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Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

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Not if you consider he probably has to do Basic first and won't be showing up at CFMPA for quite some time... 

Also, are you sure he has he been told he will be doing OJT/Ride-alongs starting 2 Apr or is 2 Apr his enrollment date?  Normally someone is enrolled and placed on leave without pay a few weeks prior to reporting for Basic.
When I was put on PRETC to wait for my MP QL3 I was told that nobody can leave on any taskings or OJT for at least 2 weeks to make sure that all your paperwork has caught up to you, such as pay and such.  And I was also told that you wont be placed on OJT unless there in more than 30 days before your course starts.  And Actually I believe the course is slated to start the 16th of April.  There is also talks of a course starting in August some time as well.

Please feel free to correct me if I have been misinformed.
MP 00161 said:
Not if you consider he probably has to do Basic first and won't be showing up at CFMPA for quite some time... 

Also, are you sure he has he been told he will be doing OJT/Ride-alongs starting 2 Apr or is 2 Apr his enrollment date?  Normally someone is enrolled and placed on leave without pay a few weeks prior to reporting for Basic.

The person I was referring to is doing a CT, he is INF 6B qualified.  He reports to Borden 2 Apr for OJT.  'Normally' doesn't have the same meaning it did a year or more ago.  If you've spent any time reading the recruiting pages on this site, you'll see it is not uncommon for people to be receiving 2-3 weeks notice to report. Either the signing of Reg force contracts or flights to St Jean happen mere days before reporting dates.


Since you were trying to be helpful by passing on info about your friend being accepted, his report date and that he was going on OJT immediately, it would have been beneficial to anyone reading this thread who attended that MPAC to know you were talking about someone doing a CT with recruit bypass.  If I had to guess what was going on (wrongly obviously), I would think someone with no military background would have as well and that could have led them to have unreasonable hopes and expectations.  Thanks for clarifying.

As for time from swearing in until report date, while I don't dispute that some do get a short notice call as people refuse offers or drop out of the stream for whatever reason and the CF tries to maintain optimum course load, this thread shows the CF is still in the business of trying to provide as much notice as possible.  Seems at least some folks are going to be on LWOP for over a month.

In any case, congrats to your friend for making it.
MP 00161 said:

Since you were trying to be helpful by passing on info about your friend being accepted, his report date and that he was going on OJT immediately, it would have been beneficial to anyone reading this thread who attended that MPAC to know you were talking about someone doing a CT with recruit bypass.  If I had to guess what was going on (wrongly obviously), I would think someone with no military background would have as well and that could have led them to have unreasonable hopes and expectations.  Thanks for clarifying.

As for time from swearing in until report date, while I don't dispute that some do get a short notice call as people refuse offers or drop out of the stream for whatever reason and the CF tries to maintain optimum course load, this thread shows the CF is still in the business of trying to provide as much notice as possible.  Seems at least some folks are going to be on LWOP for over a month.

In any case, congrats to your friend for making it.

Well said.

Apologize if I created any confusion amongst current applicants, will be more specific in the future right off the bat.

Good luck to all those applying for this and other trades.  With all the information available to us, all of the past stories and current situations, still fair to say, expect the unexpected.

Graduated from BMQ in Wainwright on Thursday!! It was a really great course (well it had its up's and down's)  :) So worth it!
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know when the next MPOAC is being held?  I know the MPAC is in September so it should be coming up soon...

Looks like the last week of this month, and into the first week of next. (-ish... I don't have exact dates)

Thank you for your reply!  My flights are being booked as we speak. I can't wait!
Unfortunately for me I have missed the September 2007 MPAC as our wounderfull recruiting personal dropped the ball.  I released from the CF purposely to take the police foundations course to qualify as an MP. Does anyone know when the next MPAC is suspected to be.

Contrary to  comments on this form I would rather be a MP then civi pollice regardless of pay or time off. Obviously as it cost me a great deal to release and spend money on education as most civi police forces do not require a police foundations prerequisite.
Why on earth did you not apply for MP via OT?!
BPSO said I didn't meet the prerequisite and I was on pat platoon for almost 2years and still waiting for 3s not very entertaining for the mind not to mention I was in a trade that I didn't really want to be in as I was a paramedic prior to enrolment. It happens people get sucked into the recruiting BS "just take this trade to get in and then re-muster"OT now" When you got a goal and get railroaded it sucks but you get back on track no big deal . Just waiting  now for the next MPAC.
Understood and now it makes sense.  Sorry you had a bad experience to start, keep with it and don't give up.
Thanks garb , I appreciate it. If ya hear anything about the next MPAC coming up would you mind spreading the word.
That would be nice, but being there was one in Sept i didn't figure there would be another one so soon. Thanks law & order keep me posted.
I will also be attending MPAC the 20th-22nd.  Looking forword to it, it's been a long time waiting for the call.