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Mom~Looking for a few answers - 1RNBR BMQ training

Sony33 said:

I'll see what I can find out for you then.

Although, the CF tries to make it a habit of changing things - especially when given a full year to do so.  ;)

What is current info now on course location/length may not be applicable come summer '09.
ArmyVern said:
I'll see what I can find out for you then.

Although, the CF tries to make it a habit of changing things - especially when given a full year to do so.  ;)

What is current info now on course location/length may not be applicable come summer '09.

Understood  ;)
If he is going 1RNBR and would expect to be loaded on a summer course.....this is total speculation but I would think he'd be doing his basic and DP1 in gagetown.  Again, like i said that is just speculation.  But gagetown becomes a haven for reserves over the summer, and with his unit based out of Freddy, seems like the logical place to go for them.
RCDtpr said:
If he is going 1RNBR and would expect to be loaded on a summer course.....this is total speculation but I would think he'd be doing his basic and DP1 in gagetown.  Again, like i said that is just speculation.  But gagetown becomes a haven for reserves over the summer, and with his unit based out of Freddy, seems like the logical place to go for them.

Did you have some trouble interpreting the parts of the thread that tried to keep it on track seeking facts and not speculation?
ArmyVern said:
I'll fire off an email tomorrow to enquire an answer/details direct from the source at 1 RNBR.


If you don't/can't get an answer from Bn, I can probably give you the name of the WO(s) that used to be in the G3 IT shop at 37 CBG HQ...or at the very least, the MWO and WO at 36 CBG HQ G3 who know the folks in those billets now at 37.
"Earn high school credits through a Reserve Co-op program.  You will take high school credit courses for half the day and military training the other half."

Does anyone know where I can find more info about this Reserve Co-op program?
I can tell you not every area offers a Co-op program - some are successful, some are not. The Brigade Recruiting Group could help with that - The BRG.  I am sure Vern will be back with the answers you are looking for - he's very good at this
AFAIK the only place I've heard of BMQ CO-OP is in Ontario. But I'm sure Vern will give you a more concrete answer.
If it is available in the area, co-op is a fantastic way to go. He will spend a half day doing (paid) army stuff, and the other half of the day doing his english and math courses. He'll come out of the semester with BMQ and SQ under his belt, and will hit the ground running for DP1 over the summer.

Also, a (reserve) summer BMQ and SQ course typically take a month each (maybe 3.5-4.5 weeks depending on weekends off, etc). It's very common for a young soldier, like your son, to go away for July and August, and come home with both courses completed. The issue, is that his DP1 Infantry course (to qualify him in his trade) will take an additional month. He will be stuck waiting until the following summer to get loaded on that course.

If it is available, by taking a fall/winter part time BMQ course, he would then free himself to do SQ/DP1 in the summer, and come home a full qualified private.
If it's not available, he will have to wait out for the entire year to get his qualification (some units will let SQ qualified soldiers train with the unit, others won't, I cannot comment on his specific one).

It's just something to keep in the back of your head, to fast track his progress.
Just found out that program is not East of Ontario. Too bad sounds like it could be a great opportunity.
NFLD Sapper said:
AFAIK the only place I've heard of BMQ CO-OP is in Ontario. But I'm sure Vern will give you a more concrete answer.

I know for sure it has been done in 36 CBG, can't confirm it still is, but it was.