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Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

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Life experience....  you can have a very solid file, but without life experience you wont get as far as you had hoped. When I mean life experience, that doesn't mean... "I worked security" or "I went to college".  Life experiences are the incidents that have happened in your life that made you step up to the plate, and deal with occurances that the normal person would crumble under.
I was forced to live on my own since i was 19 and i'm 24 now. Been working since i got out of college with a police foundations diploma with a 3.0 avg. i guess it all depends on the accessor too... Anyone got specifics?
That's not really life experience, not to be rude or anything.  Get as much training as possible on the side through different agencies, and  volunteer for a place where you will have to deal with emergencies...eg. Victim Services..etc.  Go for ride alongs with your local police force too. 
That's interesting. Thanks for the pointers. but since my portfolio has been handed in will the new things i do, be taken into consideration?
Yes....  always update your application with new things....always!  :nod:  Call them and let them know...even if it is just a ride along.
Hello Manhtu, I don't know if this will help but I can tell you what I had in my file :

School related :

- Cegep Diploma in Natural Sciences
- Bachelor degree in History
- College Certificate in Japanese language
- Now studying in a Master program in Education

Work related :

- Two years of work in the Reserve (NCM artillery)
- Security Experience
- Worked in collaboration with the RCMP
- Lot of experience working with the population

Other important things :

- Can speak fluently in French and English
- Can « handle » myself in Japanese
- Had First Aid and CPR training courses (in the Reserve)
Magichrist, i really appreciate your reply. It definitely opened my eyes to what I need to do. To be fair i think i should post mine as well for you all to see.

School related :

- Police Foundations Diploma with a 3.0 avg.

Work related :

- Security Experience
- 5 Years of Customer Relations experience

Other important things :

- Extensive volunteering within my community
- Fluent in French, English and Vietnamese
- Over 10 years of martial-arts training
- 2010 Silver Medal in Full Contact Sparring at the World Kuoshu Tournament
- 2006-2007Gold medalist in point sparring and 1 silver in continous sparring at the Canadian Kuoshu Tournament
- Had First Aid and CPR-C training courses

It is clear as day on where i lack and need improvement. Now i have to go back to the drawing board and improve on my portfolio, Thanks Magichrist !
Manhtu, I must say that i'm surprise that they didn't take you with the file you have. You have your Police Foundations Diploma, you can speak three languages, you have done a lot of volunteering work and you seem to have a lot of work experience working for and with the population.

Nevertheless, it also depends on how your interview went. You're still pretty young (i'm 23 myself) and you seem to have a pretty good attitude so it should be easy for you to improve your portfolio. I really don't think you need to have a college degree to be considered for MPAC. If you want to have the perfect file, I would maybe suggest to work in the Reserve for the MP. It should be easy after that to show them that you easily have what it takes to go to MPAC. Also, like Reval said, you could also ask the community MP for a ride along.

I hope I helped you a little bit.

Excellent thread, glad I came across this on a google search.

Called this past Thursday and, not to my surprise given the timing of October's MPEC, that, according to my chicken scratch I wrote down while the CFB Recruiter, it's 'not open, if it opens up give us a call.' Also, somewhere in there he says the next MPEC or cattle call etc. would be in April. Anyone able to confirm this?

...in the meantime, advice on how I should go about keeping my name afloat on the merit list is appreciated fellas. Should we simply call every month or so, visit the local recruiter and say 'hey boss, remember me..'...suggestions?

It's also..almost therapeutic in conversing with people in similar situations striving for that same goal.


    I got an email on Friday evening stating that I must contact my file manager ASAP, and on Monday morning I did just that. It turns out I was on the spare list for this MPAC, and something came up which resulted in me being selected to go for OCT 23-26. I'm extremely excited and nervous that I now have the chance to go to the MPAC. I'm a Kingston, Ontario resident. Is there anyone else coming from here? If anyone got the call, throw me a pm and we can get to know each other a bit before we all meet in Borden.

Also, in response to Reactor:
    I was on the merit list for some time as well, and what I would do is simply call the recruiting centre every once in a while (3-4 weeks) and ask for an update on your file. As far as I know, once your name is on the merit list, it will stay there until you've had your chance to compete in the MPAC. I was so regular at contacting my recruiting centre every couple of weeks, the P.O. who answered the phone knew my voice when answering. My phone calls weren't needy, just inquisitive and short. Stopping in once in a while instead of phoning keeps your face fresh as well.
    I agree with your last comment btw. This board is extremely helpful, and being able to see that I'm not the only one frustrated with how long the process takes, and the other frustrations I have encountered, are not just my own.

Congrats to all those chosen for this MPAC, good luck to all!
For those who are still waiting - just be patient, it'll happen eventually!
Preciate the feedback MPwannabe, and best of luck on that MPEC.

"I was so regular at contacting my recruiting centre every couple of weeks, the P.O. who answered the phone knew my voice when answering. My phone calls weren't needy, just inquisitive and short. Stopping in once in a while instead of phoning keeps your face fresh as well."

Well played. Now, are you referring to your local recuiting center, or a HQ? Or does this even matter.
    You'll want to keep in contact with the Recruiting Center that handles your files specifically. Mine was Kingston, so I only contacted them. Even when your file is sent to Borden, (it will once you've completed all that needs to be done up to the MPAC) you will still continue to go to your original Recruiting Center for updates.
    Also, if you think you're being given the run-around a bit by whoever you're talking to that day, and you have some questions you want to ask but don't want it to perhaps go on your file that you're asking weird questions: Go on the Canadian Forces website and hop on the channel that lets you talk to a recruiter online. Ask whatever vague questions you have under a different alias. I've done that a couple times when I was curious about other trades, and I didn't want to ask the recruiter in person in case it was perceived that I was a wishy-washy individual. It pays to be careful!
To Re-ac-tor:

Thanks Buddy, hearing that from a stranger definetely makes me feel like i might just have a chance afterall. Although to get in the MPAC is extremely competitive, your score depends on the amounts of applicants. From what i understood is that they score everyone seperately and then avg it out.  They then take the best of the best from that batch of applicants and those who didn't make the cut stays on until the next batch of applicants are done, scored, and the process starts again. Hope that makes some sense.

Compared with the majority of Canada my education is only perhaps above average if not just average. I definetely should look into taking extra courses that would help my portfolio get stronger.
Like I said before, don't give up on a MPAC because there's always a good chance that you end up getting on one at the last minute (MPwannabe is a good exemple here).

On another note, one week left before the 20-22 MPAC. Anyone know how many candidates will be on each MPAC (it seems 20-30 is the usual).
Read on another forum that the 23-26 is 40 people...  but I dont know about the 20 to 22nd.  I'd like to know since thats the date I am going.
I heard roughly 20 for the 20-22nd, but that was an offhand guess by someone at my recruiting centre.
That would be why there is an extra day for the 23rd class.... makes sense. :army:
    So I'm going to the MPAC on the 23rd and I wondering if I should bring along additional documentation? I've been waiting a year for the call, and things have changed. During the MPAC I'm sure they will ask me questions on what I've been up to lately, and I'm not sure if I should be bringing extra references and current job material to show that I'm an excellent employee. I think I may be just acting paranoid because I'm slightly nervous about it, but to those people who know the answer, can you fill me in?
Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone else had the same experience as I did in regards to the MPAC coming up: Got a call a couple weeks ago from my recruiting officer saying I was accepted for MPAC and then two days later another call came from the same recruiter saying that due to a discrepancy in the numbers that I was no longer on the list to go. Anyone else hear of this happening?
..putting this in here as a reminder to myself:

Get on the forces chat room between 10-4. Inquire as to when the NEXT MPEC is. Doubt I'll get a straight on answer though.

MPid: One of us in here, if you read the entire 5 page thread so far, applied less than 2 weeks before the scheduled MPEC and was accepted...is there's any reading between the lines in this? Probable.