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It takes 4 guys to jump you! You must be a really big guy or they must be a bunch of cowardly punks. I'd bet you will remember at least one of the faces and sooner or later he is in for a suprise. These jackyls are never worthy opponents when they're singled out. When you see him again follow him, contact the police, assault and robbery charges, he'll turn in all his lil' hoodlum buddies too make sure you get a good seat in the courtroom. They sound young, these guys are popular in the correction systems. :o

I'm not that big. These were just a bunch of low life punks who need some time with Big-Bubba in the slammer.
They are about my age, 18-19, and they acted cowardly and they came up from behind me and slammed my down.
Yes they will be in for a suprise if I see them.....we all can play dirty.
there was one time were i almost got mugged.

i was in grade 9 ( yes i know big target) and i had a broken wrist. i was in class and than got sent out in the hall to go study a poem with another guy. while i was out there there were these 3 or 4 guys that came up to me and just started talking. than they wanted some gum. i didn't have any so they wanted me to give theme some money so they could by some. well i said no. they did not like that. they started telling me to show them my wallet and if i had money they were taking all of it. i had somewere near $100.00 ( i was headed to the bank after school) it got to the point were they were threatening to break my other arm, and they were trying to reach for my wallet. eventually one of the guys backed off. he was telling his friends to leave me allone because i was on the football team with him. they didn't listen.

after about 10 minutes af this happening the teacher came out to bring me back in the class. she saw the guys talking to me yelled at me because i was supposed to be studying not talking with friends. i didn't care though i got out of there with all my money. the guy that was with me just stood back and watched.

that was about the closest i have been to getting mugged.

i always walk around alone and i have not had a problem. i think it is because of my size. not many people want to pick on someone bigger than them. they wait till they find someone smaller than them. cowards.
Fry said:
Simply defending yourself or another will land you jailtime? BullSh*t. If someone is attacking you, you have every right to defend yourself.
don't call me a liar. I know what I'm talking about. 
GENOMS, don't do anything stupid. When you see these guys, or one of these guys, don't go in swinging. You attack, YOU'RE at fault, and will be charged if there are witnesses. As a CF member, legal trouble civi-side means twice as much army-side. Also, in Court, any military training means you are a trained, hardened killer. It will be used against you. I do suggest some unarmed combat training. Boxing is best to start with, but any system that's heavy on the sparring will do at first. But, most importantly, develop situational awareness. Never get caught in Condition White again.

One more thing: Remember, a fair fight means poor tactics.
There is nothing lower than an ethnic gang's 'life is cheap' mentality, and I have seen it all to often. In Sydney a teen aged male was chased by 30 gang members and mercylessly stabbed infront of a Burger King on the theatre strip right on George St. He lived, but even today after several years he has still not recovered. The security guard at the burger joint locked him out as he begged for his life and was stabbed infront to of on lookers. presently there is a law suit agisnt the guard for not letting him inside.

:warstory: A while back in Sydney, I was with my GF when we were accosted by a rough looking skinny guy with a sringe full of blood. He asked for our wallets and our mobile phones, and said he would stick my GF with the needle if we did not comply.

It was in a low lit car park, and there was not a soul around. Now I am no small bloke. Shaven head, 1.82 metres high and weigh about 100kg, so I quickly responded by simply saying 'if you stick her or myself, I'll strangle you with my bare hands and KILL you right now on the spot' (plus a few other expletives which sounded well at the time). After a few seconds of wondering, he took off like a scared white tail, and disappeared into the darkness.   :warstory:

Even today when I think of this, I can still feel the aggression. Wierd but true. But would I have grabbed him by his skinny kneck if he stuck one of us, absolutly YES, and if I am ever in that situation again I would do the same.


Jesus, bigwig, that's horrible...  :(

I've never been mugged, even though I am a rather good target... But I came damn close a few times. Whenever I'm downtown there are always those few weirdo's that ask you for money. Of course I always stop to talk to them and either give them money or tell them politely that I just spent all my money on Timmie Ho's, (which is usually true.)

Well one time, while I went to Timmies after dark, I was walking back and a rather drunk man stopped and asked for 20 cents.
"My name's Brunco and uh I'm in big trouble." Being me, I pulled out some change out of my pocket and gave him a quarter. He continued to tell me that I couldn't continue walking to the armouries because there were "police around the corner" and that "they were being assholes." He walked away and I continued walking down towards the armouries. When I looked over my shoulder again he was behind me, a ways back, and he had stopped. Mmkay, whatever, I thought, and kept walking. When I looked behind me again he was walking, same distance away from me. He started walking faster, so I walked even faster, until he was practically running towards me. He had just yelled out "Hey, get back here!" when I had scurried into the courtyard of the armouries and inside.

When I had come back out a few minutes later he was gone. I was rather creeped out, being tailed like that, but I guess when he saw the Artillery outside in the courtyard practising monkey drill he got a little scared. I was out there until about 20 to 11 waiting for my dad to come pick me up. He thought I was taking the bus.

From now on, I never, ever walk alone.  :o
Paracowboy is right first there is no such thing as a fair fight. Secondly and most importantly is develop situational awareness. It more than any fighting style or martial art will probably save your skin. Better to not be there in the first place then have to fight your way out.

One of the by products of spending most of the decade after I left the military travelling around like some vagabond is that I occasionally did blunder into some rather bad places from time to time. I came close to get mugged/rolled in Morocco, El Salvador, Colombia and the Dominican Republic that I can remember. The operative word is close. As soon as I realized where I was and shouldn't be there I popped smoke and got the hell out of Dodge.

Well that list may look long and unlucky, it's dwarfed by the seedy places I visited without incident mainly because I realized where I was, and took proper precautions. All of this is applicable here back home too. There are parts of Toronto I'd feel less safe in at night than some third world countries.

Wes PM inbound.
2332Piper said:
Illegal it may be, the right thing to do it is.

Sorry Yoda, but, to the dark side crossed you have.

Vigilantism is all fine and good while you're on the winning side.  Most of the time though, vigilantism leads to continued escalation of force on both sides, untill one side is utterly destroyed (ie. killed).  You get jumped by someone, you attack him on another day, then he calls his friends and they get you together, then you call your friends and turn it into a brawl.  then people start bringing knives, baseball bats, chains, and chainsaws.  eventually you're pulling drive-by's and executions, not only killing eachother but harming bystanders as well.  Sounds like a great plan eh?
I'm not a good candidate for being mugged (5'11 285lbs) but I worked in a bar as a bouncer, and let me tell you this, There is no limit to how stupid people can get when they are drunk. I've been challenged by every type (woman included) and a couple of times guys waited for outside the bar and I'm sure thought it was the dumbest thing they had ever done the next day. A guy I know(barely) and his buddy were walking a girl home here in St.John's one night when they were harrassed. They made every attempt to leave the scene but got chased and the girl ended up being hit. So the two guys start taking on this gang, the guys I know ended up with his femur broken and his ankle shattered and is just recovering now, after a year. Bad situations, revenge would be nice but not very sensible. Sorry about all your bad luck folks!
Quote: I believe in my inherent right to self defence, and included in my definition is pre-emptive action.

Wow - you have confused the Legal system with the Justice system. There is no Justice in the Canadian Legal System - sorry to inform you. At 18 years of age you have a LOT of growing up to do if you feel that pre-emptive actions are a right in Canadian society. You also do not have the right to act as the police "If the deed has been done and I know who did it, removing their ability to do it again (temporarily or permanently) is good in my books, they won't do it again and thefore myself and the public is safe from that person. (disclaimer: I have never killed nor mortally injured anyone, if thats the idea anyone is getting)" I know that it is really fun to be 18, in reasonable shape and full of testosterone, but this is a little too far. I bet the police, MPs, and RCM Police on the board would agree with me.

I am sorry if that sounds patronising or cruel - I don't mean it to be - but I wouldn't want to see you getting into trouble.
Yes it is BETTER to AVOID the situation, but 9 / 10 times that isn't the case. Someone comes at you swinging, then you have no choice to hit back. You can shoot your textbook crap all you want. If a dude's pissed enough to be swinging at you, he's not gonna let you walk away without at least hurling a rock or somethin at you, lol. Once they make the first smack, you can retaliate. Go to your local RCMP detachment and ask them. ANd yes, I did read your posts, hence the replies... LoL. ;D
I don't know what run-in's you've been involved with buddy, but speaking from experience, as well as witnessing many of the acts, the majority of the time, leaving isn't an option. Leaving someone who's violent and hostile is only leaving yourself open for a sucker smack.
If one's backed into a corner, one may have no choice but to stand his ground, and thats just how it is, but standing your ground may deter an incident rather than start one. You know the 'fight or flight' thing.

These days with all the loosers out there, one does not want to smash his knuckles cutting them and mixing with another's blood. Its downright dangerous with all the bugs that people have.


I think that if you have to use self defence for any reason in a mugging situation and you give your attacker a good crack in the face you should still go to the police station and report the crime and give your side of the story so you don't have a police car show up 2 hours later at your house .......

Polish Possy said:
I think that if you have to use self defence for any reason in a mugging situation and you give your attacker a good crack in the face you should still go to the police station and report the crime and give your side of the story so you don't have a police car show up 2 hours later at your house .......

How bloody true! I had a guy try to steal my vehicle, so I chased him down an alley where he pulled a knife on me. He was beaten pretty good, smashed with a plank off a fence. I rang the cops, they came. The accused also rang the cops too, so there he is wounded, there is no knife, but pieces of wood, and he says I attacked him for being a native. Guess who spent the night in gaol? Not him, but me, and the only thing that saved my arse was I ran into two cops who knew me, vouched for me, and I was let off with a warning. Goes to show ya how much shyte one can get into just defending yourself. My only mistake was chasing him into a dark alley, but he should not have pulled the knife or tried to steal my then new Bronco.

As is aid to the interviewing cop 'there is no justice anymore, I want this guy charged', he replied, your going home, he's in the hospital with 27 stitches in his head, I think you got your justice'.

That was NYD, 1986.

So, watch yourself out there.


The same thing happened to my grade 8 math teachers friend ...he came out to find some one trying to break into his car ...he confronted the person the person pulled a crowbar and my teacher's friend wreslted with him the car theif then threw him to the ground smashing the friends skull on the curb the police didn't charge the man and ruled that the teachers friend came out looking for a fight, I was shocked to hear the out come but thats the way things are nowadays....kinda makes me sick.
i had something like that situation happen to a friend and i . we were at a bar and decided to leave ,  on the way out i decided to have a leak before we hit the truck. i was the designated driver as i was on penicillian for an ear infection at the time . so on my way out i hear my friend getting loud and some othe voices . so i peek around the corner and theres 2 guys going though his pockets. wellas they were distracted with my friend i decided it was time to introduce my boot to the back of one of the guys butts and my choke hold to the other one . well that worked rather well . the one guy was sent sprawling and the other guy went out shortly after .well my friend got up and started at the guy that was on the ground and explained the entire stuation to me as the boot kept at the grounded semi concious becoming less so one on the ground oh yes did i mention the when i booted his butt he hit a wallwith his head . well after we worked these guys for a few good shots we left em there minus there pants downtown small town bc . well play with the dogs and occasinally you get bit we still laugh about it to this day vengence is sweet and funny sometimes too
if that story is true, what you did was good and bad. Good because you got em back for messing with your friend. Bad because you kept it up. Sufficient self defense in this situation would just to punch em a couple of times or push em out of the way, then run...
axeman said:
i had something like that situation happen to a friend and i . we were at a bar and decided to leave ,   on the way out i decided to have a leak before we hit the truck. i was the designated driver as i was on penicillian for an ear infection at the time . so on my way out i hear my friend getting loud and some othe voices . so i peek around the corner and theres 2 guys going though his pockets. wellas they were distracted with my friend i decided it was time to introduce my boot to the back of one of the guys butts and my choke hold to the other one . well that worked rather well . the one guy was sent sprawling and the other guy went out shortly after .well my friend got up and started at the guy that was on the ground and explained the entire stuation to me as the boot kept at the grounded semi concious becoming less so one on the ground oh yes did i mention the when i booted his butt he hit a wallwith his head . well after we worked these guys for a few good shots we left em there minus there pants downtown small town bc . well play with the dogs and occasinally you get bit we still laugh about it to this day vengence is sweet and funny sometimes too

Kicking a man while he's down?  Repeatedly?  Nice.  Maybe next time you can beat him with a chair.  Or make him kiss the curb.  Hell, get the whole platoon together and beat him into a paste.  Why be civilized when you can act like a neanderthal instead.
wow.....I live in Scarborough and I havn't been mugged once, not even close :S (*knocks on wood*)... I'd look like an easy target too what at about....5'6" 125 lbs lol......o well.......

(I think I just jinxed myself....I'll post my story when it happens *sigh*....)
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