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Most Annoying Canadian! VOTE NOW!

Looks like Jack is finally connecting with Canadians on a real , personal level.  :threat: :dontpanic:
I am surprised at how little people find Joe Volpe annoying though... He's twice as annoying since he did that press conference to announce he was remaining in the Liberal Leadership Race when everyone expected him to pull out (I did anyways) - and he was already annoying as hell prior to that!
Well I've done my civic duty for today... can't wait to do it again tomorrow.  :D

Man if our federal election system was based on a similar format (ie vote for the person you DO NOT want to be prime-minister and then by default the candidate with the least amount of votes wins.) We would solve the voter turnout problem, and the losers will know where they stand in Canadian opinions and will think twice before opening their big yap.
Well, given that the only people who ever actually vote for a prime minister to be are the people in his/her riding, it would definitely be a change...
I see Kenny Dryden isn't getting much hate.

That's the beauty of being a hockey legend in Canada.. the public can never truly get annoyed with you.
Nope, everyone just ignores them and chalks it up to too many pucks to the head/concussions.  Look at Cherry.
IrishCanuck said:
Looks like Jack is finally connecting with Canadians on a real , personal level.  :threat: :dontpanic:
That just made my whole day.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I think it is all that personal responsibility stuff he keeps shoving down people's throats.  No one wants to hear that being a self-centered slovenly glutton has consequences. (No you can't drive your Hummer to the cornerstore with the windows rolled down and the AC cranked as you toss Styrofoam cups out the window and get to be the good guy.  People hate it when their faults are pointed out.,  especially when it is really obvious.

Im just a regular joe,with a regualr job im your average white ...... ;D
I think I'd like to vote on that Rice0031 character. He seems a little sketchy.
I never liked him anyways.  8)
Wow they could have easily made a "Most Annoying Canadian" syndicated tv show ala "The Greatest Canadian". I have no doubt we could create a list of 100 most annoying Canucks and boil it down from there.

Come on CBC.. step up here..  :blotto:
IrishCanuck said:
I see Kenny Dryden isn't getting much hate.

That's the beauty of being a hockey legend in Canada.. the public can never truly get annoyed with you.


For a guy who spent 7 seasons or so with the Montreal Canadiens, I find it aberrant how poor his French is. That, to me, is annoying.
It was a close call between Taliban Jack and the Canadian Tire guy. I voted with the majority and, ultimately, Layton was given my first and only vote.
results as of today

Who is your choice for the Most Annoying Canadian of 2006? [2251 votes total]

Ben Mulroney (104)  5%
Don Cherry (29)  1%
David Suzuki (168)  7%
George Stroumboulopoulos (133)  6%
Alexa McDonough (58)  3%
Jason Kenney (24)  1%
Jack Layton (889)  39%
Stephen Lewis (79)  4%
Maude Barlow (65)  3%
Kate McMillan (64)  3%
Sacha Trudeau (97)  4%
Bob Rae (9)  0%
Ken Dryden (3)  0%
Charles Adler (28)  1%
Phil Fontaine (7)  0%
Buzz Hargrove (68)  3%
Margaret Atwood (25)  1%
Dalton McGuinty (58)  3%
Hedy Fry (58)  3%
Ted Simonett (18)  1%
Colleen Jones (60)  3%
Rona Ambrose (18)  1%
Joe Volpe (18)  1%
Belinda Stronach (171)  8%
Layton is slowly but surely gaining support.

It's your time Jack! It's your time!!!
Who is your choice for the Most Annoying Canadian of 2006? [2381 votes total]

Ben Mulroney (115)  5%
Don Cherry (30)  1%
David Suzuki (181)  8%
George Stroumboulopoulos (140)  6%
Alexa McDonough (59)  2%
Jason Kenney (25)  1%
Jack Layton (941)  40%
Stephen Lewis (85)  4%
Maude Barlow (66)  3%
Kate McMillan (66)  3%
Sacha Trudeau (100)  4%
Bob Rae (10)  0%
Ken Dryden (3)  0%
Charles Adler (31)  1%
Phil Fontaine (7)  0%
Buzz Hargrove (74)  3%
Margaret Atwood (25)  1%
Dalton McGuinty (60)  3%
Hedy Fry (60)  3%
Ted Simonett (21)  1%
Colleen Jones (64)  3%
Rona Ambrose (19)  1%
Joe Volpe (18)  1%
Belinda Stronach (181)  8%

Wheee Just broke 40%,  keep it up troops - lets get him a 50%+