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Moustache - this may seem silly, however...


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...as someone who has not had much on top since my late 20s (I figured I'd go bald one day so I have been buzzing or bicing it for years)
I am in the process of applying for the reserves. And I have a beard. A nice one. Really wicked one.
GF loves it. When we first met, I had about a month or so of growth on my face, and for our second date I shaved it down to about a few days worth, and she was like Ewww, grow it back. Needless to say, we are both liking it.  ;D ;D

One of the reasons I am going Res vs Reg is that I resent how much the army owns you.
And one of the biggest kickers of joining at all, is that even though I'm only committing to a few hours a week, they still get to own my face the rest of the time because I'll need to loose my mane.

But I'll be damned if I'll lose it all!  [lol:

So that brings me to the moustache. Specifically the handlebar moustache.

I have read the regs on facial hair and all that, and yet there seems to be an unofficial standard when it comes to handlebar moustaches in the Forces.

So I'm wondering what everyone has seen, and/or are wearing themselves.
What or how much can you get away with?
Pics appreciated!


(Admin, feel free to move to more suitable location if needed. This was the best I could think of)
If you read the regs, didn't you see the pictures that are in there?  Assuming you mean you've looked at CFP 265 CAF Dress Instructions.

(2) Moustaches (see Figure 2-2-2). When moustaches are worn alone, the unshaven portion of the face shall not extend outwards beyond the corners of the mouth. Moustaches shall be kept neatly trimmed; not be greater than 2 cm in bulk; not extend below the corners of the mouth, not protrude beyond the width of the face when fully extended horizontally and worn in a waxed, handlebar style.



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Also remember to have at leaste one of these issued to you from stores;


Very Helpful in the field.


Eye In The Sky:
I have not seen THAT picture! That makes me very happy!!  [:D [:D

the 48th regulator:
lol well I have been thinking of ways to keeping it tamed, else I'd wake up in the field in the mornings with my face looking like I just smoked an exploding cigar!
They issue those???
(On a personal note, Stephen Fry's moustache in Blackadder is iconic for sure!)
Myself as a officer and many well respected NCOs have all worn full on HBs. The rank difference was that I should not wax whereas my nco colleagues should as explained by the venerable Regtl Adjt.
I'm sporting a HB Mustache myself.

I showed up for a course, and I was actually confused for a Warrant Officer...
Well this is what I'm wresting with! Lol


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That is one EPIC beard Swally!

I want to do a moustache, but I have what I call the "reverse Hitler".  I cannot for the life of me, grow hair right under my nose.  If they brought back regs allowing mutton chops, I could rock an epic pair of those, but I fear the styles of the Duke of Wellington will not be back anytime soon.

I applaud both your beard and Lunchmeats epic Lord Kitchener stash!
Sorry no can do. 169 and counting days and 4 major surgeries have sorely depleted the mighty 'stach.
Yeah I looked at Navy. I looked at beard chits. I looked at becoming a Sikh!

Shaving the beard, and keeping the handlebar will be the way to go.
At the risk of being accused of being labelled as chaetophobic, what's the big deal? It's hair. They make you take it off your head every couple of weeks.  If facial fungus is the overriding concern about enrolling, then you sir, or madam, I don't judge, must have your feces in an impressively tight bundle, and I salute you. :salute:
Kat Stevens said:
At the risk of being accused of being labelled as chaetophobic, what's the big deal? It's hair. They make you take it off your head every couple of weeks.  If facial fungus is the overriding concern about enrolling, then you sir, or madam, I don't judge, must have your feces in an impressively tight bundle, and I salute you. :salute:

Well, it's because it's the only hair I have, and have had for a long time.
Aside from the gf really liking it too, I enjoy it.

I shaved it off last winter after about a year of it growing wild, and well I sortof just grew it all back again.
But when it was that long, and again now, I really enjoyed styling it. I was surprised by that, but it turned out that I had missed having a hairstyle to "style". It's fun! :)
Swally said:
Well, it's because it's the only hair I have, and have had for a long time.
Aside from the gf really liking it too, I enjoy it.

I shaved it off last winter after about a year of it growing wild, and well I sortof just grew it all back again.
But when it was that long, and again now, I really enjoyed styling it. I was surprised by that, but it turned out that I had missed having a hairstyle to "style". It's fun! :)

Lots of bald dudes in all areas of service.

It's almost sacrilegious to not be bald at some point in your career. Officers seem to keep their flowing gorgeous locks of hair... Probably because we NCMs work for a living  [:D
Wasn't there a mention at a recent NDCDC about the CA considering accommodation for Christian males to grow beards?