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MWO Mario Mercier R22e and MCpl Christian Duchesne 5 Fd Amb - 22 Aug 2007

Colin Parkinson

Army.ca Myth
Reaction score
2 NATO soldiers killed, 3 others hurt in Afghanistan   :(
CTV.ca News Staff
Updated: Wed. Aug. 22 2007 5:53 PM ET

Two NATO soldiers and an interpreter have been killed in Afghanistan during a patrol, NATO says.

Another soldier and two journalists were injured in the same incident, which occurred in southern Afghanistan.

The incident "puts into context the very real dangers, difficulties and life threatening situations our ISAF troops, media and the interpreters who accompany them, encounter on a daily basis," said Lt. Col. Bridget Rose, a spokeswoman for the International Security Assistance Force's Regional Command South.

"Our thoughts are with the friends and families of those who have died or been injured in this incident."

An exact location hasn't been given yet for the incident.

No identities or nationalities have been released yet; however, that information usually comes from officials of the country whose soldiers were affected.



With files from The Canadian Press

From CBC:

Two NATO soldiers and an interpreter were killed during a patrol in southern Afghanistan, NATO said Wednesday.

Another soldier and two journalists were injured in the same incident.

The names and nationalities of the dead and wounded have not been released and no other details have been provided.

Canadian soldiers are part of the NATO mission.

NATO announced the deaths in a press released issued by its International Security Assistance Force, known as ISAF.

"[The incident] puts into context the very real dangers, difficulties and life-threatening situations our ISAF troops, media and the interpreters who accompany them, encounter on a daily basis," said Lt.-Col. Bridget Rose, a spokeswoman for ISAF.

MOD EDIT: Updated title

Latest says two Canadian soldiers killed:  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070822.wafghandeaths0822/BNStory/Afghanistan/home
Ah Crap.........

I Really wished it could quiet down for a little while for us....... I was really hoping....

And even more, I hope and Pray that Roto 4 doesnt exceed the number of casualties that we had on 3.... it was a damned bloody 6 months...

Godspeed to the fallen, and prayers to their families.
latest on quebec news pages have it as 2 soldiers from valcartier. cameraman was severely injured in the foot, SRC reporter went into shock (no physical wound).
CTV is saying they are Canadian. What a way to start off the new Roto. RIP soldiers  :salute: :cdn:
may those 2 vandoos fine gentlemen rest in peace, and may their comrade know that we support them with all our hearts.
Let's keep the speculation "off the air" as it were.  There is, to my knowledge, no confirmation regarding that Canadians were killed - much less that they were "Van Doos".  Regardless who the fallen are - they have my respect.

Until we DO have confirmation regarding the individuals concerned, stop the speculation.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
M. harding, in Quebec, it is out...2 were with the 22nd. We do not have their names yet. but they were with us.
2 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Updated Wed. Aug. 22 2007 6:53 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Two Canadian soldiers and an interpreter have been killed in Afghanistan during a patrol, a Canadian general says.

CTV's Denelle Balfour told CTV Newsnet from Kandahar that Brig.-Gen. Guy Laroche broke the news to reporters there.

Another soldier and two Canadian journalists were injured in the same incident, which occurred in southern Afghanistan.

Public broadcaster Radio Canada said both journalists were its employees.

Radio-Canada said cameraman Charles Dubois has been seriously injured but reporter Patrice Roy was uninjured but suffering from nervous shock.

CTV confirms the two NATO soldiers are Canadians.

RIP and speedy recovery to the injured.
mysteriousmind said:
M. harding, in Quebec, it is out...2 were with the 22nd. We do not have their names yet. but they were with us.


Please provide links in future - I see a link has already been posted by someone else.


They were part of an offensive operation, to secure key terrain in Zhari district. The operation was conducted by B Coy, 3R22eR, supported by all avail assets.
The explosion happened during the consolidation portion of the operation.

Reposez en paix, les gars. On se verra de l'autre coté.  :salute:

Je me souviens.  :cdn:

They just interviewed a News Director from Radio Canada on As it Happens.  It's pretty obvious that the soldiers killed were Vandoos and some of the journalists involved were indeed Canadians.

Here's the DND news release:  http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=2428
Gentlemen, the point is they we do not allow posts identifying personnel, units, etc., without a public source link.  There are people on the forum that are in the know with these incidents, and we do not want to be the source of a premature leak before the official release.  Therefore, any such posts without a direct linked public source will be challenged and/or removed.

Milnet.ca Staff
Punisher_6D said:

They just interviewed a News Director from Radio Canada on As it Happens.  It's pretty obvious that the soldiers killed were Vandoos and some of the journalists involved were indeed Canadians.

Here's the DND news release:  http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=2428

The wonders of time-zones.  As It Happens won't air here for another two hours.  Thus the necessity of links.


Punisher_6D said:
Hence the official DND link, Roy. ::)

Moderator Warning.


Imagine if you were a member of one of these soldiers family, and something was posted here before YOU had a chance to notify granparents etc before it hit the news.

You want to argue about it; carry on somewhere else.

The DS post asking for a link came after comments like this one:


The point was and is, it does not get posted onto this site, unless it is linked to another official public source. Lest this site be accused of being the one to leak names, details etc before the NOK has authorized, or any "rumour" that turns out to be true ... or untrue.

We are more professional than that here.

And with that, I welcome you to the Milnet.ca Warning System.

The Milnet.ca Staff

A shame. Thoughts and prayers to all concerned family and friends alike.
