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MP recruiting 2017/18/19

Well for me and another guy with the bypass route we were re sworn in on the 4th of January and course started the 8th. Both of us were a day late...
danteh said:
Does anyone know of the numbers they are looking to recruit for the fiscal year? Also how many are usually in a course?
Not sure if numbers for next FY are out yet but generally we see 100-120 pers leave the Branch each year. 

The strategic intake plan sees a split of sources for the numbers, some CT, some OT etc with the majority being direct entry.  We are currently "Green" but that is because we currently have more Cpls than we have positions for (MMO) due to vacancies in higher ranks.  There is a plan in place to balance that out this APS but that might impact how many pers are being brought in, at least for the August start.

There had been talk with the new Academy of them being able to put 3 x 30 pers Pls through each intake but looking at their course schedule, it is now showing 3 x 24 pers Pls per intake.  Maybe they realized they were being a bit optimistic on what they would be able to do in the new Bldg. 
garb811 said:
Not sure if numbers for next FY are out yet but generally we see 100-120 pers leave the Branch each year. 

The strategic intake plan sees a split of sources for the numbers, some CT, some OT etc with the majority being direct entry.  We are currently "Green" but that is because we currently have more Cpls than we have positions for (MMO) due to vacancies in higher ranks.  There is a plan in place to balance that out this APS but that might impact how many pers are being brought in, at least for the August start.

There had been talk with the new Academy of them being able to put 3 x 30 pers Pls through each intake but looking at their course schedule, it is now showing 3 x 24 pers Pls per intake.  Maybe they realized they were being a bit optimistic on what they would be able to do in the new Bldg.

Wow 100-120! I guess this means promotions happen from time to time in the branch at least lol.

The new Academy is quite awesome looking from the outside,  we did our BIIs across the street...  Little "Carrot on the Stick" thinking... If you pass your BII you might get to go in there some day... lol

Buck_HR might know the numbers for Fiscal year 18/19.
WEng87 said:
Wow 100-120! I guess this means promotions happen from time to time in the branch at least lol.
Sadly, we have been in what has been referred to as the "FRP Bubble" for the last several years and it is likely to be a few more years before we are out of it.  This has meant our intake has increased to fill the vacuum that bubble has caused at the higher ranks, I think the norm prior to the bubble was 60-70 a year. 

But, yes.  Promotions are happening, much too quickly in some cases.
garb811 said:
Sadly, we have been in what has been referred to as the "FRP Bubble" for the last several years and it is likely to be a few more years before we are out of it.  This has meant our intake has increased to fill the vacuum that bubble has caused at the higher ranks, I think the norm prior to the bubble was 60-70 a year. 

But, yes.  Promotions are happening, much too quickly in some cases.

Sounds exactly like the WEng (NET) world when I was first getting in, then that caused a huge bottleneck because of the young guys in the higher ranks sticking around for years.  I would imagine the same will happen.

I'm not overly concerned about promotion, if I was I wouldn't be willing to lose my leaf to VOT.  I'm looking forward to the job Satisfaction, and the branch in general.
Any of the Feb BII guys/gals here any rumblings back yet?

I'm guessing they're still going over everything in Borden. My "parking garage neighbor" was one of the interviewers up there and he hasn't been back since, so i would assume he's still on TD up there.
Only thing i have heard of was being found suitable, thats all ive been told from the recruiters.
My CFRC just informed me that I'm found suitable from MPOAC. That's all the information I got from them as well.
armyhopeful1993 said:
When did you hear that if you don't mind me asking?

Today. I e-mailed the clerk that has been personally helping me along this process and he gave me a courtesy call a few hours later to say I've been found suitable.

MPOAC was Feb 13-15 of this year.
That's good to hear!!!  If only I had a clerk or a recruiter to call to tell me my "Results" haha.

Being a Voluntary Occupational Transfer it's a bit different for me,  I have to wait for my Career Manager to say yes to me leaving my trade and I don't even think he's seen my file yet.
Does anyone know when selections occur or how often they do for NCM MP, or will nothing happen until the new fiscal year.
Thanks in advance
MProokie13 said:
Does anyone know when selections occur or how often they do for NCM MP, or will nothing happen until the new fiscal year. Was recently placed on the competition list and am curious to see the rough timeline.
Thanks in advance

Just a piece of friendly advice here.  Your name implies you’re already an MP however your post clearly indicates you aren’t.  Assuming you’re not in the CAF you’re name states you’re an MP (which you aren’t) and in the CAF itself (which you may not be either).

Not many people around here are too appreciative of people claiming to be something they aren’t.

Rookie13 said:
Does anyone know when selections occur or how often they do for NCM MP, or will nothing happen until the new fiscal year.
Thanks in advance
Well, as I've explained elsewhere, there are now 2 x QL3 courses ran per year.  One starts in January after block leave and the other starts in August, finishing right before block leave.

Due to this, selections are made to line people up to meet those start times, so "generally" February/Marchish and July/Augustish...  Nothing is set in stone though but this is becoming the general rule of thumb.
I report to my nearest base in a month or so for OJT. I got a recruit school bypass from previous service with the reserves.
Anybody else hear back from their recruitment center? I was told that I am on the competion/merit list . Not sure if that is good or bad..