Blue_Stratocaster said:
Ok its been said, but its a long post, for those fast forwarding to the end to see the sum of it all here it is.
At cflrs, st-jean, the mega:
there is a swim test. Passing it or not, is not going to cost you the course... Failing again will not cost me the couse. I hope to pass, but I doubt I will.
Try ... Failing the test is ok, failing to try is not...
Have the standards lowered that much that we are now passing personnel in Basic who fail a "mandatory" test of which the minimum acceptable standard was "Pass." When did this change?? The books still say "pass." I'm going to have to work on finding out the answer to this one today.
Word up to those of you who make it through without "passing" (I have serious problems with that little tidbit ... I'm a lifeguard) ...
In some Units, the test is given each year or every couple of years. What are you going to do then? What are you going to do when PT happens to be a session ... in the pool (and not the shallow end)?? Water polo can be fun for PT ...
Despite the advice given in the quoted post regarding "failure being OK," I'd strongly encourage each of you to make the most of your time in Basic where they will provide you with the tools to "earn" that pass that must show on your paperwork for successful completion of Basic. That's what you're there for.
One day being able to "pass" that test may save your life; it is a pre-req for a reason.
Once you're in the water just try to relax. Dropping off the tower has it's downpoints for some swimmers too because some of them are afraid of heights. Remember that you have a life jacket on and that you
will come back to the surface. Don't panic!! People FLOAT!!! People who panic, don't float as well. When doing the treading water portion, instead of looking straight ahead, try leaning your head back so that you can see the walls and the roof to take your mind off the fact that you are in the water. I've seen that calm enough 'non-swimmers' that they did fine and were able to successfully complete the portion. Don't worry about the lifeguard, do not concentrate on them and their nice 'Lifeguard' doesn't do well for ones mind; instead concentrate on trying to remain calm and looking upwards. You will be more successful. The lifeguard will be watching you, they
will come in to get you if there's a problem of that you can be assured. Slow, deep breaths people ... instead of quick short ones; it keeps more air in your lungs and you float much better.