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Milosevic found dead in his prison cell

I did,

I started to bang them off then I realised my post would end up being the roll call of the line up to hades, so I stopped at only three that came to mind....



The point I was trying to make was illustrated in my previous posts,follow the thread of conversation and regulator you will see I answered your"do you really want me to comment on this or are you gonna take royalcanadians advice" calling out.As for my defending Serbia,I think it is ludicrous to stand around condemning Slobo as the devil when alot of his "misdeeds" were copied by his counterparts and better spun to the media.I also added that  Kosovo was a crock of crap cooked up to cover indiscretions on domestic policy at home by the white house.What was happening in the Balkans at the time (Serbia's actions)would have IMHO been echoed by anyone in power in Serbia at the time.
The thread was titled;

Milosevic found dead in his prison cell


Now that Milosevic is dead, was he the only architect of destruction?

But thanks for your diligence and thoughtfullness in reminding us.

My post still stands, may he rot.


Evil demonic etc I read his biography.Amazing story that follows him up to 1999.
I know there are a lot of people here you know much about him but check out the book you'll be surprised. Its called Milosevic (creative eh) can remember the author but it's in the petawawa public library.
Prariedawg said:
I don't buy it Geo,not for a minute.
what is it you don't buy... that Slobo was the architect of the Yugoslav breakup?
he might have kept his personal fingers clean but his cronies certainly did his bidding.

Yugoslavia had it's problems, it might have dissintegrated on it's own after Tito's death but Slobo certainly gave everything a big helpful push.

Kat Stevens said:
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.... If Kharma really exists, he's smoking a big fat turd in Purgatory right now.... Rest In Torment, you prick!

If karma exists, that would mean he'd be reincarnated...
There's enough blame to go 'round in that poop hole to smear Milosevic, Babic, Abdic, Trujman, Karadzic, et all.

No need to play 'who's the bigger areshole', they're all bad enough to fit the term 'monster'.
In a related story, the UN announced today that humanitarian aid drops of vowells will begin almost immediately. "At last, we will get vowels!" local Bihac slivo producer Grge Wllce was quoted as saying. " When the vowells begin to arrive, I will finally be able to write my name as George Wallace" he added proudly.
Now we learn of the CIA's part in defeating Milosevic in 2000 election--start of a post:

US not done using CIA to Mess with Foreign Elections, Former Yugoslavia (Serbia) Section, 2000

(Note a 1963 Canadian angle at the end.)

Further to this post from 2013,

“CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup”

we now have the large scale US effort to topple President Slobodan Milošević in 2000–from an article by David Shimer (tweets here) at Foreign Affairs:

When the CIA Interferes in Foreign Elections
