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MWO Mario Mercier R22e and MCpl Christian Duchesne 5 Fd Amb - 22 Aug 2007

Mcpl Christian Duchesne was a medic belonging to 5th Fd Ambulance - attached to the R22R for the duration.
A former gunner with 5 RALC, he leaves a wife and three daughters.

Repose en paix mon ami

Radio-Canada reporter describes moment of Afghan blast:

RIP soldiers.

    speedy recovery to those that were hurt.
Thoughts and prayers to the family & friends of the fallen.  RIP, your sacrifice will not be forgotten.  Speedy recovery to the injured.
:salute: :cdn:
Godspeed, soldiers.  You'll not be forgotten.

My condolences to the family and friends of these two fine soldiers.
a_majoor said:
Or we can take direct action
If RC's presence in Afstan is separately managed from "English" CBC then I would hold fire on eCBC - after all you don't want to lose Mercer who has been one of the best supporters (in terms of reach to the ordinary punter) of the CF's mission.  Concentrate on the organisation that did wrong, rather than the CBC mothercorp.
:cdnsalute: :cdnsalute:  My condolances to the family, friends and comrades of the fallen Van doo's

Also a  :cdnsalute: to the Translator, these guys give it all for their country as well (perhaps someone can make a Afghan salute for these occasions?)

As for the reporter in this link


I watched the interview this morning, he was visibly shaken, but I have to wonder how someone becomes a veteran reporter on a conflict when he does not know either the French or English term for a mine clearing vehicle?
My condolences to the family and friends of Master Warrant Officer Mercier and MCpl Duchesne.

Our Loss
By Irvine Bruce

They came when they were called,
They asked for little and received less.
They fought for honor and truth,
In a world in which there was precious little.
We have been made better for their sacrifice
And yet we are poorer by their passing.
Ultimately in spite of their lost lives,
We must recognize that the greatest loss lies with us;
For we have been stripped of their lives and their gifts.
Of all the children they will never father,
of the students they will never tutor,
of the truth they will never uncover,
of the dreams they had that no mortal will ever know,
of the best of humanity that they can never again be.

We cannot remember them as well as we should,
We will never remember them as well as we do now.
Alas, we barely knew them at all.
But they died in out stead,
And if there is one thing we should know,
one thing we must take from this desolate moment;
it is that they could have been us,
and they must be us.
We must live for them.
We must try to achieve the promise that was embodied their lives,
before they were so nobly cast aside for our sake.
This is the only way
we can shoulder this otherwise unbearable debt.
By their selfless sacrifice they have shown
that this is how they would have had it,
had they by some accident of fate
been left as the living
and not we.
the loss of MWO Mercier will be a big loss to the Coy & the Btn
Good soldier that the men would follow to hell & back.

Repose en paix mon ami

Je me souviens!

Here's hoping that the members of B Coy will receive comfort in the loss of their medic and their Sergeant Major (I assume he is the Sgt Major given his rank).
I also hope that their friends and family are comforted in this, their time of loss.


"Je me souviens!"
I have known Mario Mercier for some time; although we never served in the same Battalion, we attended a few courses together, and our career paths were somewhat parallel. He was one of those guys who was always in a good mood, and very curious !!

Mario, repose en paix; Tu as fait ta part, on ne peut qu'espérer maintenant être à la hauteur pour prendre la relève.  :salute:

À la famille de Mario, mes plus sincères condoléances.

Je Me Souviens  :cdn:
À la famille de Mario, mes plus sincères condoléances.

Je Me Souviens  :cdn:

Repose en Paix


No matter what regiment or battalion we are or what cap badge we were on our beret, we are all brothers in arms in the end, we all stand beside, fight beside and grieve beside one another. 

I am at CFMSS right now and the loss of not only a fantastic medic, but an experience MWO is a loss to us all.

Take the time to remember them and all those who have fallen before them
CBC newsworld is now showing a "balanced opinion" from the people of Quebec on the AStan mission. It's just a bunch of people saying that "It's too bad are soldiers are dying for nothing."  >:(

Mes condoléances plus profondes au régiment, aux corps, à la famille et aux amis du tombé.  Vous serez manqué et vous serez rappelé.