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More Questions about Military life from a Family Member


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When it comes time for the end of Basic Training and the ceremony takes place in Borden, will there be a reception and will my man be able to spend some time with me that weekend off the base?

what does a holding platoon mean?and how long usually does someone stay in it?
If his platoon does well and he submits a memo he will be allowed to spend the night of grad with you (usually a thursday).  He will than have to report back to St.Jean for 5:45 am where he will be most likely loaded on a bus for Borden.  Once there he can fill out paperwork for time off at home with you that usually takes the better part of the week after grad.  He will most likely get this approval unless of course he has another course starting right away.  My DH did so I didnt get to have him home until after his SQ was completed.

Pat (Personal Awaiting Training) can last anywhere from a week to unfortunatley I know a guy who it will be 14 months.  Could be lonkger I dont know that is just the longest that I know of.

What trade is your man going through for?

Thanks for all the info. It is hard being away from him, and with no notice it is hard booking flights to go visit. I live in Dartmouth NS. He is going through for Signal Operator. Yes they said his graduation is Thursday March 30th.. no time or any other info given.. The military prides themselves on communication.. but I have to say that they have a lack of. They said they want to know who is all coming to the ceremony but they don't provide any other information, so it makes it hard to make plans. I guess this is the life I have to get use to.
Oh wow LoveBug.  I am originally from Dartmouth, just moved away in November 05, and my husband is a SigOp.

I can tell you that this ceremony is just the tip of the iceberg for waiting.  If you would like to talk some more about what to expect over the next few months send me a pm and we can chat some more.