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Military spouse... women in uniform - curiousity

Just a thought.  It might not be the uniform as much as the shared experiences?

I am just a civie, but I am an amateur competitive shooter, and boy is a former small arms coach.  He is always, shall we say, especially affectionate after we have spent the afternoon at the range together.  He finds something *attractive* about knowing he can shoot all afternoon with me then gets to *socialize* later.

I don't understand it; but I don't complain, either!  ;)
I really don't see why this entire discussion is about whether females can look good in uniform or not. Maybe the original question that was asked is somewhat more simply answered. People in the CF who decide to cheat on / break it off with their spouse for another person will commonly do so with someone they know from work, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD.

You meet someone at work, you get a crush on them, you do naughty things. Why someone at work? Because they're bloody there and you know them. It's generally easier to sleep with someone when you don't have to introduce yourself first. There's no reason to overthink it.
gcclarke said:
You meet someone at work, you get a crush on them, you do naughty things. Why someone at work? Because they're bloody there and you know them. It's generally easier to sleep with someone when you don't have to introduce yourself first.

You speaking from personal experience?  ;D
gcclarke said:
I really don't see why this entire discussion is about whether females can look good in uniform or not. Maybe the original question that was asked is somewhat more simply answered. People in the CF who decide to cheat on / break it off with their spouse for another person will commonly do so with someone they know from work, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD.

You meet someone at work, you get a crush on them, you do naughty things. Why someone at work? Because they're bloody there and you know them. It's generally easier to sleep with someone when you don't have to introduce yourself first. There's no reason to overthink it.

And the saying "don't crap where you eat" goes out of the window then?
gcclarke said:
I really don't see why this entire discussion is about whether females can look good in uniform or not. Maybe the original question that was asked is somewhat more simply answered. People in the CF who decide to cheat on / break it off with their spouse for another person will commonly do so with someone they know from work, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD.

I like how you said, "who decide".  You're right, it is a choice.  One can choose to be faithful or not. 

Logically, the problems, stress, complications, repercussions and risks which go with not being loyal and faithful should out rank the temptation to cheat.  While morals and values play a part, so does self discipline, self denial, self restraint, self respect and respect for those in ones life. :2c:


With regards to the original question;  I'm guessing it depends largely on the preferences of each man.  Some men like a girl in uniform, other men like to see their girl all girlied-up being very feminine and wearing pretty this or that, some men like etc... .

the_girlfriend said:
I think that army combats flatter the man figure more... women's curve are only hidden by the uniform while men may look more "viril" in uniform. (hoping this word means the same in english)

I think this depends on the girl; not all girls are created equal, some girls are more curvy than others, some girls are very curvy, some are built more straight up and down like a boy, some only have a little bit of a curve, some are built like bricks etc... etc... etc... .

For me, uniforms tend to not work with my figure.  I have an hour glass figure and uniforms of any kind are generally not made to fit my curves, which means not only do uniforms tend not to be flattering for me (by comparison), but they are usually not comfortable either and getting them to fit me properly is very difficult.  With that said, it depends on what one is use to; I tend to wear fitted tops which shape to my curves, that is what I find comfortable, but as you already pointed out, uniforms are generally not made to shape to a woman's curves.

I do agree that, military uniforms are more flattering and attractive on a man; it usually makes a man look; strong, masculine, resolute and strapping. :2c: 


This is an interesting thread.  I hadn't thought about the flip side before; men liking woman in uniform or not.  This is a subject which, often times, revolves more around what a woman likes (a man in uniform or not).
Anyone know that Sig girl that has a diamond tattooed on her neck? Pretty sure she is with CF JSR and possibly french...

EVERYONE thinks she looks good in uniform...  :o
Jingo said:
You speaking from personal experience?  ;D


ruckmarch said:
And the saying "don't crap where you eat" goes out of the window then?

It's happened before, it'll happen again. Personally I don't advise starting a relationship with someone at work, extramarital or otherwise, but I managed to find me a nice loving civilian girlfriend. Had I been unable to do so, I might very well be singing another tune (At least regarding the non-extramarital ones).

popnfresh said:
Anyone know that Sig girl that has a diamond tattooed on her neck? Pretty sure she is with CF JSR and possibly french...

EVERYONE thinks she looks good in uniform...  :o

I guess the reason that I think this whole discussion about women looking good in uniform is silly is because it frankly doesn't matter. It's moreso how they'll look when the uniform comes off that guys are interested in, and that can usually be extrapolated to a reasonable degree of accuracy.
Well, this certainly can't be a discussion about the current DEUs for females.

I've never seen a uniform sooooo unflattering in my life. Guy cut tunics. Maternity pants (yes boys, pleats in the front and an adjustable elastic waistband) ... Every chick I know looks (and feels) like a fat pear while wearing these. Pockets on the chest!! WTF!!??

Way to come up with a uniform that adds approx 20 lbs to every chicks lower half --- it can create quite the wrongful picture of someone's fitness --- especially the bottom half of the bod.

So glad that I still have, fit into, and wear my original DEUs. Uniforms that actually let us look like females - what a concept!!  ;D
gcclarke said:
It's moreso how they'll look when the uniform comes off that guys are interested in, and that can usually be extrapolated to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Well put (clap) (clap) (clap)  ;D
Men and women are going to have extramarital affairs whether they are in uniform or out or...pun intended. The girl/guy next door...the boss's wife...your secretary.. who knows  ???
Isolation, distance and time from your own spouse make another person more attractive. Hormones and testosterone (alcohol can is a factor because it lowers the inhibitions and you sometimes don't give a
---) kick in  More times than not, it's just be the right time, place and opportunity.

One of the females at work is pregnant and wears the CADPAT mata uniform; personally I think a women is more attractive when she's pregnant for some reason...glowing...showing that she can do the ONE thing men can't...knowing that she has sex and is attractive to start off...dunno :blotto:

Oh, and Vern? If your avatar is a vote for the new DEU./..I\m in    ;D

Geesh, that gods that this is radio chatter!!!  ;D

Regards BYTD
popnfresh said:
Anyone know that Sig girl that has a diamond tattooed on her neck? Pretty sure she is with CF JSR and possibly french...

EVERYONE thinks she looks good in uniform...  :o
I think I've seen her...can't say where ???
and she was not wearing a uniform during that "trip"...attractive, nice to talk to, and not a b*^%$ like some pretty girls tend to be! Then again, I'm sure the girls will say there are good looking hunks out there who are just plain a$$hats and not worth talking to.    ;D