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Military Support for Breast Cancer Research


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
BEFORE anyone goes balistic, Mike Bobbit has approved the creation and supports this thread.
My Colonel is aware and the PAFO is too.

The Toronto Scottish Regiment has 5 Soldiers that are participating in a 60k / 2 day ruck march
in Toronto on Sept 9-11 weekend.  It is the 60k walk for breast cancer, but what self respecting
soldier would just walk.

To participate, each soldier must raise $2000.  (ouch) Now, I have basically acheived my goal of $2000.
However, this is a team event, and many of the soldiers involved do not have the access to resources that
I had.

Everyone has been affected by cancer somehow.  Now is time to do something about it.

WHY?  you ask.  Because you do two things buy donating money.
1) you support breast cancer
2) you make the military look good - because it allows 5 soldiers to go out into public, meet people and represent
Canada in a postive light, that is, giving back and serving the local community.

Donation is quick, dirty and simple.  Click on the link and use your credit card to donate to which ever soldier you want.

THEN, I would hope you post back here that you have donated (if you feel comfortable) as a sign of pride and to convince
others that people ARE doing it and they should too.  (some would say thats a guilt trip, I say... whatever works......)

Finally.. Breast...... cancer is a good cause.  So please donate

2 ic MCpl Swan

MCpl Williams

Cpl Cuffy

Myself (I have enough donations... please give to the others!!!!!!!)
This link is just for info....

Our team link is


Our fifth is being changed at the moment, so I'm not posting that link.

Pick a solider that appeals to you.  Donate.  You get a tax receipt online in a few days.

Every little bit helps.  If you can only give 5 or 10 dollars, thats fine.  With 6000 members of army.ca
all donating a small amount, imagine what we could do!  On that note, not all 6000 members will donate, so
charity beings with us.



DUKE was the first Army.ca member to donate. (last week.. before I even posted!)

(lets hope he's not the LAST Army.ca member to donate!!!!)
Well done, Trinity!

Here's an idea:  Challenge other GTA units to submit teams that can either match or beat the pledges collected by the Toronto Scottish Regiment.
Hi, I'm one of the members of this team who'll be completing the walk in September.  Just to respond to the previous....that's a good idea to challenge other units however, if they haven't registered already, then it's unfortunately too late as registration is now closed.  But we can make this a challenge for everyone viewing this site.....lets raise as much as we possibly can to help end breast cancer & keep the Canadian military in a positive light for the general public!!
I just wanted to say that the process of donating to this absolutely worthwhile cause is painless! All you have to do is have a credit card ready, and click on one of the links provided. Donations are tax deductible and I received my receipt (electronically - a .pdf file) in about 4 working days via e-mail.

Best of luck to Trinity and his 'Angels'! 'Carry On!'


Excellent stuff Trinity, glad to see you guys out raising money for a worthy cause. You have my moral (and a token bit of financial) support!

swanita said:
Hi, I'm one of the members of this team who'll be completing the walk in September.  Just to respond to the previous....that's a good idea to challenge other units however, if they haven't registered already, then it's unfortunately too late as registration is now closed.  But we can make this a challenge for everyone viewing this site.....lets raise as much as we possibly can to help end breast cancer & keep the Canadian military in a positive light for the general public!!

OH NO....

how did you FIND ME....

Yes...  this is the OTHER team captain.... 

As the officer, i'm stuck with the paperwork and responsiblity if it fails
As a MCpl, she gets to beat the troops and take all the responsiblity and praise if it works....

Why did I ever comission!!!!

Ok. so we have two donations. Lets keep them rolling in.
General Question:
Is there any way one can donate via Personal Cheque or PayPal?
Hi, to answer the personal cheque question:

  Yes you can, click on one of our links & you'll see a link by each pic saying "to print a donation form click here" (or something to that effect). There's more information on the donation form of where to mail it etc, however i would like to encourage people to donate online as much as possible as it more efficient & less costly. Mailed in donation forms take approximately 6 weeks to process, so if you can borrow someone's credit card that'll be the best.  But if you can donate, we'll take it either way!!  ;D

As for the paypal thing, i don't think it applies here....

Thanks for the enquiries & please, let's keep the donations coming  :cdn:

archer said:
General Question:
Is there any way one can donate via Personal Cheque or PayPal?

She is correct...


I can take paypal....   and from there what I can do is donate the money
on your behalf using my VISA....  so you get the credit AND the tax receipt.

I'll PM you the info...

I received your donation via Paypal and have sent it in.

You should receive an email from the Breast Cancer people in a few days.
Thank you for your gift.
Recognition goes out to

Mike B.

For donations.. PLEASE...

FORCE ME TO ADD TO THIS LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just put my donation in, not too much, but all I can manage as a student! I definitely felt the need to give my support! I lost my father to cancer just about 5 years ago, lung cancer, but still cancer. Good luck to you all, and I am very proud to do my part!
Card_11 said:

I just put my donation in, not too much, but all I can manage as a student! I definitely felt the need to give my support! I lost my father to cancer just about 5 years ago, lung cancer, but still cancer. Good luck to you all, and I am very proud to do my part!

Thank you...

I am truly sorry to hear about your father.

Not to blow smoke out of anyones... um.. i can't say the next word in that sentance...

But Card is truly a hero.. same with the other guys.  You don't need to do massive and fantasic things.
A hero to me is someone who helps because they know its right.  I have the easy role in this.  I just have to
walk 60km...  Its you guys that give what little you can spare in trying times that truly impress me.

NOW.. I was thinking, and although I haven't consulted my 2 i/c... who will kick me in the testicles for saying this.

If the Army.ca people donate $1000.00  I will make up T-shirts for the walk that has the Army.ca flag and logo on
the side of one of the arms  (the front has to have our Regt. on it)

If you get $2000.00 I'll put the names of everyone who donates on the back.

Think it this is impossible??  I don't!

6000 active users

if 100 users give $10 = $1000  = Army.ca on shirts....

Now, we've had 6 users and easily over 120 from those 6 donation alone..  so if you
can't give more than 5, just give 5.  Others will give 15 and 20.  Be apart of something
great.  This is when small things can become great.  And we can all participate.

I challenge Army.ca to raise $1000.00

(For $3000.00 I'll marry Mike!)

Trinity said:
(For $3000.00 I'll marry Mike!)

If i had any money left on my mastercard i would donate the 3G myself just to have a good laugh

Cheers padre
Military Support for Breast Cancer Research.

But, do we support Prostate cancer research?

More CF members will die of that than breast cancer. 

TCBF said:
Military Support for Breast Cancer Research.

But, do we support Prostate cancer research?

More CF members will die of that than breast cancer. 


Good point Tom...  The CF should support that too....

The problem is no man will walk 60km for a prostate.... Breasts on the other hand....  ;D

Ok.. Serious answer now....
I know of one group doing a golf tournament for prostate and testicular cancer in Toronto, but
its not as well known or wide spread (and they're civilian)

In reality, this is 5 troops from the Toronto Scottish Regt. supporting breast cancer not the CF.

The CF only has 2 official charities.. one being the MP blind fund.. the other i can't remember.
So, the CF isn't sponsoring this as much as 5 soldiers from Toronto have taken on a task to raise
money for breast cancer. 

(This is my knowledge from what I read in the CFAO's.  I may not be 100% correct. Please do not SPAM this
thread up with what is and what isn't .. yadda yadda...  If people wish to talk about charity and the CF, please
start another thread.. I want to keep this CLEAN for donations, questions and recognition)

(edit:  Incidently... Army.ca is officially at $125 for donations....  $875 to go)  Blessings to all
Wow! Good on you guys for walking! Cancer is a near and dear thing to my heart, a lot of my family members have died from various forms of it and a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I made a donation today under the name of C. Stalinski. Hope y'all get the fund you need so that you can participate.

Thanks again.

Thanks Cat...  That was INCREDIBLE...  I get the feeling if people keep that up.....
that Mike and I might be having to set a wedding date.

(i really hope Mike is already married.....)

Really  Thanks again

Blessings...  to you and your friend


(edit... the Army.ca total is $375 towards the $1000 challenge)