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Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

I fall into the "MS& Above" category, and am not 100% thrilled by what I've heard about MOSART.

I'm a NET(A), and don't see a good reason for that to change...however, someone at a higher level than me has decided for us.

I think rather than re-structuring everything, they should be concentrating on the manpower shortage. 

The manning shortages are starting to get acute....my trade is at less than 25% TES for Leading Seamen on the East coast right now.

Restructuring things will simply prove a way to mask that problem, instead of fixing it.

Folks are starting to get pissed about the sailing that we're doing to make up for the shortages.


I'm not really up on your side of the picture shooter (or should I say gnomey).  If the time line for CSE is anything like MSE it wont effect you.  Not to say that the problem isn't now and shouldn't be fixed.  Manning is a much more pressing issue and I think MOSART will have a negative effect on manning.  Not many of the new generation of stoker really really like there trade.  As an MarEl I think I'm sitting with one of the best.  I don't want to see the good fortune I had lost in the years to come.  I also don't want to see my career progression slowed to play catch up on training I don't have.


  Hey there guys...................as someone who is getting into the navy soon as a NET, what is this MOSART and MSE talk all about, if you don't mind explaining it for me?
  Cheers all
Steve :cdn:
MOSART is basically the CF's way of identifying all the jobs that a trade performs and then streamlining the training. For us techs, that means that equipment may be shuffled around etc. As it stands now, it is a study and if accepted may take up to 10 years to implement.

Well Im considering becoming a trucker, There is somewhat of a lack of info on the trade though just alot of generic sorta stuff. Im just wondering if someone in the trade could give me the No BS Ins and outs of the trade. I have heard that it gets quite boring, does it or is more of an individual preferance type thing? what would a typical day be like?

How much flexiblity do you have on the vehicles you operate? I mean like do you just drive whatever is needed at the time or do you stick with a certain vehicle or vehicle type say the MLVW for instance?

How much field time does one get in an average year? alot or mostly just on base sorta stuff? Also how much opurtunity for Deployments are there? I know that every tour needs support but I mean do many MSE Ops want to go over or is it if you want to go then your going sorta thing? Oh and Whats the viablity of people from this trade getting on courses not related to driving in particular like say Advanced Winter warfare for examble.

Also are there any MSE Ops serving in CFS Alert?

I have more questions but i'll stop for now and let someone answer these for me first.

thanks in advance.
ChopperHead said:
Well Im considering becoming a trucker, There is somewhat of a lack of info on the trade though just alot of generic sorta stuff. Im just wondering if someone in the trade could give me the No BS Ins and outs of the trade. I have heard that it gets quite boring, does it or is more of an individual preferance type thing? what would a typical day be like?

How much flexiblity do you have on the vehicles you operate? I mean like do you just drive whatever is needed at the time or do you stick with a certain vehicle or vehicle type say the MLVW for instance?

How much field time does one get in an average year? alot or mostly just on base sorta stuff? Also how much opurtunity for Deployments are there? I know that every tour needs support but I mean do many MSE Ops want to go over or is it if you want to go then your going sorta thing? Oh and Whats the viablity of people from this trade getting on courses not related to driving in particular like say Advanced Winter warfare for examble.

Also are there any MSE Ops serving in CFS Alert?

I have more questions but i'll stop for now and let someone answer these for me first.

thanks in advance.

Wow this is a handful...

The trade has it's things... depending on where you get posted... Base TN I find is bleak.... but a field unit is always fun. Also you get more chances on going on those type of courses if you are with a field unit. So a field unit can be 1 SVC BN(Reg) to 33 SVC BN (PRes)

As for vehicles you drive... at the base you rotate threw the sections... ie SPV for a year or whatever... then you might go to Buses... then to tractor... that is at base TN... correct me if I am wrong anyone. I really hav'nt gotten into the part of the field.

Now as a field unit, you can drive all the SMP's.. MLVW...HLVW... zoom boom... PLS system... stuff like that. I find it fun as a young guy. And in the field you still get to run around with your bang stick... good old fun.

As for deployments...I am speaking for a PRes MSE Op...and we are always needed... so if that is what you want...then give er... I had buddies over in Asia... east and west asia... Haiti...Germany.. Yugo area... Goldan Heights (sp?)...all over the place..

And I hav'nt myself seen a MSE Op in Alert... but I am sure there is... we also do snow removal on all the bases.... I know...I was about to be sent to YellowKnife to do that for 3 years... but it did'nt go threw.... meh..

I hope I answer some of your questions on the issue..

And welcome to MSE Op..
i researched MSE in the regs and res.

i was told if i go MSE, be prepared to go to a service batallion as said above ^. (lots of time away from home) i was also told it is possable to get a job at a Canadian embassy and just as well as heavy equipment op in 'Cool' places like CFS Alert. when i was looking at MSE i was also looking at Clerk and Cook.

now I'm definitely going ACS Tec in the AF.

Ive never waited for a phone call so long in my life...
Thanks fot the replys guys.

Im looking at reg force by the way.

couple more questions.

Do you guys do anything else besidies driving and the corresponding paperwork?

Do you ever get an opputunity to say drive cross country or anything long distance like that?

Are the licenses and qualifications you get tranfereable to civi world?

Do you do more like office, paper work type stuff then actuall driving?

once again I got more questions and will post more once i think of them.

thanks again

ChopperHead said:
Thanks fot the replys guys.

Im looking at reg force by the way.

couple more questions.

Do you guys do anything else besidies driving and the corresponding paperwork?

MLOC, surport postions at schools, snow plowing, engineer work (chimo) with run ways

Do you ever get an opputunity to say drive cross country or anything long distance like that?

Yes, if you are with the tractor tralier section. I believe they run from Altantic Canada to Ont...then to Man. then to BC... each or every other day... they make sure the supplies are running around without the use of Day and Ross or some other shipping company.

[/quote]Are the licenses and qualifications you get tranfereable to civi world?
Your Air Brakes and Danger Goods course is good... but you need to write the civie version of the test afterwards to get on it on civie street.

Do you do more like office, paper work type stuff then actuall driving?

Paper work is more for the Setion Commander and Dispatcher...
once again I got more questions and will post more once i think of them.

thanks again
No probelm... happy to help.... give me more.... lol..
Here I was on the CFSAL site..and was looking at the courses for MSE Op...

I am going to post the courses here to edcate anyone intrested.


Air Brake Systems Instructor Course

Air Brake Systems

Dangerous Goods Recertification

Vehicle Driver Training

Qualification Level 3

Qualification Level 5A
          PO 001 – Participate as a Section Commander in MSE Field Operations
          PO 002 – Perform Administrative Functions (including FMS)

Qualification Level 6A
          PO 001 – Coordinate the Transportation of Dangerous Goods on DND Vehicles
          PO 002 – Supervise Fleet Operations
          PO 003 – Conduct Fleet Administration Utilizing Fleet Management System (FMS)
          PO 004 – Assist in the Preparation of a Transport Business Plan
          PO 005 – Manage Snow and Ice Control Operations (SNIC)
          PO 006 – Understand, Promote and Advise on the Functions of MSE Safety
          PO 007 – Conduct Field Operations
          PO 008 - Administer Civilian Personnel

Qualification Level 6B
          PO 001 - Participate in Field Transportation Operations at the Platoon/Company Level:
          EO 001.01 - Understand Administrative Transportation Operations in the Field;
          EO 001.02 - Perform Site Recce; and
          EO 001.03 - Understand Replenishment System; and
          PO 002 - Manage MSE Fleet Operations (Fleet Management System):
          EO 002.01 - Maintain and manage an MSE Establishment by using Fleet Management Systems (FMS);
          EO 002.02 - MSE Replacement Cycle temporary issue and National Stock;
          EO 002.03 - Manage MSE Resources; and
          EO 002.04 - Produce a Business Plan.

Evasive Anti-Terrorist Driver & Instructor Course

MSE OP QL3 Ph2 (Res)

Log Land Phase 2 Part 2

Safety Supervisor

Safety Coordinator

Unit Transportation Supervisor

All of this was taken from the CFSAL site, so nothing I put in myself....

CFSAL, not CFSEL. Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics.
Hahahaha...opps... thanks for the correction. I was'nt thinking.

Thanks again
yeah i just finshed the last of the old school QL5 last summer, they told us that, that was the last one to be run that way, as of Hides and DP's.
Is it still being run at CFSAL?

i heard a rumour (yeah i know.....) that its now being run out west?
if anyone could confirm id appreciate it.

also any one in 31 Bde who gets the course will be lucky as anything... we have 3 spots for the entire brigade at least from what ive seen. 1 for 21, 1 for 22, and 1 for 23....

meaning if im the one who gets to go, im buying a lottery ticket too!  8)

The MSE OP QL5A has not changed, as I have sent Cpl/Ptes on course to CFSAL, during the last year. Though personally I think that there are changes required, but those decisions will  be coming down from alot higher then myself. One of the new EO's I would  would like to see would be Convoy Ops. But that would mean having someone who knows this would have to be posted to Tn Trg Coy instead of a Instr there just Instructing it without the knowledge/experience/tours the Svc Bn are now using
Well im fresh with some more questions for ya  ;D

is there much growth happening in the trade?

Do many people stay in the trade for their career or at least a good chunk of it?

have you ever comepted in the CF Roadeo or CANADIAN FORCES PROFESSIONAL DRIVER CHAMPIONSHIP as it's offcially called now? what are the requirements to participate in this event? ( sry about the caps but I copy and pasted it so w/e)

how long does it take from the time you walk out of BMQ to your posted to a unit and qualified to start doing your job?

do you ever drive anything with some armour on it like say a beaver or........ something

also do you do offroading and stuff like on ATV's and G-wagons etc?

