Humphrey Bogart said:
I rent a one bedroom apartment in Victoria, it's small but meets our needs and is very modern. It also only costs me $1500 a month
Just because its part of the discussion, I'll chip in on this bit. I think you're dumping on home ownership a bit (although everyone's personal situation adds a unique context).
$1,500 a month is about what a $300,000k mortgage costs per month in payments. My logic has always been you can either pay someone else's mortgage, or you can pay your own. The $1,500 a month you are paying in rent is leaving your pocket, never to be seen again. If you had a mortgage, at least half of that (discounting the other half for interest) would be going to the equity in your home.
Yes, there is risk with postings, but these can be mitigated in certain ways, which includes paying attention to the market you are buying/selling in (it is, after all, an investment). As well, the CAF relocation program legal and realtor fees, which gives a CAF member a huge leg up on selling/buying property during a move.
I often compare this situation to a friend of mine in the US military. US service personnel get a very generous form of PLD, called BAH. The cost of living on base is equal to your BAH, so you either live on base and give Base Housing your BAH, or you live off base and use the BAH as you see fit (like PLD). In some places, BAH is $2,000 to $3,000 USD a month. My friend is retiring soon, and has lived on base his entire career. So he is leaving after 20+ years of service, with no equity - he and his spouse will be a first time homebuyers. When you think of what BAH x 12 x however many years in a career equals, it blows my mind that more folks don't opt to live off base down in the U.S. (although I understand there relocation benefits are not as good as ours).
Anyways, all that is to say, is that on top of your two things you advise people to do, I generally advise on purchasing a home, as over a career you will likely build enough equity that you can retire without a mortgage.
YMMV of course.