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Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

Brad Sallows said:
 I'm not sure why the beliefs and attitudes and acts of people dead for hundreds of years should be a stick to beat the churches and their followers of today, but perhaps that's a special sort of understanding that requires a special sort of brain chemistry.

I think one of the reasons for that is that, largely, the Vatican owes it's wealth and power to hundreds of years of the acts of those people.  While I agree that the Church of today is not the same as the church of yesteryear some people will not view it that way.

Can anyone honestly say they didn't see this coming?  Pope says (quotes) something about Mohammed, fanatics start retaliating.  His advisors should have known better.  Unfortunately world politics requires measured language because people are just looking for excuses.

Here is a test, get any a Muslim to attempt to renounce their religion in any country outside of the West and see want happens to them.

For sharia law to work, Islam must be compulsory, If you are conquered, captured by Muslims, you are given a choice to convert. If you no, you will be dead.

If you move to a Islamic country, they will require you to pay a tax and restrict you activities. Some exemptions for foreign workers that are needed, but they mostly live in compounds.

The Shia Council just condemned the pope...and AQ declared a jihad against the church....not sure of the source...just announced on "Adler (idiot) on Line"
the 48th regulator said:

The lot of them, First it is 
now it is Benedict XVI.

What next....



ROOOONNNNNNALD!!!!!  What have they done to you!!!???? :crybaby:
There's guys out of sight that are after Mayor McCheese and the Hamburglar.

Once they get those two they are going to build a pyramid.
The next thing you know, they'll be roasting "Big Bird"
Colonel Sanders won't stand for anything involving birds that doesen't include deep frying.  Just let them try :threat:
hehehehe.....big birds....um....cousin...hic

Tue, September 19, 2006
Al-Qaida pounds Pope
Group vows war against West over Pontiff's comments


CAIRO -- "Al-Qaida in Iraq" warned Pope Benedict yesterday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the Pontiff's remarks on Islam.

Small protests broke out in Syria and Indonesia, with Muslims saying Benedict's statement of regret a day earlier did not go far enough.

Islamic leaders around the world issued more condemnations of the Pope's comments, but some moderates in the Mideast appeared to be trying to put a damper on the outrage, fearing it could spiral into attacks on Christians.


On Sunday, Benedict said he was "deeply sorry" over any hurt caused by his comments made in a speech last week, in which he quoted a medieval text characterizing some of Mohammed's teachings as "evil and inhuman" and calling Islam a religion spread by the sword.

Benedict said the remarks came from a text that didn't reflect his own opinion, but he did not retract what he said or say he was sorry he uttered what proved to be explosive words.

The Vatican yesterday sought to defuse the anger, ordering papal representatives around the world to meet with leaders of Muslim countries to explain the Pope's point of view and full context of his speech.

Few in the Islamic world were satisfied by Benedict's statement of regret.

Extremists said the Pope's comments proved the West was in a war against Islam.

"Al-Qaida in Iraq" issued a statement warning the Pope: "You and the West are doomed ... we will continue our jihad (holy war) and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism."

In Iran, leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the Pope's words give the West an "excuse for suppressing Muslims" by depicting them as terrorists.

"Those who benefit from the Pope's comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests," he said, referring to the U.S.

Thems fightin words  nyuk , nyuk, nyuk....woo ,woo, woo, woo :blotto:  what a bunch of stooges.

::) "Al-Qaida in Iraq" issued a statement warning the Pope: "You and the West are doomed ... we will continue our jihad (holy war) and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism."

Don't you think it is about time that all Christians around the world took frontal lobotomy's and ran out into the streets to burn effigies of OBL and denounced Islam as being the "Great Satan"?  ::)
tamouh said:




You need to grab couple of good books and read up on early Islam.


Tamouh, your thoughts scare me, and are very much of a pro-terrorist brainwashed mentality.

It gives me more resolve to even do our jobs better here, and for the the Canadian government to stengthen immigration laws to keep people with your views outside the border.

Just remember as you preach these ideals, allied soldiers are fighting and dying to prevent such mentality in our own country, including Canada's own.

You sir, should be ashamed of yourself for this, but you will never ever see things how we do. Never!

Disgusted beyond a joke,

Tamouh, your thoughts scare me, and are very much of a pro-terrorist brainwashed mentality.

It gives me more resolve to even do our jobs better here, and for the the Canadian government to stengthen immigration laws to keep people with your views outside the border.

Just remember as you preach these ideals, allied soldiers are fighting and dying to prevent such mentality in our own country, including Canada's own.

You sir, should be ashamed of yourself for this, but you will never ever see things how we do. Never!

Disgusted beyond a joke,

I only scare those ignorant of their own beings and others surrounding them. Your views and many on the extreme right are as dangerous as the Muslim extremists themselves. I'm more than glad you're a very small minority of people with twisted look at the world.

I'm with many more who will continue to build Canada as a peaceful, balanced and welcoming home for many immigrants to come.

I've not preached any ideals, this is another twisted joke you and your fellow conspirators keep using. I preach what Canada did stand for and will continue standing for until people like yourself ruin it.

Your anti-Rights, anti-Freedom, anti-Islam, racist and nonequivalent self denial of the rights of others is the problem. Ironically, this is the same problem AQ and extremists have that you claim to fight.

p.s. Just because someone favors another method to deal with terrorism, doesn't mean he/she is pro-terrorist. It is only in your little brain washed way the alternative becomes the opposite.

>I preach what Canada did stand for and will continue standing for until people like yourself ruin it.

Canada stands for freedom of religious belief and practices, freedom of sexual expression, gender equality, freedom of association, against discriminatory treatment or taxation based on religious beliefs, separation of state from church and church from state, to name a few.  What exactly is the Islamic response to those ideas?

Is it reasonable to require of everyone who wishes to be Canadian that he renounce any practices which might militate against those Canadian ideals, except as he might wish to apply them against only himself?
tamouh said:
I only scare those ignorant of their own beings and others surrounding them. Your views and many on the extreme right are as dangerous as the Muslim extremists themselves. I'm more than glad you're a very small minority of people with twisted look at the world.

I'm with many more who will continue to build Canada as a peaceful, balanced and welcoming home for many immigrants to come.

I've not preached any ideals, this is another twisted joke you and your fellow conspirators keep using. I preach what Canada did stand for and will continue standing for until people like yourself ruin it.

Your anti-Rights, anti-Freedom, anti-Islam, racist and nonequivalent self denial of the rights of others is the problem. Ironically, this is the same problem AQ and extremists have that you claim to fight.

p.s. Just because someone favors another method to deal with terrorism, doesn't mean he/she is pro-terrorist. It is only in your little brain washed way the alternative becomes the opposite.


While I respect your right to defend your view of Islam, please don't bring my country into this and claim that you and those who agree with you are the ones building a better Canada. Everyone who is Canadian is responsible for building a better Canada, and just because you don't agree with their def intion of a better Canada doesn't make yours right.
Conspirators? Pardon me, but which conspiracy? The Zionist-crusader one? The "Conservative Hidden agenda" one? I'm sick and tired of hearing of conspiracies.

The cry of conspiracy is usually the last desperate word supporting a fallacious argument.
'Muslim anger follows Pope's comments'

You know what? Who cares! I'm tired of the shyte. I don't care if they get pissed off at the Pope or at cartoons. They can rant, parade and protest. I don't care anymore. Just stay the F**K away from me. Don't bother me, I won't bother you. Get in my face, I"M not responsible for the consequences, you are! Wanna act like a spoiled brat? Do it where I don't have to watch or listen. It's simplistic, but it works for me.