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Muslim Cop refuses Israeli Embassy Duty.

I can sympathize with the cop... Someone should find the guy another job... perhaps he could qualify as a Justice of the Peace and perform civil marriage ceremonies instead...

errr.... ummmm....
Then re-issue him his helmet, truncheon, and whistle, and have him directing traffic around Picadilly Circus. Better yet, a traffic circle on Orkney.
Needless to say  I rather doubt that the Israeli embassy is losing much sleep over this latest tabloid feeding frenzy.   After all their security, indeed that of all foreign embassies, is central to the issue.  And in that regard its a pragmatic and win-win solution  for all  parties:

(1) One less potential security risk for the Israelis and all who may have good reason to visit their embassy.
(2) Omar doesn't have to compromise his principles and/or expose himself to co-religionist peer pressures by protecting the accursed Zionists,
(3) The peelers don't have to worry about any potential fallout flowing from the first 2 points.

Carry on Constable !

Congratulations to this idiot for widening the gap between us and them even more.


First off, what does Scandanavia have to do with anything?

Secondly, no I haven't confused you with anyone and I agree you have a right to your own opinion.  The reasons I disagree with you and posted what I did are:
You seemed to acknowledge the fact you are a right wing Christian, or at least you did not deny it.
You did not acknowledge that, after having read all the posts, the PC in question had very little to do with his being taken off the roster for the Israeli embassy.
Youre "blah, blah, blah" post indicated to me an unwillingness to accept any media reporting which altered your opinion which you had formed after reading the first article.

While you are not advocating violence, you are not willing to listen to the entire story and go with the first, imflamatory and imcomplete, version of the story.  This is where I equated your right wing Christian position with the radical Islamist position on the Pope.

My problem is with a organization (The Met) who has a history of fumbling public relations.  I doubt that the true story will ever come out now, or if it does it wont be recognized because there are so many conflicting stories.  As I said in my first post, this is really a non-story.  Some police supervisor made a decission and because the Met couldn't manage to get their act together on the PR side everyone loses.

Armyvern said:
Well I am glad you think this way...but in this case

No where did the article state that.

No story here...time to move on.

Would you consider the possibility that the Met. PD put a acceptable spin on what they knew would become a National Uproar, if unchecked, if the initial presumption was the case.

Or you just can't imagining Police Depts., being self-serving, when necessary.

But hats off to the PTB at the Yard, those boys are real quick on their feet. Of course this is only my opinion.
I just want to clarify for the record in a post brought up by Hatchet Man about the Toronto police officer that refused to guard an abortion clinic in religious grounds.

The officer in question was Constable David Packer and the incident took place in the mid 1980's.  The property was the Morgentaler Abortion Clinic on Harbord St reet in Toronto Police 14 Division.  Prior to the opening of the clinic the Police Superintendent Getty (14 Division C.O.) gave assurances that officer's religious opinions would be respected when it came to duty at the clinic.

A 24 hour premises security detail was established by 14 Division officers including Constable Packer.

Packer was on the  "Pro Life" side of the abortion issue and an agreement was reached with police brass that he would only be required to guard the building after hours.  Packer had no concerns about guarding the property while abortions were not being performed and in fact did so on a permanent basis while he worked night shift along with second officer.  The security detail was subject to continuous visits by police supervisors and officers stopping by to chat or bring coffees, so there are plenty of people to verify that Packer guarded the building.

The refusal by Packer came after his duties were changed to guard the clinic while in operation.  I do not know the exact details of the refusal however I do know that he was suspended and made subsequent refusals which were documented.  He was later fired by a police tribunal for the refusal.

Constable Packer stood his ground and sued the city over his dismissal. The court ruled that Packer had been unfairly dismissed, it ordered that he be reinstated and that the 2 or 3 years worth of lost income be paid to him. 

Packer was reinstated as a Police Constable and his lost salary paid, the following day he resigned


After a long period without incident the security detail was gradually reduced and eventually scrapped.
The clinic was blown up by a bomber/arsonist and had to be torn down because the structure was unsafe.  A commercial property now stands on the Harbord St. site.

I believe that the case of the Muslim cop is different in that his refusal is political and not based on religious grounds.  Without getting into the discipline issues, a large police force could easily accommodate him with other duties - such as recording and checking stolen bicycle details.

I would also like to remind your readers of a case involving a CF (Navy) member who was refused a posting to the Middle East because of his ethnic background.  (Read about it - don't remember the details.)

I'm sure the people in the Israeli Embassy are upset that the muslim cop is not looking after there 6 ?,
    but what going to happen next ?, are we going to have muslim people in the Canadian army saying they are not going oversea's because they have family there ?, or they might have to shoot a cousin or 2 ?

          My 2 cents, O.M.G !                :crybaby:
That, my friend, has already happened (in a way).  In Cyprus we had an NCO of Greek descent and he was not allowed on the line.  He had to work in the leave centre to avoid any "complications" with the Turks.  This was a decision made by the powers that be and as far as I know he would have rather stayed with his Pl.