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Migraines (merged)

Well basically there was a misunderstanding because back when I did my medical and was given forms for my doctor to fill out about my flat feet and one of the questions was if I ever had pain in my feet and my answer was, when I would go for long run's my feet would start to hurt a little bit. After those forms got sent away I realized that my feet would only start to hurt after running for a while because of the shoes I was wearing. They were really old shoes like at least 3 maybe 4 years old and worn down like you wouldn't believe and half a size to big, but they were the only running shoes I had. After a while of arguing with my mom to split on some new shoes with me, I went out and got a pair and after running in these new pair for about a month maybe two now, I can honestly say my feet have not hurt since. What I can't figure out is a way to prove that, so that's why I'm asking here but if know one is able to give me an answer or just isn't sure, then I'll just have to ask my doctor tomorrow what he suggests. I was just hoping someone could give me a suggestion on what could help me prove that.
Go to a place like this  ::)
I should have mentioned that a referral from your family M.D. will be required.
Hello there,

I am new to the forum.

I had a question about headaches vs migraines. I had a medical done and it mostly didn't go well. I had put down on the form that I suffered from headaches/migraines ... and was given a form to have filled out by my Dr. Upon completion of the form by my Dr. i have read on this forum that they exclude those that suffer from migraines. Now, the only side effect that I get from migraines is that I am a little sensitive to light ... I take two Advil and the headache or migraine goes away. I have not had one like that for a while now .. I suffer maybe 3 a year at the most and they are controlled by two Advil. My Dr. put on this form that I suffer from Migraines and that I only have light sensitivity .. take 2 Advil and the migraine goes away ... is this going to discount me from joining? Should I got back to the Dr. before I had this page in and see if she can change the word migraine to headache? I as never officially diagnosed with Migraines ....

Any help would be appreciated ... I really want to get into the CF as a reservist .... Please help.
CSickness said:
Hello there,

I am new to the forum.

I had a question about headaches vs migraines. I had a medical done and it mostly didn't go well. I had put down on the form that I suffered from headaches/migraines ... and was given a form to have filled out by my Dr. Upon completion of the form by my Dr. i have read on this forum that they exclude those that suffer from migraines. Now, the only side effect that I get from migraines is that I am a little sensitive to light ... I take two Advil and the headache or migraine goes away. I have not had one like that for a while now .. I suffer maybe 3 a year at the most and they are controlled by two Advil. My Dr. put on this form that I suffer from Migraines and that I only have light sensitivity .. take 2 Advil and the migraine goes away ... is this going to discount me from joining? Should I got back to the Dr. before I had this page in and see if she can change the word migraine to headache? I as never officially diagnosed with Migraines ....

Any help would be appreciated ... I really want to get into the CF as a reservist .... Please help.

Go ask the Recruiting Centre
That is the exact same answer given here:

PMedMoe said:
Read the whole thread and remember only the medical staff at the CFRC (and further) can answer your questions.

Asking the same question several times, because you don't like the answer, will get you BANNED.

My son passed his interview, aptitude,etc. and had his medical; he disclosed one incident with a migraine with aura, his doctor confirmed that it was a one time thing...will this prevent him from acceptance?
There are other threads on this issue, but I'll throw in my 2 cents of reasonably recent experience.

I have a history of migraines with aura, although mine are not the most typical kind. He'll probably be sent to get his doctor to fill out a form about it. I was initially found medically unfit for the CF at all (~2009), but I sent additional information and they looked at it and then revised the decision (~2010). I'm in now and haven't had any problems with it thus far. It is possible that it could affect what trades he's able to qualify for.

However, keep in mind that no one can give any kind of guarantee either way other than the medical people who review his file and actually make the decision. All I can really tell you is that it's not necessarily a show-stopper, but there may be more hoops to jump through and nothing is certain until it happens. Just let him follow the process and do as he's instructed, being as complete and honest as possible.

Good luck to both of you!
I was required to take a form to my Physician to fill out, a headache questionnaire, which was sent to Ottawa with my medical assessment forms, as well as an optical exam form.

I wasn't told that my very infrequent migraines were going to cause any problems with my application, or getting recruited, it was just a formality to make sure it wasn't something deemed more serious by my Physician. (Or so I was told).

I haven't heard back and have been scheduled to proceed with physical fitness evaluation as I am applying to the Reserves, but time will tell if there's any complications barring the paperwork being sent in.
Thank you both for your feedback. I guess it is simply a waiting game.
I joined in 2002 with headaches.  I had to get a note from my Dr but I also signed a paper showing this was a pre-existing condition.  The dr said this to me, which I still remember.

What if you are in a situation overseas and you run out of your meds.  How would this effect others in the platoon. 

It's a waiting game, who knows what they'll say.  But I did get in with no problems.  Maybe your son could think about how he would respond to those questions just in case.

Good luck
This is the thing that's scaring me the most. I used to get somewhat debilitating migraines when I was in my early teens (I'm now mid 20s), for the past while I've averaged about one minor-annoyance migraine per year (none for the past two-ish years). I'm geussing that this will be enough to put me at the bottom of the list compared to a lot of other guys but I understand why. Geuss you can't win 'em all.

This is just my opinion, but if you don't get them anymore, and if you haven't been officially diagnosed, then there's no need to bring it up.
I have actually been officially diagnosed, when I was younger. So it's in my record.

I'm not taking any risks lying.
Got it.

On the bright side, I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a kid. When I brought it up, she just brushed it off since it was when I was younger.

If you go in there saying that yes you had them as a kid, yes you were diagnosed but now as an adult you don't have them anymore, they might just brush it off and not worry about it.

Some might think this is bullshit, but if you don't sound worried about it, and you sound confident, they might not be too worried.
I would not worry. There are many days that the Forces are what gives me a migraine.  :)
I am 21 years old, when I was younger I used to get migraines, now I almost never get them, about 2 years ago I asked my doctor if there was something I could take for when I do get them and he prescribed rezitriptan, took it for the next migraine I had a few months later, and then never used it again. About a year ago I passed out from severe dehydration, smacked my head on the marble counter top, witch caused me to kind of twitch when I was passed out. The Doctor doesn't believe it was a real seizure and just an affect of hitting my head. Will this limit my chances of making it into the military?
ffxivfr3ak said:
I am 21 years old, when I was younger I used to get migraines, now I almost never get them, about 2 years ago I asked my doctor if there was something I could take for when I do get them and he prescribed rezitriptan, took it for the next migraine I had a few months later, and then never used it again. About a year ago I passed out from severe dehydration, smacked my head on the marble counter top, witch caused me to kind of twitch when I was passed out. The Doctor doesn't believe it was a real seizure and just an affect of hitting my head. Will this limit my chances of making it into the military?

The only thing that will limit your chances of making it into the Military, is not applying.  Medical issues, regardless of what you or anyone thinks, can only be answered once you have been examined by CF Recruiting Medical Staff and after those results have been sent for appropriate assessment by competent medical authorities.
Hi, I had a question if anyone had a clue, I applied for reserves and  I said I have migraines 2-3 times a year and they started in grade 9 (currently in grade 11). They are not caused by anything but are fixed with some rest, is that enough for them to consider me medically unfit?
Haiderrahmani said:
Hi, I had a question if anyone had a clue, I applied for reserves and  I said I have migraines 2-3 times a year and they started in grade 9 (currently in grade 11). They are not caused by anything but are fixed with some rest, is that enough for them to consider me medically unfit?

I have no clue, other than what I posted above that you might have missed.  So here it is again......

DAA said:
Medical issues, regardless of what you or anyone thinks, can only be answered once you have been examined by CF Recruiting Medical Staff and after those results have been sent for appropriate assessment by competent medical authorities.
Hi everyone! I know this question is often asked on the forum, but I just need your opinion! I did my medical test yesterday and I told them that I do migraines with aura once per year and it only occurs when I smell strong perfume odours. Do you think that I could be considered unfit only because I can't smell perfume?