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Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

prairiediver said:
Without starting a new thread, and related to this topic, can someone please tell me if I get paid between courses in the event that my Naval Environmental Training course doesnt start immediately after basic?

Would I also be paid between NET and my actual job training if there were a gap between courses?


As a small sidetrack;

Does anyone have copies of CF payguides (by rank) dating back to 1985? 

Hey everyone, I've heard different responses to wither my son counts as a dependent and effects my pay, yes i pay child support and see him. Some say yes others say no, any advice?

No I'm not married or common law, (that's why I'm confused, some forums on here only say u get less taken off if you are one of those 2, and nothing about kids)
I am not at work and can't pull up the DCBA Aide Memoire to quote, but I will say no, the CF will not consider your son as a "dependent" if you don't have custody 50% of the time or more. 

Regardless of if you do/don't have dependents, your rate of pay will remain the same; what MAY be affected is what deductions/benefits you are entitled to.  Just wanted to clarify that so someone else doesn't get the idea you get paid more if you have kids.

I also have a daughter, age 8, who I can't have as a dependent IAW the CF definition (although we have Joint custody, her mom has Day to Day care/control 100% of the time), and therefore I can't offer her the benefits of a dependent child such as the Public Service Health Care Plan, to name one benefit dependent children have access to.
Was wondering if anyone knew what an officer recruit under the CEOTP would make during the BMOQ. the recruiters werent sure and said it could be the 1200 or so monthly that the ROTP students make while they're there, im married so i wont have to pay the room and board, but there is an A and B in the pay scales, B is twice that of A. Who is that for??? im hoping it is me!! going from almost 4gs a month to one will be a huge stretch.
Not sure about the pay, but the term Officer Cadet or candidate is the norm, vice Officer Recruit (recruit refers to an untrained Private).

Room and board is referred to as R & Q (Rations and Quarters).

And as a heads up, your written communications skills will be important in the CF, particularly as an Officer.  The manner in which you staff correspondence *will* be picked apart and anything below the acceptable standard will be rejected.  Just a heads up.

I am not sure about the gross/net pay for CEOTP Officer Cadets, but your enrolment/offer message should have your pay rate on it.
Witten communication skills are taught when he/she goes on their trade training to be an officer, not something to lose sleep over

ruckmarch said:
Witten communication skills are taught when he/she goes on their trade training to be an officer, not something to lose sleep over

How ironic (and convenient of you) to make a post for me to quote that actually supports my point. 

Written communication skills are important before your trades training.  They are important the second you start the application process for the CF, as far as the CF is concerned. 

My advice is pretty simple.  Until you are actually fully qualified, and THEN get some actual experience (still waiting for your CELE crse, IIRC, aren't you?) and TI, you should probably be on *receive* vice *send* when giving out advice to others about what is/isn't important for Officers in the CF.  If you disagree, how about this.  I have a good friend, former Crewmen, who went CELE and is a Major now.  I can have him contact you to discuss the importance of good communications skills, especially for an Officer who is going to be overseeing and managing information systems.

For the record, I'll say it again.  Written communication skills are important in the CF.
No am not actually...I am happy being an NCM. I enjoyed my time back in the forces in the UK, and am doing the same right now here in Canada.

Oh....and I get to see my kid too, rather than come on here and be high and mighty  ::)
ruckmarch said:
Oh....and I get to see my kid too

What the heck does that have to do with anything?  ::)

Back on topic:  FYI, a dependant is described in the DCBA Aide Memoire as:

"a person who resides full-time with the member at member’s residence"

If you are paying child support, I don't think they reside with you full time.  I have never been able to claim my daughter as a dependant for financial reasons, however, she is listed on my MPRR.
ruckmarch said:
No am not actually...I am happy being an a NCM. I enjoyed my time back in the forces in the UK, and am doing the same right now here in Canada.

Sorry, had to fix that spelling mistake for you. 

So...you failed out of Officer trg then did you?  Because you sure gave lots of advice to potential/future OCdts headed to the Mega...

ruckmarch]OK...I'll answer this from what I know from st jean. First off the staff are human too and know that people are bound to get injured said:
It's a shame to read what happened to CG, we all know she was geared up for it. As mentioned, basic up is not like the real deal, for OCDTs anyway it's a lot tougher as she rightfully told you.

6hrs of sleep someone asks? Only on weekends would that happen. By 5am you are downstairs lined up waiting for the staff, so you could see why 6hrs is impossible.

CG...friends of mine that finished the AEC are on OJT still and are having to wait for training, so you would have been gone elsewhere for a while if that makes any difference.

For those that don't know, when you VR ( voluntary release ), you don't get to go home right away, you can be there for weeks, sometimes months living in the trailers.

If you are not mentally and physically fit, you are going to struggle badly, as this is going to have an impact on your class work. Fail 3 POs and you are done. All the exams are multiple choice except for 2 that are written.

There is also a 5mins speech that you have to give during BOTP

ruckmarch said:
Gas Gas Gas.....even more fun during BMOQ when the instructor calls it during a mission on Vimy at 2am in the morning when you've already gone on 3 mission and worn out.

Nothing to it, it's all in the handling of the mask and how fast you can put it on, check for leakage, hood over your head, arms under armpit, step forward and back.

The dance they make you do in the hut is funky though

ruckmarch said:
Hope you guys on the officer course are enjoying it so far, swinging your arms around, carrying the cc-bag and canteen, looking dapper in those grey PT outfits, hanging around the blue break area for classes.

It really is easy as long as everyone works together, failure to do that leads to disaster in your section or platoon. share the section duties amongst ya except laundry. You will find that most people would lose stuff from the mix up

When made CPC or 2IC, just do the best you can. You only have 2 written exams to do, the rest of the POs are multiple choice.

As a former Instructor at CFLRS/The Mega (probably before you walked thru the Green Doors), I know BMQ courses do not have a CPC (Cadet Platoon Commander), they have a Course Senior.  Hmmm.  You seem to have alot of first hand knowledge of IAP/BOTP for a NCM who never did either course.  :-*

To the OP, if you saw them towards the end of last month/ early this month, then it would have been the ones perhaps on their way to Wainwright for Ex Maple Guardian 0901 which is wrapping up this week.

I have been taking part in this ex and am glad to be going home.

I bet I can find out rank/name/initials by noon Monday thru my CELE Maj (he works in Ottawa) friend if the notion strikes me.  Anyone want to put $50 on it??  Anyone?  As a former Armd Recce Snr NCO, this was almost as fun as a RAPZ trace!  I've been bypassing your BS for a week or so, but today I decided maybe it was time to pickett and develop the contact.  Man I miss the army sometimes!!  :warstory:  That was almost fun! 

Sorry, but I was bored on a rainy afternoon while my wife is out and about, and well you made yourself a pretty easy target to be honest, as soon as you said you were a NCM.  You did know about your posting history being on your profile, did you not?  One thing is for sure. 

You're a liar either way. 

rather than come on here and be high and mighty  ::)

Yes, yes I believe we've seen you "not coming on here and being high and mighty"...

ruckmarch said:
You are right about not being my mate, what was I thinking? I don't use the term bro anyway or buddy, so you don't have to worry about that.

Yes...don't reply to my posts, not going to lose sleep over that.


ruckmarch said:
Exactly my point.....thank you. Hachetman, wake up and smell the coffee would ya mate? I bet if that had been some kid of a different background, you won't have said the same thing?

I couldn't agree with you more with all you said above. Could you imagine if every called the cops just because they saw someone holding out of the window that looked like a weapon?

In case people didn't know this, it's not uncommon for cops to harrass kurds back in their homeland, and am sure these folks were traumatized by the whole experience. I am not sticking up for them here, just put yourself in their shoes for a second.

The guy has actually played with some big names in the past, one of them being STING. Cops at times need to chill a bit, not everyone that isn't white in an escalade, merc or beemer is a criminal, the cars in this case could have been rented, since they were here filming a video.

Oh well.....am sure Fantino and his people will sort this one out

You are the one that seems to follow my posts around, and you've been warned a couple of times lately.

Are you still talking? Am not interested in a chinwag with ya

The latest case in the news is a sad one.....

Why the hell does his ex GF's mum have one of his medals? Also his dad and mum have one each, and they can't find it in them to give one to the little girl?

Shame on all of those adults

ruckmarch said:
The twit at the center of it all, has been ordered back to Ottawa

ruckmarch said:
Mr Longpost.....I am a tax paying Canadian just like the next person, and am entitled to my opinions, even if they don't concur with yours!

My thread came off the back of stories in the news, it doesn't mean I believe all of what is written. If you want to live in a bubble and pretend all is well and honky dory, then good for you.

There have been talk radio shows over the past few days where people have phoned in and voiced their take on the whole issue. Just to show you that there are people out there that think otherwise, here i a link

Hey look!  Some more of those unimportant written communications skills.  :blotto:

ruckmarch said:
Funny how the mistakes always happen when the case in question involves someone from a visible minority eh?

ruckmarch said:
As an older person myself, I always find level 10 a good level to brag about.

ruckmarch said:
Or should that read.....the Govt is selective at whom they help at times of need.

This comes off the back of the lady stranded in Kenya, the way the consulate handled the matter and the length her lawyers had to go just to prove that it's her in the passport. It seems to be me that in light of some current cases involving " people that aren't WHITE ", there is always some kind of "we don't care" attitude from the Govt and a section of the society?????

Am sure we all remember the case of the lady in Mexico, who despite having some unexplained 76k in her account from shady deals her boss was into, was still helped with no doubt in getting back to Canada.

In the case of Omar Khadr, conflicting reports have it that he threw a bomb, another said he was just found in a corner crying. Which one to believe? We weren't there to make that judgement. Let's not forget that he is a born Canadian.

I have overheard some discussions in the mess amongst some morons, saying "he should go back to where he came from", only for me to say to them but he was born in Toronto  ::) I doubt they would have said the same had he been white?

There has to be a one treatment for all Canadians, no matter what they look like

ruckmarch said:
Don't know what message that would be sending out to young females that it's ok to beat each other up. Would you let your daughter, sister, girlfriend or wife take part in that kind of sport?

If your answer is Yes, THEN KUDOS TO YOU.

ruckmarch said:
Have you been following this thread, or you just like jumping in with both feet at the end of conversations? Go back a few posts and see the non-working link I was talking about, then come back and reitirate your comment

ruckmarch said:
Yes it could have been a lot worse. I was the first on the scene actually, and the person that got him out of the cockpit, dragged him away from the smoking and leaking plane, before the sar techs with a stretcher and fire fighters showed up.

I had to jump over the fence on RCAF road to do this

Well, to sum up, I would sure hate to see it if you DID try to come off as high and mighty. 

You feel pretty proud of yourself I bet? I was staff at the MEGA at one point Einstein, and yes I asked about CELE and Signals questions because It's something am considering, considering being the key word.

Jeez....Ever asked yourself why you haven't got full custody of your daughter? I guess we know now from your last post above, what woman in their right mind would want to be around you daily?

Don't bother replying.

Here is something for ya


ruckmarch said:
You feel pretty proud of yourself I bet? I was staff at the MEGA at one point Einstein, and yes I asked about CELE and Signals questions because It's something am considering, considering being the key word.

Jeez....Ever asked yourself why you haven't got full custody of your daughter? I guess we know now from your last post above, what woman in their right mind would want to be around you daily?

Don't bother replying.

Here is something for ya


Why don't you take your lies elsewhere and stop posting on army.ca?
Eye in the Sky clearly called you on your bullshit. You have zero credibility on this board. Trying to get a jab in about his daughter like that makes you a pussy and deserving of a punch in the face.
You're clearly being shady about your service which, as hard to imagine as it may be, we look down on here.
ruckmarch said:
You feel pretty proud of yourself I bet? I was staff at the MEGA at one point Einstein, and yes I asked about CELE and Signals questions because It's something am considering, considering being the key word.

Jeez....Ever asked yourself why you haven't got full custody of your daughter? I guess we know now from your last post above, what woman in their right mind would want to be around you daily?

Don't bother replying.

Here is something for ya


Well welcome to one of the most justified warnings ever doled out here. In fact, welcome to a higher level of warning than most get for their first offence. Want to redress it? I suggest you talk to Mike Bobbitt because you are getting nowhere but further up the ladder if you contact me after this horse shit.

Army.ca Staff
What is this guys problem, clearly he needs to be banned off this site. He's nothing but an ***hole and his stupid and disrespectful remarks need to stop. If it were up to me I'd say ban his ***
Greymatters said:
As a small sidetrack;

Does anyone have copies of CF payguides (by rank) dating back to 1985?

Did you get any of these yet?  I might be able to get these to you, as I am not doing much today at work.
No, haven't got any other response yet, and still interested in copies please...
What is this BS about 1400~ a month?

Taken off of the CFRC website


Recruits, Basic Training and Private: 31,488 yearly and 2,624 monthly
