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A Queen's York Ranger recruiter called me for a testing on April 7 at 6:00 P.M.

Pray for me!

I have done 21 push-ups. My elbows do not touch my sides, but I can still feel it in my arms.

Wish me well and pray for me to do well on all tests.
army_paralegal said:
A Queen's York Ranger recruiter called me for a testing on April 7 at 6:00 P.M.

Pray for me!

I have done 21 push-ups. My elbows do not touch my sides, but I can still feel it in my arms.

Wish me well and pray for me to do well on all tests.

congratulations. make sure during the testing, your upper arms are parallel to your sides when you are down, and your stomach touches the ground (or maximum of an inch or so above)

But, sometimes my stomach touches the ground but I still feel it in my arms a little bit, which means I don't think i should fail.

Just wanted to tell my progress is all.     

if i wasnt rofl'ing on the floor of your ..exploits i'd be doing 50 more than you.

well when i think of it i have no special reason...

that was a self comment on how to not engage brains before posting hihihii

vive le canada
Paralegal never mind that a**hat I have seen some of his other post and they are less then constructive or even remotely usefull....good job keep up the good work in no time at all you'll be pumping off 50 and asking for more.

Mods I ask that you please have a look at Quebecbest and his post history. he seems to be more intrested in ridiculing the users then in saying anything useful.
Good work. I remember way back in the day when I was proud that I could do three sets of 25. Keep it up, you can only play the game if you have the strength to do so......
army_paralegal said:
I have done 21 push-ups.  :)

As a result, my heart-beat accelerated. Yippee!

Feel free to congratulate me!

Guys don't tell me I'm condescending or tell me that I'm not being nice if I ask this question. Army_paralegal why do you need to open a new thread every time you do one extra push up? I'm just really curious, thanks in advance.
ROTP Civi U said:
Guys don't tell me I'm condescending or tell me that I'm not being nice if I ask this question. Army_paralegal why do you need to open a new thread every time you do one extra push up? I'm just really curious, thanks in advance.


quebecbest said:
well when i think of it i have no special reason...

that was a self comment on how to not engage brains before posting hihihii

vive le canada

You're an idiot.

If you can truly do 50 more than her, wtf was the point in saying it? Stroking your ego huh? I would think someone as "fit" as you wouldn't need ego stroking.

Dont mind Quebecbest....when you're 120 pounds, you can do 70 push ups....but its people like that who suffer when they ruck march..
Quebecbest, you've just started appearing on our radar screen, if you like the site and wish to continue posting please refrain from rude comments.
If you've got nothing nice to say ________________.

Army_paralegal, if you could just confine your news to one thread for neatness' sake that would be great otherwise we'll start culling your topics to save space.

Time for me to go...to ANOTHER post.hihiihi

only to say gentle and helpfull things cause aparently the "i laugh a poeple" atitude ain't good...must have taught of this but forgot before posting ..heh.

oy yeah almost forgot sorry and

Lenient is defined as:

<li>easy: not strict; "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"; "lenient rules"
<li>characterized by tolerance and mercy
