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GENOMS Soilder

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Sorry in advance for the amount of language in this post-I'm just pissed.

I'm just posting to know if anyone has a reason why some punkass bitches jump a single guy?
I just got jumped by 4 fuckers, then mugged, so I have nothing left.
Also, this means that parade night is off for me because I have to recuperate. Mother Fuckers!!!!!

I was wondering if anyone has had a past experience that they want to vent about, or explain to me the reason why people do this.
Also, how much help is the police? It took them 30 minutes to get to my place when they said 5? This might be me talking fro the movies but, has anyone taken matters into their own hands, so to speak?

Just looking for answers
Well, people tried to mug me, but I use equal force. I never throw the first punch, however if they throw one my way, they are gettin it right back in their face...Muggers are the burden of society, little punks.
Sorry to hear of your experience, GENOMS.  Although, I've never been mugged or held up myself, I do have two stories to tell of situations of two good friends of mine.

1)  A few years ago, a highschool friend of mine was walking home and was held up by three guys wanting money.  He told them he didn't have any and at this time the 'leader' of them told the guy behind him to 'shank' him.  When hearing this, he turned around to see what was happening and turned back around and cold-cocked the 'leader' sending him down and pushed the frightened second guy out of the way and ran home.  Thankfully, he was only about a block away.

2)  I have a god friend who used to be a bouncer at a sleazy bar here in town, and when one is in that type of job, some toes will be stepped on.  One night after closing up, one of the patrons he had thrown out, came back with two of his friends and started an altercation while my buddy was at his car.  (I don't know what it is about 3 on 1)  Well, what these guys didn't know is that my friend has been studying martial arts for about 20 years at this time, and needless to say kicked all their asses and got into his car and went home.  Here's where it gets interesting though, the police came to the his door and arrested him for assault.  Well after sitting around the station for a couple hours, they left him to go home and the judge threw out the case against him because he didn't buy the story of these others guys that my friend would go jump 3 other guys......
It takes 4 guys to jump you! You must be a really big guy or they must be a bunch of cowardly punks. I'd bet you will remember at least one of the faces and sooner or later he is in for a suprise. These jackyls are never worthy opponents when they're singled out. When you see him again follow him, contact the police, assault and robbery charges, he'll turn in all his lil' hoodlum buddies too make sure you get a good seat in the courtroom. They sound young, these guys are popular in the correction systems. :o
That's horrible. Personally I've never had it happen, I almost had it happen when I lived in Ottawa but thankfully someone came to my rescue. Being a teenage girl seems to be appealing to muggers.
Sorry to hear about what happened to you  :(

I have been "approached in a mugging fashion" about 4 times since I've moved here, all 4 times by a bunch of Chav's; 3 times all I had to do was make eye contact with them, take my hands out of my pocket (basically giving them the old crazy eyes) and once they actually made a move for my wrist, I pushed them down and they ran off.

I find that 90% of the time all you need to do is take a step forward and show them that you're not their granny and they can't push you around, but there is that odd 10% where it's late, dark and you've had a few to drink where the best thing you should do is either run for it or just..be mugged.

Unfortunately not everyone is a ninja commando with 30 years black arts training or 6'6'' 300 pounds so sometiems you just have to do the smart thing and when you see you're about to get fucked, make a mad dash for it, and failing that give the assholes what they want. Getting cut to shit, possibly ending up in hospital is not worth your wallet or watch..hell they're gonna take the wallet and watch if they fuck you up anyway. Pride is a mortal sin for a very good reason, nothing else has gotten more people beaten to shit in the entire history of the world. It's not cool to be in traction, there...I've officially become my parents.

I was never jumped in my community in Canada, It was a small community and most people knew me so they wouldn't dare. It's a relatively new phenomenon I've only felt since becoming an anonymous person on an island of 60 Million.

I wouldn't take the law into your own hands because let's face it with the justice system the way it is, you would be the one with the court order and the record and they'd have a second chance they do not deserve, give the police a description, names if you've got 'em and if they're dumb enough to try something like that again (and they probably are) they will get their just desserts.
GENOMS Soldier said:
I'm just posting to know if anyone has a reason why some punkass bitches jump a single guy?
I was wondering if anyone has had a past experience that they want to vent about,
it's been attempted.
Also, how much help is the police? It took them 30 minutes to get to my place when they said 5?
they can't be everywhere. They're outnumbered, outgunned, and beset by all sides. How many were already on a call? How many were an hour away or more? They're trying. But, they can only do so much. It's every citizen's responsibility to take care of themselves. But, we live in a culture where individual responsibility has been bred out of us, and where we're programmed to be victims.
This might be me talking fro the movies but, has anyone taken matters into their own hands, so to speak?
that's called Assault. You're planning to commit a crime. Vigilantism will land your ass in prison. You might have gotten away with violence at the immediate scene, but after the fact? Remember, in Canada, you first have to make every attempt to flee a violent assault, legally. Simply defending yourself or another can land you jail time.
Further, talking about committing a felony on an open source website, isn't a wise course of action.

Sorry about what's happened to you. Truly. It shouldn't occur, and it should be rapidly and harshly punished. But, it does, and it won't. All you can do is try to heal up and learn from this. Most of all, you can attempt to learn to be more situationally aware and not get caught again. Also, some hand-to-gland training wouldn't hurt. If nothing else, it will give you a self-confidence that will cause cowards to give you a wide berth in future.
Get better.
This might be me talking fro the movies but, has anyone taken matters into their own hands, so to speak?

that's called Assault. You're planning to commit a crime. Vigilantism will land your *** in prison. You might have gotten away with violence at the immediate scene, but after the fact? Remember, in Canada, you first have to make every attempt to flee a violent assault, legally. Simply defending yourself or another can land you jail time.
Further, talking about committing a felony on an open source website, isn't a wise course of action.


Simply defending yourself or another will land you jailtime? BullSh*t. If someone is attacking you, you have every right to defend yourself.
Do you have any idea how many times the defender has been charged/sentenced after thrashing the attacker in Canada?

Hint: It's the opposite of few

I lived in Guelph for 5 years.  I walked all over that city at all hours of the day and never once had a problem.  That being said, I worked at a local nightspot downtown and saw lots of stupidity in the street.  Sometimes it was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Paracowboy is right on the money.  Get yourself away from the trouble.  Fights DO NOT happen as depicted in popular fiction.  Years of martial arts training is not a guarantee of success, especially against multiple foes.  If 4 guys plan on jumping you, I don't think they are going to do the "honourable" thing and fight you one at a time.

So, if a dude's clinging to me, beatin the crap out of me, I try to walk away and go to the police station? I think not. I've seen many situations where defending yourself is lawful. You say it isn't? Our definitions of defending ourselves must differ from one another. Go to your local RCMP detachment and ask them if you're being assaulted, do you have the right to defend yourself
Hoplite said:
Years of martial arts training is not a guarantee of success, especially against multiple foes.  If 4 guys plan on jumping you, I don't think they are going to do the "honourable" thing and fight you one at a time.

Well, actually, most people with good martial arts or hand-to-hand training will tell you that multiple untrained opponents are actually less dangerous than a single untrained opponent (up to a point ofcourse).  That's because atempting to fight as a group or team requires skills and coordination which theaverage thug doesn't posses, so all they do is get in eachothers way.  Multiple opponens are only a problem when either they're trained, or you're not.  Or there's 50 of them :P

Fry said:
So, if a dude's clinging to me, beatin the crap out of me, I try to walk away and go to the police station? I think not. I've seen many situations where defending yourself is lawful. You say it isn't? Our definitions of defending ourselves must differ from one another. Go to your local RCMP detachment and ask them if you're being assaulted, do you have the right to defend yourself

You have to make all REASONABLE attempts to TRY and get away.  So no, if the guy is "clinging to me, beatin the crap out of me", you don't have to try and get away, you can fight back.  On the other hand if someone stops you and threatens to beat you if you don't give them your wallet, you have no right to attack him.  That would be an escalation of force - he has so far only threatened you, and you are still free to walk away and report him to the police.  You only have the right to use force when force is being used against you, or against another person.  If you've ever been issued an ROE card in a fairly safe area, you'd see thatit's quite similar to what I'm talking about.  For example, if we as soldiers are called out to do riot control, and a demonstrator threatens to attack you, you most certainly do not have the right to hit him with tear-gas and then bludgeon him into a bloody pile.  Once he comits a violent act though, you are permitted to respond with reasonable force.
It's every citizen's responsibility to take care of themselves. But, we live in a culture where individual responsibility has been bred out of us, and where we're programmed to be victims.

48Highlander said:
You have to make all REASONABLE attempts to TRY and get away.   So no, if the guy is "clinging to me, beatin the crap out of me", you don't have to try and get away, you can fight back.   On the other hand if someone stops you and threatens to beat you if you don't give them your wallet, you have no right to attack him.   That would be an escalation of force - he has so far only threatened you, and you are still free to walk away and report him to the police.   You only have the right to use force when force is being used against you, or against another person.   If you've ever been issued an ROE card in a fairly safe area, you'd see thatit's quite similar to what I'm talking about.   For example, if we as soldiers are called out to do riot control, and a demonstrator threatens to attack you, you most certainly do not have the right to hit him with tear-gas and then bludgeon him into a bloody pile.   Once he comits a violent act though, you are permitted to respond with reasonable force.

Very well said. I agree with you guys 100%.
Fry said:
So, if a dude's clinging to me, beatin the crap out of me, I try to walk away and go to the police station? I think not. I've seen many situations where defending yourself is lawful. You say it isn't? Our definitions of defending ourselves must differ from one another. Go to your local RCMP detachment and ask them if you're being assaulted, do you have the right to defend yourself

Our definitions don't vary as much as you may think. I personally believe that if someone attacks you, you should have the complete right to drop the SOB to the cold hard ground.

A friend in Halifax is an amateur boxer, and he got swarmed (an increasingly common trend there it would seem) by 6 16-18 year olds on bikes (sounds comical I know). They said they had a gun and demanded his wallet, when one made a move for him he gave him a dose of sweet lady uppercut and fractured a part of his jaw. The rest backed off and didn't persue it further and he went back to campus (SMU or Dal I forget).

Later that night he was visited by a city police officer. The specifics I do not know, but he was in the process of being charged with battery when they were dropped after a lengthy appeal on his part stating how he was defending himself. The police side argument was that he attacked first and did quite some damage and used more force than what should have been necessary. His counter argument was the threat of a gun and well, 6 people surrounding him. It was drawn out but eventually they decided to drop the charges. However he did have to spend some time in the station and was actually put in jail for the night based off of some stupid conduct crap.

His reward for delivering a pre-emptive strike when threatened like that was court BS and a night in the jail. Is that right? I don't friggen think so and I hate it, but that's the way it went down. He wasn't none too happy about it either and I think his faith in the law was pretty much shaken.
Wow you think you have it bad. I was on BIQ in wainwright and we were lucky enough to get our weekend off. I went to Edmonton with a buddy of mine and i got jumped by some asian gang punks. They were wearing rings so when the punches landed they cut real good. I received 5 stitches to the chin and 3 to the back of the head (from a beer bottle) and I was just kicked off my course yesterday because supposedly "i cant wear a helmet because my cut might get infected" even though the chin strap on my helmet doesn't bother the cut at all. So now I'm stuck of PAT platoon for the next.... i don't even know how long. So i guess since I'm on PAT now I'll be on these forums a lot more... I'm still in shock all of this happend.
Damn man that is rough.. I hope you got a few good shots in!

A friend of mine got mugged in PG by a 15 and 13 year old.  Needless to say he kicked the crap out of them. 

Also in PG me and my other friend were walking right outside the dormitories at the University when a car stops in the middle of the road and a guy gets out and starts pushing us.  He was high and drunk and just looking for a fight.  5 years of martial arts training as a kid taught me to let him make the first move.  But he gave up and just drove off.  It was pretty random. 
Our definitions of defending do differ, because you say that if someone threatens to take your wallet, you can't hit them back.

Of course not, that's not defending, that's assualt. Defending yourself against physical assault is totally acceptable by law... as long as you be reasonable.... if a dude beats the crap out of you and you fight back and stomp his head into the curb and kill him, then yes, you will most definately be charged. To clear it all up, if someone hits you, hit them back... enough that you don't mess em up bad, but enough to make them refrain from hitting you again... lol.
Fry said:
Our definitions of defending do differ, because you say that if someone threatens to take your wallet, you can't hit them back.

Of course not, that's not defending, that's assualt. Defending yourself against physical assault is totally acceptable by law... as long as you be reasonable.... if a dude beats the crap out of you and you fight back and stomp his head into the curb and kill him, then yes, you will most definately be charged. To clear it all up, if someone hits you, hit them back... enough that you don't mess em up bad, but enough to make them refrain from hitting you again... lol.

Yes yes you're telling me things I already know. Did you bother to read my friggen posts?

Steve said:
Our definitions don't vary as much as you may think. I personally believe that if someone attacks you, you should have the complete right to drop the SOB to the cold hard ground.

Stop confusing how the law acts with what I personally think/say, I hate repeating myself
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