MP usually aren’t as busy as their civilian counterparts. It can definitely depend on where you are posted though. Some detachments will have a steady call volume and some will have no calls for days. MP jurisdiction is similar to policing a small town and therefore the volume won’t be as high as bigger city police forces.
The course will have Use of Force which consists of shooting, IARD, OC spray, self defence and such (the fun part), then there is the usual classroom days where you learn civilian and military laws along with how to perform your day to day police work ie. note taking, accident investigation, report writings etc. After this there is scenarios where you get to put all you have learned together and tackle situations hands on with a partner. So day to day varies quite significantly. But it will be the usual PT in the morning or inspections for indoc period. Academy time is usually 8-4 mon-fri depending on what you are doing, and weekends you will have free after 4 weeks if your good. During nights you will probably be studying or practicing drills, or at the H Club.... depends on the week I guess. Hope this gives you some insight.