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Military Command Software Center - MCS Personnel (Monitor MASS)

What is your experience on the use of MCS Personnel which is now used by close to 50,000 members

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AmmoTech90 said:
So that would be 18 FTEs.  And you haven't answered the question about how many FTEs the MM project takes up or how much it costs.

It took approximately 6 months to build the Reserve Employment Opportunity - REO module within MCS Personnel, this was not a project but a Chief Military Personnel CMP/DRSM/NDHQ PRL, DLPM initiative paid in full by the C Army and used across the CAF.  The web portion  was developed by  the army web masters in Kingston who did an excellent job and are now changing it to reflect the new web standard. This module has been running flawlessly since 2009 on auto pilot with the odd tweeking here and there. So I let you make your own appreciation and assessment on the saving or lack thereof for this particular module and if you are not happy with my answer you can always take it up with CMP and the Commander of the C Army. As far has how much the suite of MCS applications cost, this is none of your business, who do you think you are to question the decisions that our leaders takes. Our team is founded by the C Army with an SLA with the RCN and CFRG. I am sure they would be very happy to hear from you as to how they should run their Command.
The short version of the answer is we have one programmer working on MCS Personnel (Monitor MASS)and one on NOMAD which is the deployed version on Ships.
Help Desk said:
AmmoTech90 said:
So that would be 18 FTEs.  And you haven't answered the question about how many FTEs the MM project takes up or how much it costs.

It took approximately 6 months to build the Reserve Employment Opportunity - REO module within MCS Personnel, this was not a project but a Chief Military Personnel CMP/DRSM/NDHQ PRL, DLPM initiative paid in full by the C Army and used across the CAF.  The web portion  was developed by  the army web masters in Kingston who did an excellent job and are now changing it to reflect the new web standard. This module has been running flawlessly since 2009 on auto pilot with the odd tweeking here and there. So I let you make your own appreciation and assessment on the saving or lack thereof for this particular module and if you are not happy with my answer you can always take it up with CMP and the Commander of the C Army. As far has how much the suite of MCS applications cost, this is none of your business, who do you think you are to question the decisions that our leaders takes. Our team is founded by the C Army with an SLA with the RCN and CFRG. I am sure they would be very happy to hear from you as to how they should run their Command.
The short version of the answer is we have one programmer working on MCS Personnel (Monitor MASS)and one on NOMAD which is the deployed version on Ships.

You weren't even able to respond to a question properly in such a simple forum.  You quoted someone and placed your own answer within those quotes    :rofl:

You are trying to promote the use of Monitor Mass and can't manage simple HTML??  Now I'm really worried......
"who do you think you are to question the decisions that our leaders take"

Omg that's priceless. Thank you. You've made my night
DAA said:
You weren't even able to respond to a question properly in such a simple forum.  You quoted someone and placed your own answer within those quotes    :rofl:

You are trying to promote the use of Monitor Mass and can't manage simple HTML??  Now I'm really worried......

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. It may be an issue with the quote function as it did the same thing to me and to you. :nod: ;)

And I assume the mods deleted mine. I'll admit it was a little over the line.

(Digging out micrometer to measure how much)
Help Desk said:
As far has how much the suite of MCS applications cost, this is none of your business, who do you think you are to question the decisions that our leaders takes.

If I can look up exactly how much a project costs for boots on the Capability Investment Database, I sure as hell should be able to look up what a piece of software cost to develop.

Look, this place could have been a goldmine of user info for you on MonitorMass, and how to improve the whole suite. Instead, you came in here dead-set on your program being the end-all and be-all piece of software, spouting propaganda and leaving biased poll questions. You'll note on this forum there's a lot of people who ask questions about decisions made by higher. You'll also note that the moderators take a fairly firm hand on them if the questions broach into the realm of insubordination.

Maybe you need to take a step back, stop protecting your pet project, and approach this place as an excellent source of user feedback for you to make your software better. Otherwise, you're going to turn even more people away from using MM.
Some are starting to make this personal.  Engage the subject matter, not the person.

The staff.
MM, the bane of my day... a system that doesn't talk to the other systems and only polls once a week or so....and activities created in MM eventually disappear after some time instead archiving.....
Help Desk,

The reason you have 50000 users in MM is because chains of command across Canada decided that all they people shall have a MM account.  The reality is probably more around 10% of those 50K actually use it.  I know I don't and most people at my unit don't, even if we all have an account.

As far as PY goes, we have a couple of guys administering MM at different levels on our Wing. 

Bottom-up solutions work at the local levels but because of the time and effort required to standardize and adapt such a solution at the National level, they rarely work...
I also can't help but wonder how many of those 50k have retired/released and their accounts still exist. 

Bottom line seems to be that most people who have commented seem to think the application isn't worth the time or effort to use and that there are other applications that do the job better, with less confusion and more efficiently.  What would make it better or is it an idea whose time hasn't come yet?
The problem with Monitor MASS is the same with all the other systems the military uses.  It was planned in isolation with interoperability of systems being a complete after thought.  The systems themselves are also TOO COMPLICATED for the average user to ever utilize them to their full potential. 

At Google they have a saying, "Focus on the user and all else will follow".  This is something the CAF would be wise to learn.

Help Desk, I believe Monitor MASS has the potential to be a good system; however, the User Interface (UI) needs a major overhaul as it's aesthetically unpleasing and difficult to navigate if you aren't computer savvy.  A computer program that amounts to what is essentially a database should not be so complicated that it requires a course to teach a person how to use it.  Ditto for Sharepoint, HRMS, ACIMS and every other piece of software the military uses.

Improve the UI and you will go a long way to quieting some of the detractors.

NFLD Sapper said:
MM, the bane of my day... a system that doesn't talk to the other systems and only polls once a week or so....and activities created in MM eventually disappear after some time instead archiving.....

You are correct on one fact, we get a download from PeopleSoft only once a week but this is about to change and we will get a daily update in the near future.
We get a daily update from FMS for driver's qualifications and AF Authorization for the RCAF.
Nominations entered in CFTPO are displayed real time in the member's calendar, Unit Agenda, Parade state, activity screen, MPRR, MPRR Progression, MPRR Timeline, UER and PDR.
In the Activity management module we archive the activities after 2 months, to see activities before that all one needs to do is change the activity calendar date and refresh the screen, we have activities going back to 10 years ago.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify this for you.
I think the one thing I do like in MM is the new MPRR; it's much easier to read as it uses sentence case and generally a little nicer layout.  However, the PERMON team is using only EMAA output at my unit, so even that is wasted.

Maybe it would be nice if someone could tweak the EMAA output to not be a blinding POS THAT WON'T STOP YELLING AT ME! ;)

(In an unrelated tangent, I thought messages were going to sentence format in 2012?!?  May be just me, but I can never get used to the all caps writing; I find it jarring and a bit hard to follow where I am reading).

There is a lot of good info there but the interface is hard to navigate properly, and there is a lot of element specific items I just don't care about.

I guess it's nice if I want to double check someone's leave or something similar, but sometimes, that sort of function is 'sound powered', particularly as MM won't be up to date.  The only real reason for me to use MM is to submit a leave pass as our CoC requires it, and even then that needs to get printed, signed, then manually entered into HRMS, so it's a bit of a waste of time.  Also, it's down often enough that the old hand filled in CF98s are not uncommon.
Schindler's Lift said:
I also can't help but wonder how many of those 50k have retired/released and their accounts still exist. 

Bottom line seems to be that most people who have commented seem to think the application isn't worth the time or effort to use and that there are other applications that do the job better, with less confusion and more efficiently.  What would make it better or is it an idea whose time hasn't come yet?

MM accounts are position based and setup with appropriate privileges for the member occupying that position, when someone is posted the account is automatically locked until the replacement take over at which time the  account is reanable by the MM Unit OPI
Accounts which are inactive for 9 months are automatically deleted.
Help Desk said:
You are correct on one fact, we get a download from PeopleSoft only once a week but this is about to change and we will get a daily update in the near future.
We get a daily update from FMS for driver's qualifications and AF Authorization for the RCAF.
Nominations entered in CFTPO are displayed real time in the member's calendar, Unit Agenda, Parade state, activity screen, MPRR, MPRR Progression, MPRR Timeline, UER and PDR.
In the Activity management module we archive the activities after 2 months, to see activities before that all one needs to do is change the activity calendar date and refresh the screen, we have activities going back to 10 years ago.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify this for you.

This is the kind of stuff we're looking for. I personally love the FMS feature, saves me phone calls to Tpt all the time to check quals.
Help Desk said:
You are correct on one fact, we get a download from PeopleSoft only once a week but this is about to change and we will get a daily update in the near future.
We get a daily update from FMS for driver's qualifications and AF Authorization for the RCAF.
Nominations entered in CFTPO are displayed real time in the member's calendar, Unit Agenda, Parade state, activity screen, MPRR, MPRR Progression, MPRR Timeline, UER and PDR.
In the Activity management module we archive the activities after 2 months, to see activities before that all one needs to do is change the activity calendar date and refresh the screen, we have activities going back to 10 years ago.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify this for you.

So you raised this question with what I hope was an open mind but I'm still thinking you're not hearing what the masses are saying to you and you continually respond back with the "why MM is a good thing" and what it does for you.      :facepalm:

You "get a download from PeopleSoft once a week".  That means that the information in your system, is only reliable/valid for maybe 24-48 hours at best out of 7 days.

You get "daily" updates from FMS for driver quals.  That's why we have a Tpt Rep who has FMS access/privileges, which is required if you want to book a vehicle these days.

Do we really need to see "real time" CFTPO activity?  I nominate someone, deals done.  Why would I need to see it anymore?  To make me feel guilty?

Unit Agenda, Parade state, activity screen, MPRR, MPRR Progression, MPRR Timeline, UER and PDR.  No idea what any of these things are, I wouldn't even want to try and find this stuff as it's of little or no relevance to me.  Activity Management????  Your kidding right???

Just what would one be nomination in CFTPO for anyways? Just wondering.... is it for augmentee positions or for crse vacancies?
turretmonster said:
Just what would one be nomination in CFTPO for anyways? Just wondering.... is it for augmentee positions or for crse vacancies?

CFTPO - Canadian Forces Taskings, Plans and Operations... can be used for course nominations in addition to MITE, but CFTPO is most often used for equipment/vehicles, taskings (i.e. augmentee), and major exercises...
Navy_Pete said:
I think the one thing I do like in MM is the new MPRR; it's much easier to read as it uses sentence case and generally a little nicer layout.  However, the PERMON team is using only EMAA output at my unit, so even that is wasted.

Maybe it would be nice if someone could tweak the EMAA output to not be a blinding POS THAT WON'T STOP YELLING AT ME! ;)

(In an unrelated tangent, I thought messages were going to sentence format in 2012?!?  May be just me, but I can never get used to the all caps writing; I find it jarring and a bit hard to follow where I am reading).

There is a lot of good info there but the interface is hard to navigate properly, and there is a lot of element specific items I just don't care about.

I guess it's nice if I want to double check someone's leave or something similar, but sometimes, that sort of function is 'sound powered', particularly as MM won't be up to date.  The only real reason for me to use MM is to submit a leave pass as our CoC requires it, and even then that needs to get printed, signed, then manually entered into HRMS, so it's a bit of a waste of time.  Also, it's down often enough that the old hand filled in CF98s are not uncommon.

One of the main reason that your CoC wants you to generate your Leave Passes and activity outside your day to day work is because it automatically update the Parade State , Unit agenda and it detect any conflicts when your Ops and training cell adds you to an activity in activity management or nominates you against a CFTPO tasking.
When the CoC is looking for someone with specific skills and qualifications for a specific tasking they use the Best Sourcing option in CFTPO and it help them filter out pers that have enter their leave in the Leave planner or have enter their activities, information entered once and used in many situations, it's a win win solution

No one should be nominating anyone to anything outside of MITE for crse admin. Ever. Duplication of effort.
turretmonster said:
No one should be nominating anyone one to anything outside of MITE for crse admin. Ever. Duplication of effort.

5 Div uses both for certain LHQ/ decentralized courses I guess mainly for pers admin....