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Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter DEagle
  • Start date Start date
hey there, I know there is a thread that is all about the swim test and have read through it but did not find an answer to my question.  Basically , one of the swim requirements for the test is "You must also somersault into the water without a life jacket, tread water for 2 minutes and then swim 20 metres."  Now the swimming part I am fine with but the one thing I am concerned about , which is kind of embarrassing, but I can't do a somersault one bit.  No matter how many times I try I just can't do them, used to when I was young but not anymore.  So basically my question is, does it really matter if you do a complete somersault or one at all to get into the water or do they not really care as long as you can do the swimming part?

Thanks, Erik
You somersault off the swim blocks. The fitness staff will give you thorough instructions how to complete it. You will stick your head between your legs and roll off the platform. Don't worry and you can attempt it numberous times.  :)

Storteboom said:
hey there, I know there is a thread that is all about the swim test and have read through it but did not find an answer to my question.

Nothing would have prevented you from asking in that thread, though.
drbones said:
You somersault off the swim blocks. The fitness staff will give you thorough instructions how to complete it. You will stick your head between your legs and roll off the platform. Don't worry and you can attempt it numberous times.  :)

Ok, thanks.  I have watched a video on youtube about the swim test and it sounds and looks a lot easier then doing one on the ground.  I guess really what I should do is go to my local pool and practice both doing that and my swimming since I haven't really swam in a while.
Practicing at your local pool will definitely help, but seriously do not worry about the swim test. You will be occupied with more important things at basic. Best of luck and enjoy the course. I sure did :camo:
drbones said:
Best of luck and enjoy the course. I sure did :camo:

Thanks!  I still have a couple years to wait as I am still in high school but I am already working on getting in shape and working out as I want to be as prepared as possible so I figured why not start now. :salute:
I haven't swam since I was caught in an undertow when I was 20 (and drunk....lesson learned).
My husband took me to the Y and basically held my hand for the first 2 minutes, but the time we left I did two five minutes of treading water, 4 slow lengths of the pool with different strokes and a summersault. I didn't realize until this thread that I had to summersault INTO the pool. I may have issues with that.
Unless you take a cramp of fatigue in the pool I THINK most people should be able to make it through the test.
That's from life experience NOT military.
Your friend Julia ;D
DEagle said:
Well this is kinda emberesing...i am in good shape and i wana join recruits but i dont know how to swim...actually my biggest fear is water...last year i jumped of bridge with my friends but i had life jacket on....i just wana know whut distance am i suposed to swim and is it really necessary for me to know how to swim really good?
Hi I want to know a little bit more about the swim test in basic training. is there a specific way I have to swim? and for treading it's only two minutes right?
Hello, uiop.

You could have found the thread into which I just merged yours in less time than it took to type out your question.

Please develop the habit of looking for answers already given instead of re-asking things.

You'll learn a lot more that way, too.
Cpl.JoshPerson said:
Don't you think we should be a little more mature around here than that?
Could have told him not to be lazy and search the site. 30 seconds on Google would have saved him all those words, and you a post defending his laziness.
Cpl.JoshPerson said:
Don't you think we should be a little more mature around here than that?

Loachman said:
If you are in the application phase, why is "Cpl" part of your username?

Justify your misleading inclusion of a rank in your username, or change it.
Loachman said:
Justify your misleading inclusion of a rank in your username, or change it.
Ahh nows the part where I get to call you lazy for not googling it.
Cpl.JoshPerson said:
Ahh nows the part where I get to call you lazy for not googling it.

Welcome to the WARNING SYSTEM

You fail to realize that us MODS have access to ALL of your posts, including your deleted posts, as well as all your information.  As of January of this year, you have still not been accepted into the Canadian Armed Forces, nor have you provided any proof of your "Rank" being attained in any Cadet Movement, any Commonwealth nation, or any other instance.  So Brenden, it would behoove you to provide an explanation and proof to back up your claim to such an entitlement as using a military rank. 
Its a nickname based of the character "Ray" from generation kill.
Cpl.JoshPerson said:
Ahh nows the part where I get to call you lazy for not googling it.

Some advice for you, laddybuck:

Should you be accepted into the CF, speak to your Course DS in exactly the same manner. This will provide your coursemates with untold amounts of mirth, which they will greatly appreciate.

And stories do sometimes come back to us, as the CF is a fairly small community, so we, too, may enjoy those that may be told about you.

I asked you about your user name previously, as per my quotation, and you ignored me. You could have simply explained then. The common assumption, and reason why I'd not bother to do any research into it, would be that it is Cadet rank, as Cadets have done that here before - and have changed their profile when prompted to do so.

Inclusion of a rank that you have not earned in your user name will not go over well here - has not gone over well here - and the same is true regarding the attitude that you have displayed thus far.
My cousin is in the Navy and he told me that you don't necessarily have to know how to swim, but you need to be able to jump in. He said one of the guys in his platoon had never been in water before and he told the supervisors beforehand. So he jumped in the water, sank to the bottom, and they jumped in to help him out.

Essentially they want to know if you can get into an uncomfortable situation and maintain your cool.

I personally can't swim but am going to go to the local pool soon to at least familiarize myself with the water so when the time comes for me to be jumping in that water in gear, I won't be flailing around and screaming like an idiot.
Hi, I was wondering what the policy is on swimming requirements in BMQ. Will swimming lessons be taught to recruits who don't know how to swim or am I expected to be able to swim before I arrive? If I understand correctly, the requirement is to swim 20 metres as well as tread water for 2 minutes, correct? Am I required to swim/tread water with a perfect form (e.g. proper breaststrokes) or can I still pass if I swim "improperly"? If I fail the swimming section of BMQ, will I be given a second chance at swimming or will I be kicked out of BMQ?

