officer with Sci/Eng degree!!!
:salute: :cdn: :salute:!!!!

I'm doing a prep year that starts in august so i might be able to do PARA with cadets then go there!
I'll see you there, I have also been accepted for prepatory year.